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2016-03-04 19:46 465 查看
* Create an <svg> element and draw a pie chart into it.
* 创建一个<svg>元素,并在其中绘制一个饼状图
* Arguments:
* 参数:
*   data: an array of numbers to chart, one for each wedge of the pie.
*   data:用于绘制数据的类型数组,数组的每一项都表示饼状图的一个部分
*   width,height: the size of the SVG graphic, in pixels
*   width,height:图形的长宽
*   cx, cy, r: the center and radius of the pie
*   cx, cy, r: 圆心和半径
*   colors: an array of HTML color strings, one for each wedge
*   colors: 包含颜色的数组,每种颜色代表了每个部分的颜色
*   labels: an array of labels to appear in the legend, one for each wedge
*   labels: 一个标签数组,每个部分的信息说明
*   lx, ly: the upper-left corner of the chart legend
* Returns:
*   lx,ly: 饼状图的左上角
*    An <svg> element that holds the pie chart.
*    一个保存<svg>的元素
*    The caller must insert the returned element into the document.
*     调用者必须将返回的元素插入到文档中
function pieChart(data, width, height, cx, cy, r, colors, labels, lx, ly) {
// This is the XML namespace for svg elements
var svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";    // Create the <svg> element, and specify pixel size and user coordinates
var chart = document.createElementNS(svgns, "svg:svg");
chart.setAttribute("width", width);
chart.setAttribute("height", height);
chart.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height);

// Add up the data values so we know how big the pie is
var total = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) total += data[i];

// Now figure out how big each slice of pie is. Angles in radians.
var angles = []
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) angles[i] = data[i]/total*Math.PI*2;

// Loop through each slice of pie.
startangle = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// This is where the wedge ends
var endangle = startangle + angles[i];

// Compute the two points where our wedge intersects the circle
// These formulas are chosen so that an angle of 0 is at 12 o'clock
// and positive angles increase clockwise.
var x1 = cx + r * Math.sin(startangle);
var y1 = cy - r * Math.cos(startangle);
var x2 = cx + r * Math.sin(endangle);
var y2 = cy - r * Math.cos(endangle);

// This is a flag for angles larger than than a half circle
// It is required by the SVG arc drawing component
var big = 0;
if (endangle - startangle > Math.PI) big = 1;

// We describe a wedge with an <svg:path> element
// Notice that we create this with createElementNS()
var path = document.createElementNS(svgns, "path");

// This string holds the path details
var d = "M " + cx + "," + cy +  // Start at circle center
" L " + x1 + "," + y1 +     // Draw line to (x1,y1)
" A " + r + "," + r +       // Draw an arc of radius r
" 0 " + big + " 1 " +       // Arc details...
x2 + "," + y2 +             // Arc goes to to (x2,y2)
" Z";                       // Close path back to (cx,cy)

// Now set attributes on the <svg:path> element
path.setAttribute("d", d);              // Set this path
path.setAttribute("fill", colors[i]);   // Set wedge color
path.setAttribute("stroke", "black");   // Outline wedge in black
path.setAttribute("stroke-width", "2"); // 2 units thick
chart.appendChild(path);                // Add wedge to chart

// The next wedge begins where this one ends
startangle = endangle;

// Now draw a little matching square for the key
var icon = document.createElementNS(svgns, "rect");
icon.setAttribute("x", lx);             // Position the square
icon.setAttribute("y", ly + 30*i);
icon.setAttribute("width", 20);         // Size the square
icon.setAttribute("height", 20);
icon.setAttribute("fill", colors[i]);   // Same fill color as wedge
icon.setAttribute("stroke", "black");   // Same outline, too.
icon.setAttribute("stroke-width", "2");
chart.appendChild(icon);                // Add to the chart

// And add a label to the right of the rectangle
var label = document.createElementNS(svgns, "text");
label.setAttribute("x", lx + 30);       // Position the text
label.setAttribute("y", ly + 30*i + 18);
// Text style attributes could also be set via CSS
label.setAttribute("font-family", "sans-serif");
label.setAttribute("font-size", "16");
// Add a DOM text node to the <svg:text> element
chart.appendChild(label);               // Add text to the chart

return chart;

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