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2016-03-02 12:20 651 查看
The /proc filesystem is used to store many system configuration parameters. It is a virtual filesystem that resides in the kernels memory. Some of the areas in this filesystem cannot be written to by the root user including /proc/sys. Much information here
is based on the proc man page. Fro more information refer to that page. Elements of the proc filesystem include:

Numerical subdirectories exist for every process. The following files or directories are contained in each processes directory:
cmdline - The command line the process was invoked with
cwd - A link to the current working directory of the process
environ - The process environment
exe - A pointer appearing as a symbolic link to the binary that was executed.
fd - A subdirectory with one entry per file that the process has open. 0-std input, 1-std output, 2-std err.
maps - Contains the currently mapped memory regions and their access permissions. The format is:
address                    perms offset    dev   idnode  filename
08048000-0804e000 r-xp 00000400 0302 192233 /sbin/init
0804e000-0804f000 rw-p 00005000 0302 192233 /sbin/init

Permission s=private, s=shared

mem - The memory of the process that accesses the /dev/mem device
root - Points to the root filesystem
stat - Status information about the process used by the ps(1) command. Fields are:
pid - Process id
comm - The executable filename
state - R (running), S(sleeping interruptable), D(sleeping), Z(zombie), or T(stopped on a signal).
ppid - Parent process ID
pgrp - Process group ID
session - The process session ID.
tty - The tty the process is using
tpgid - The process group ID of the owning process of the tty the current process is connected to.
flags - Process flags, currently with bugs
minflt - Minor faults the process has made
cminflt - Minor faults the process and its children have made.
utime - The number of jiffies (processor time) that this process has been scheduled in user mode
stime - in kernel mode
cutime - This process and its children in user mode
cstime - in kernel mode
counter - The maximum time of this processes next time slice.
priority - The priority of the nice(1) (process priority) value plus fifteen.
timeout - The time in jiffies of the process's next timeout.
itrealvalue - The time in jiffies before the next SIGALRM is sent to the process because of an internal timer.
starttime - Time the process started after system boot
vsize - Virtual memory size
rlim - Current limit in bytes of the rss of the process.
startcode - The address above which program text can run.
endcode - The address below which program text can run.
startstack - The address of the start of the stack
kstkesp - The current value of esp for the process as found in the kernel stack page.
kstkeip - The current 32 bit instruction pointer, EIP.
signal - The bitmap of pending signals
blocked - The bitmap of blocked signals
sigignore - The bitmap of ignored signals
sigcatch - The bitmap of catched signals
wchan - The channel in which the process is waiting. The "ps -l" command gives somewhat of a list.

apm - A file containing the string "1.9 1.2 0x07 0x01 0xff 0x80 -1% -1 ?" on my system.
bus - A directory
pci - A directory
00 - A directory containing filenames like 00.0, 07.0, 07.1, 07.2, 08.0, 09.0, and 0b.0. Each are 256 bytes long and appear to be in binary form.
devices - I think this file numerically identifies devices on the pci bus. My file contains:
0000	80867100	0	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000
0038	80867110	0	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000
0039	80867111	0	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	0000f001	00000000	00000000
003a	80867112	b	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00006401	00000000	00000000
003b	80867113	0	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000
0040	10b79055	a	00006801	e4000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000
0058	10b79055	b	00006c01	e4001000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000
0048	53338a01	9	e0000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000

cmdline - The command line at system startup. My file contains "auto BOOT_IMAGE=rhl ro root=302".
cpuinfo - CPU architecture information
devices - Text listing of major numbers and device groups
dma - A list of ISA direct memory access channels in use.
fb - On my system, this file is empty
filesystems - A text listing of the filesystems compiled into the kernel. The file on my system:
nodev	proc
nodev	autofs
nodev	devpts
nodev	ncpfs

fs - A directory
nfs - A directory
exports - A file containing information similar to that in the /etc/exports file. My listing:
# Version 1.0
# Path Client(Flags) # IPs
/tftpboot/lts/ltsroot	linux1(ro,no_root_squash,async,wdelay) #
/tftpboot/lts/ltsroot	linux3(ro,no_root_squash,async,wdelay) #
/tftpboot/lts/ltsroot	linux2(ro,no_root_squash,async,wdelay) #

time-diff-margin - A file containing a numerical string value. On my system it is "10".

