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“2016 Esri全球开发者峰会”魅力总览

2016-03-04 19:02 253 查看

Esri Video website对公众免费开放,如此厚礼,国内的GIS开发者们千万不要错过!



Real-Time GIS: GeoEvent Extension
Real-Time GIS: Best Practices
Real-Time GIS: Leveraging Stream Services

JS API:从长长的列表就可以看得出JS的地位,不愧是现在当红的开发语言,内容涵盖web端开发、移动端开发、开发框架、可视化实现等等丰富内容。

ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Building Web Editing Applications
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Building Mobile Web Apps
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Discover 4.0 the Next Generation
ArcGIS Online and Portal: Developing Custom JavaScript Applications
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Using it with EmberJS
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Data Visualization
Security and ArcGIS Web Development
Optimizing Your JavaScript App for Performance
ArcGIS API for JavaScript and AngularJS: What’s New, What’s Next
Using Frameworks with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Advanced Geolocation for Mobile Web Mapping Apps
A Deep Dive on How the Geometry Engine Can Help You


Overview of the ArcGIS Runtime Quartz API
Getting Started with ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Xamarin
QML and JavaScript for Native App Development
Building Native Apps that Target Multiple Platforms
Building Ios and Mac Apps with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET: Tips and Tricks
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android: Hit the Ground Running
Extending the Survey123 for ArcGIS Mobile App
Implementing Offline Editing Workflows with the Runtime SDKs

Server:ArcGIS平台基石,关键时刻怎么能少得了它?ArcGIS for Server的扩展和安全,永不衰老的主题。

Extending ArcGIS for Server
ArcGIS for Server: Web GIS Security


Python Map Automation: Beyond the Basics of arcpy.mapping and Migration
Python Working with Feature Data
Harnessing the Power of Python in ArcGIS using the Conda Distribution
Python:Effective Batch Geocoding
Integrating Open Source Statistical Packages with ArcGIS


Developing with ArcGIS Open Data
Using Census Data for Smarter Apps


Insight into the New Utility Network
Administeringyour Enterprise Geodatabase using Python
Administeringyour Enterprise Geodatabase using SQL
Big Data and ArcGIS: Getting Started with GeoAnalytics for Feature and Tabular Data
SpatiotemporalBig Data Store

Desktop:等了很久吧,ArcGIS Pro的扩展,来了。

ArcGISPro SDK for .NET: Programming Patterns
ArcGISPro SDK for .NET: Integration with ArcGIS Online
ArcGISPro SDK for .NET: UI Design and MVVM
ArcGISPro SDK for .NET: Editing and GDB Integration

Builders:AppStudio和Web AppBuilder,一对互帮互助的好兄弟,用好他们,可以省很多很多事呢。

Developing Cross-Platform Native Apps with AppStudio for ArcGIS (The Basics)
Developing Cross-Platform Native Apps with AppStudio for ArcGIS (Advanced)
Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: Customizing and Extending
Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: Development Tools and Techniques


Building 3D Web Apps: A Step-by-Step Guide
Best Practices for 3D Scene Services
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Animation and Map Exploration


Vector Tiles in the ArcGIS Platform


Getting Started with the ArcGIS REST API and NodeJS
Getting Things Done in Portal with the REST API

至此,初步点评完毕,更多干货请继续关注带您领略“2016 Esri全球开发者峰会”系列。
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