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Model Thinking的几个模型杂记

2016-03-08 15:01 337 查看


module thinking


Segregation / Peer Effects



* Equilibrium

* Cycle

* Random

* Complex

Schelling’s Segregation Model



* x = 40, 最终整体统计在 79.5%

* x = 52, 最终整体统计在 93.8%

* x = 80, 最终软件模拟无解,人们一直在搬家

Observed macrobehavior does not automatically imply biased micromotives!

Index of Dissimilarity:

\frac{\sum \left ( N_{i}R_{i} \right )}{2}



如下图中,蓝色是纯富人区,每个block住10人,绿色为混住,每个block 5穷5富,黄色都是穷人,每个block住10人,分别计算每个block的Ri,就行了。(计算方式见下面)

ID’= ½ { 6(1/45) + 6(1/9) + 12(1/15)} =

½{72/45} = ½ {1.60} = 0.8 for normalized metric

Ri = distortion metric i, |b/B – y/Y|

b=# blue in block, B=# blue total (150)

y=#yellow in block, Y=#yellow total (90)

Ni = number of blocks with Ri value

Peer Effect


Model: N individuals, Each with a Threshold

(Tj for person j), Rule: join if Tj others join

The Standing Ovation Model


Builds off of Granovettor’s Model: people may optimize when they have time to think about it, but also may just follow simple rules when they don’t – as in a standing ovation.

Assumptions: (a) Peer Effect, (b) Information – assume other’s competence


* Threshold to Stand (T),

* Quality of show (Q),

* Signal (S = Q + E) where E = error (noise)

* Initial Rule: If S > T => Stand

* Subsequent Rule: Stand if > X% stand


引入一个game of life的游戏,简单的规则和行为,最后生成的结果(环境)却是复杂的。

正太分布下的标准方差 = N*P(1-P)的平方根

\pm1 \delta = 68%, \pm2 \delta = 95%, \pm3 \delta = 99.75%.



Each Person is RATIONAL but the Collective is IRRATIONAL. The consequence is that in social policy, voting, and group decisions their is opportunity to have strategic preferences to bias the ‘collective preferences’

Decision Models


Multi-Criterion Decision Making:每项设置比重,看谁占得多。

Spatial Choice Models:在一个范围内的选择,看和谁观点近了,比如党派之争等


信息价值计算:Value of Information Calculation Steps:

(1) Calculate value without the information

(2) Calculate value with the information(change tree, solve as if you knew the answer)

(3) Calculate the difference




Race to the Bottom: Pick a number in [0,100]. The closest to 2/3 of the mean wins. What happens?


Behavioral Model: Observe people are not rational.

Prospect Theory: (舍不得吃亏理论)People are risk averse over gains and risk loving over losses

Hyperbolic Discounting: (双鸟在林不如一鸟在手)Discount the same short period of time difference in the near future more than the same short period of time difference in the far future

Status Quo Bias: (懒人) Donate organs: UK uses ‘check box to donate’ with 10% marking the box. Europe countries using ‘Not contribute organs’ have only 10% marking the box. Implies strong status quo bias.

Base Rate Bias: (定锚)Ask year box made then ask what price. The first number influences the estimate of the second number.

Rational Model: Objective function (mathematical) to maximize. People OPTIMIZE the Objective function

Rule Based Model: e.g., Schelling, simple rule that is close to what people actually do.

Fix Decision

Fix Strategy: Divide evenly or Tit for Tat Moore Machine

Tit for Tat - change state if opponent switches

Grim Trigger – if defect go to mean and stay there

Decision vs Game:

* Decision: Objective depends only on own action

* Game: Objective depends on actions of others

Categorical and Linear Models

学过Machine Learning的话,这里没太多花头,就是谨记,数据有限,眼界有限,有时会误入局部最优陷阱 (local maximum trap)


R-squared: % variation explained(分类靠谱指数)

1 - (合体后的delta - 各个分类delta之和)/ 合体后的delta

* R-squared near 1  model explains a lot,就是靠谱的意思

* R-squared near 0  model explains little,就是乱来的意思

* Data quality impacts a good model’s R-squared


Linear Model: Best linear fit to a data set. Offset from line is a measure of variation.



* R-Squared – how much of the data is explained,

* Observations – how many data points,

* Standard Error – How much variation in the data to begin with

* Linear Model – Intercept (sign and magnitude, SE and probability of sign error)

* Linear Model – Coefficients of independent variables (sign and magnitude, SE & probability of sign error)
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