ide - A directory containing information on ide devices.
drivers - A file describing the ide drivers on the system. My file:
ide-cdrom version 4.54
ide-disk version 1.08

hda - Symbolic link to ide0/hda
hdb - Symbolic link to ide0/hdb
hdd - Symbolic link to ide1/hdd
ide0 - A directory containing information on the device ide0.
channel - A file containing the channel number of the... device? My file contains the number 0.
config - A file. My file:
pci bus 00 device 39 vid 8086 did 7111 channel 0
86 80 11 71 05 00 80 02 01 80 01 01 00 40 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
01 f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
77 e3 30 c0 9b 00 00 00 03 00 22 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 0f 00 00 00 00 00 00

hda - A directory containing the following files
cache - The amount of cache capability in KB? On my system it is the number "256"
capacity - The capacity of the device. On my system it is 12500460 on a 6GB hard drive.
driver - the type of driver. On my system it is "ide-disk version 1.08".
geometry - The disk geometry of the device. On my system:
physical     13228/15/63
logical      778/255/63

identify - On my system:
0c5a 33ac 0000 000f 0000 0000 003f 0000
0000 0000 3541 4330 3336 3350 2020 2020
2020 2020 2020 2020 0000 0200 0000 332e
3034 2020 2020 5354 3336 3432 3241 2020
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 8010
0000 2f00 0000 0200 0200 0007 33ac 000f
003f bdec 00be 0010 bdec 00be 0000 0007
0003 0078 0078 00f0 0078 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
001e 0000 3069 4001 4000 3068 0001 4000
0407 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 85c4 00cb 85c4 00cb 2020 0002 0000
0001 0000 0001 0401 0001 0140 0201 0000
3c24 0001 4001 3cb4 0100 0100 0072 3001
0001 0128 0000 0000 1000 0105 00e9 0009
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

media - On my system it is "disk".
model - The manufacturers model. On my system it is "ST36422A".
settings - On my system:
name			value		min		max		mode
----			-----		---		---		----
bios_cyl                778             0               65535           rw
bios_head               255             0               255             rw
bios_sect               63              0               63              rw
breada_readahead        4               0               127             rw
bswap                   0               0               1               r
file_readahead          124             0               2097151         rw
io_32bit                0               0               3               rw
keepsettings            0               0               1               rw
max_kb_per_request      64              1               127             rw
multcount               0               0               8               rw
nice1                   1               0               1               rw
nowerr                  0               0               1               rw
pio_mode                write-only      0               255             w
slow                    0               0               1               rw
unmaskirq               0               0               1               rw
using_dma               1               0               1               rw

smart_thresholds - A table of numbers similar to the file identify.
smart_values - A table of numbers as in smart_thresholds

hdb - A directory containing the same files as hda, above.
mate - A file containing the string "ide1" on my system which I think is the companion disk device.
model - A file containing the string "pci" on my system.

ide1 - A directory similar to the directory ide0, above with information on the device ide1.

interrupts - The number of interrupts per IRQ.
ioports - A list of currently registered input-output port regions that are in use.
kcore - Represents the physical memory of the system stored in the core format.
kmsg - This file can be used to log system messages.
ksyms - Holds the kernel exported symbol definitions used by the modules(X) tools to dynamically link and bind loadable modules.
loadavg - Load average numbers
malloc - Present if CONFIGDEBUGMALLOC was defined during kernel compilation.
locks - The file on my system:
1: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 853 03:02:260062 0 2147483647 c228ba40 00000000 c228b5c0 00000000 00000000
2: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 766 03:02:324064 0 0 c228b5c0 c228ba40 c228b560 00000000 00000000
3: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 755 03:02:323503 0 0 c228b560 c228b5c0 c3ef6de0 00000000 00000000
4: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 735 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c3ef6de0 c228b560 c3ef6ba0 00000000 c3103f44
4: -> POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 734 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c3103f44 00000000 00000000 00000000 c2837f44
4: -> POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 733 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c2837f44 00000000 00000000 00000000 c2345f44
4: -> POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 737 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c2345f44 00000000 00000000 00000000 c233bf44
4: -> POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 738 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c233bf44 00000000 00000000 00000000 c2331f44
4: -> POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 739 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c2331f44 00000000 00000000 00000000 c2325f44
4: -> POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 740 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c2325f44 00000000 00000000 00000000 c2305f44
4: -> POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 743 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c2305f44 00000000 00000000 00000000 c230ff44
4: -> POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 742 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c230ff44 00000000 00000000 00000000 c231bf44
4: -> POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 741 03:02:260034 0 2147483647 c231bf44 00000000 00000000 00000000 c3ef6de0
5: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 0 03:02:51547 0 2147483647 c3ef6ba0 c3ef6de0 c3ef6a80 00000000 00000000
6: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 0 03:02:259912 0 2147483647 c3ef6a80 c3ef6ba0 c3ef6a20 00000000 00000000
7: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 459 03:02:259911 0 2147483647 c3ef6a20 c3ef6a80 00000000 00000000 00000000

mdstat - The file on my system:
Personalities :
read_ahead not set
md0 : inactive
md1 : inactive
md2 : inactive
md3 : inactive

meminfo - Used by free(1) to report memory usage.
misc - The file on my system:
135 rtc
134 apm
1 psaux

