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The Wind River Registry on host "localhost" died unexpectedly

2016-02-29 10:29 736 查看

The Wind River Registry on host "localhost" died unexpectedly. Please launch the registry manually from command line, with the -D option added, and attach the generated file together with
the collected log files to the support case.

答:我电脑上同时装了tornado 2.2 和 Workbench , 运行Workbench前 我都要手动杀掉 wtxregd.exe这个进程,不然 Workbench起不来. 正解,不要安装Tornado 2.2的时候把wtxregd装成service。这样会与高版本冲突,或者始终保证只启动高版本的wtxregd.exe也可以,向下兼容。

原文地址: http://www.cevx.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=16765
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