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2016-02-29 12:28 1026 查看

We need a method in the List Class that may count specific digits from a given list of integers. This marked digits will be given in a second list. The method .count_spec_digits()/.countSpecDigits() will accept two arguments,
a list of an uncertain amount of integers integers_lists/integersLists (and of an uncertain amount of digits, too) and a second list, digits_list/digitsList that has the specific digits to count which length cannot be be longer than 10 (It's obvious, we've
got ten digits). The method will output a list of tuples, each tuple having two elements, the first one will be a digit to count, and second one, its corresponding total frequency in all the integers of the first list.  This list of tuples should be ordered
with the same order that the digits have in digitsList

Let's see some cases:

l = List()

integers_list = [1, 1, 2 ,3 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4]
digits_list = [1, 3]
l.count_spec_digits(integers_list, digits_list) == [(1, 3), (3, 2)]

integers_list = [-18, -31, 81, -19, 111, -888]
digits_list = [1, 8, 4]
l.count_spec_digits(integers_list, digits_list) == [(1, 7), (8, 5), (4, 0)]

integers_list = [-77, -65, 56, -79, 6666, 222]
digits_list = [1, 8, 4]
l.count_spec_digits(integers_list, digits_list) == [(1, 0), (8, 0), (4, 0)]======================================================================

class List(object):
def count_spec_digits(self, integers_list, digits_list):
str_integers_list = [str(abs(item)) for item in integers_list]
str_digits_list = [str(item) for item in digits_list]
string = ''.join(str_integers_list)
return [(a,b) for (a,b) in zip(digits_list,map(lambda x:str.count(string,x),str_digits_list))]其实转换的时候不用取绝对值abs,这样反而耗时。



from collections import Counter

class List(object):
def count_spec_digits(integers_list, digits_list):
counts = Counter(''.join(str(abs(a)) for a in integers_list))
return [(b, counts[str(b)]) for b in digits_list]他使用了装饰器将方法写成静态的,而且最后的return语句写的非常简洁明了,反观我写的就比较复杂,所以效率就比较低了。


class List(object):
def count_spec_digits(self, integers_list, digits_list):
s = "".join(str(i) for i in integers_list)
return [(dig, s.count(str(dig))) for dig in digits_list]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3)one line python

class List(object):
def count_spec_digits(self, ar, digits):
return [(d, sum(str(n).count(str(d)) for n in ar)) for d in digits]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class List(object):
def count_spec_digits(self, integers_list, digits_list):
result = []
for a in range(len(digits_list)):
digits_list[a] = str(digits_list[a])
for a in range(len(integers_list)):
integers_list[a] = str(integers_list[a])
for a in digits_list:
count = 0
for b in integers_list:
count += b.count(a)
return result
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