modules - A list of kernel modules loaded by the system
mounts - Shows mounted filesystems. Shows device, mount point, filesystem type, permissions, and two flags. The file on my system:
/dev/root / ext2 rw 0 0
/proc /proc proc rw 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /data vfat rw 0 0
/dev/hda1 /dos vfat rw 0 0
/dev/hda3 /slackw ext2 rw 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw 0 0
automount(pid640) /mnt autofs rw 0 0
ENG_SRV/MYUSER /eng_srv ncpfs rw 0 0

mtrr - The file on my system:
reg00: base=0x000a0000 (   0MB), size= 128kB: write-combining, count=1
reg01: base=0x000c0000 (   0MB), size= 256kB: uncachable, count=1
reg03: base=0x000a8000 (   0MB), size=  32kB: write-combining, count=1
reg07: base=0x00000000 (   0MB), size=  64MB: write-back, count=1

net - Various network pseudo files. The netstat(8) command suite provides cleaner access to these files. Files:
arp - The kernel address resolution protocol table.
dev - Network device status information
rarp - used to provide rarp(8) services.
raw - A dump of the RAW socket table
route - Looks like route(8).
snmp - Holds the ASCII databases used for the IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP management information bases for an snmp agent.
tcp - A dump of the TCP socket table.
udp - A dump of the UDP socket table
unix - Lists UNIX domain sockets and their status.

partitions - Lists the partitions and their device major and minor numbers. The file on my system:
major minor  #blocks  name

3     0    6250230 hda
3     1     208813 hda1
3     2    3068415 hda2
3     3    2843505 hda3
3     4     128520 hda4
3    64    6250230 hdb
3    65    6249253 hdb1
22    64 1073741823 hdd

pci - A listing of all PCI devices that the system is aware of.
rtc - A file containing clock information. The file on my system:
rtc_time	: 20:15:03
rtc_date	: 2000-05-07
rtc_epoch	: 1900
alarm		: 16:29:44
DST_enable	: no
BCD		: yes
24hr		: yes
square_wave	: no
alarm_IRQ	: no
update_IRQ	: no
periodic_IRQ	: no
periodic_freq	: 1024
batt_status	: okay

scsi - A directory with scsi files and driver directories.
scsi - A list of all scsi devices known to the kernel
drivername - Various scsi driver brand names

self - Refers to the /proc filesystem.
slabinfo - The file on my system
slabinfo - version: 1.0
kmem_cache            29     42
pio_request            0      0
tcp_tw_bucket          0     42
tcp_bind_bucket       41    127
tcp_open_request       0      0
skbuff_head_cache     64    147
sock                 150    242
dquot                  0      0
filp                1505   1512
signal_queue           0      0
buffer_head          566   1428
mm_struct             65     93
vm_area_struct      2527   3528
dentry_cache        4704   4743
files_cache           72     99
uid_cache              4    127
size-131072            0      0
size-65536             0      0
size-32768             0      0
size-16384            16     16
size-8192              0      1
size-4096              3      8
size-2048            151    176
size-1024             20     32
size-512              37     72
size-256              33     70
size-128             546    700
size-64              192    210
size-32             1080   1197
slab_cache            78    126

stat - kernel statistics subdirectory
cpu - Jiffies spent in user mode, user mode with low priority, system mode, and idle.
disk - Four disk entries not yet implemented
page - The number of pages the system paged in and out.
swap - Swap pages that have been brought in and out.
intr - The number of interrupts received form the system boot
ctxt - The number of context switches that the system underwent.
btime - Boot time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970.

swaps - A file defining swap partitions. The file on my system:
Filename			Type		Size	Used	Priority
/dev/hda4                       partition	128516	7600	-1

sys - Directory corresponding to kernel variables


driver - A directory
serial - A file

drivers - A file listing device drivers. The file on my system:
pty_slave            /dev/pts      136   0-255 pty:slave
pty_master           /dev/ptm      128   0-255 pty:master
pty_slave            /dev/ttyp       3   0-255 pty:slave
pty_master           /dev/pty        2   0-255 pty:master
serial               /dev/cua        5   64-95 serial:callout
serial               /dev/ttyS       4   64-95 serial
/dev/tty0            /dev/tty0       4       0 system:vtmaster
/dev/ptmx            /dev/ptmx       5       2 system
/dev/console         /dev/console    5       1 system:console
/dev/tty             /dev/tty        5       0 system:/dev/tty
unknown              /dev/tty        4    1-63 console

ldisc - A directory containing no files on my system.
ldiscs - The file on my system:
n_tty       0


The sysctl tool

This tool is worth mentioning in this section since it is used to manipulate kernel parameters. If you type "sysctl -a |more" you will see a long list of kernel parameters. You can use this sysctl program to modify
these parameters. However, I have been unable to add new parameters.
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标签:  linux vfs proc