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2016-02-27 17:50 330 查看

STEP1:prepare to install

yum update #更新yum源。

yum install expat-devel 包 #Bioperl官网说要用XML功能需要安装expat和expat-devel包,由于expat包CentOS7自带,所以安装expat-devel包,究竟是不是必不可少的还需验证。

yum install ruby #Gudiance说要安装ruby,暂且记下

yum install cpan #安装perl的cpan包

cpan #初次运行cpan需要设置,一路选择默认设置即可。

cpan>install Bundle::CPAN #更新CPAN

cpan>install Module::Build #安装Module::Build 模块并设置

cpan>o conf prefer_installer MB

cpan>o conf commit

cpan>install LWP #安装LWP,这步很重要,不然Bio::SeqIO编译不成功。

cpan>install Digest::MD5 #安装或更新Digest::MD5,否则Bio::SeqIO编译不成功。

STEP2: Install Bio::SeqIO

cpan>install Bio::SeqIO #安装Bioperl最基本的模块Bio::SeqIO


Reading '/root/.cpan/Metadata'

Database was generated on Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:17:02 GMT

Running install for module 'Bio::SeqIO'

Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/C/CJ/CJFIELDS/BioPerl-1.6.924.tar.gz ok

Scanning cache /root/.cpan/build for sizes


Configuring C/CJ/CJFIELDS/BioPerl-1.6.924.tar.gz with Build.PL

Checking prerequisites...


! Data::Stag is not installed

! IO::String is not installed


! Test::Most is not installed


* Algorithm::Munkres is not installed

* Array::Compare is not installed

* Bio::Phylo is not installed

* Clone is not installed

* Convert::Binary::C is not installed

* DB_File is not installed

* GD is not installed

* Graph is not installed

* GraphViz is not installed

* HTML::TableExtract is not installed

* IO::Scalar is not installed

* List::MoreUtils is not installed

* PostScript::TextBlock is not installed

* SOAP::Lite is not installed

* SVG is not installed

* SVG::Graph is not installed

* Set::Scalar is not installed

* Sort::Naturally is not installed

* Spreadsheet::ParseExcel is not installed

* XML::DOM is not installed

* XML::DOM::XPath is not installed

* XML::LibXML is not installed

* XML::Parser::PerlSAX is not installed

* XML::SAX is not installed

* XML::SAX::Writer is not installed

* XML::Simple is not installed

* XML::Twig is not installed

* XML::Writer is not installed

Checking optional features...

Bio::DB::GFF Tests....disabled


! DBI is not installed

DB_File Tests.........disabled


! DB_File is not installed



! Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene is not installed

MySQL Tests...........disabled


! DBD::mysql is not installed

! DBI is not installed

Pg Tests..............disabled


! DBD::Pg is not installed

! DBI is not installed

SQLite Tests..........disabled


! DBD::SQLite is not installed

! DBI is not installed

ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES. You may wish to install the versions

of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation




Has already been unwrapped into directory /root/.cpan/build/BioPerl-1.6.924-4qo47i


Has already been prepared

Running Build for C/CJ/CJFIELDS/BioPerl-1.6.924.tar.gz

Building BioPerl


./Build -- OK

Running Build test

t/Align/AlignStats.t ................... ok

t/Align/AlignUtil.t .................... ok

t/Align/Graphics.t ..................... skipped: The optional module GD (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Align/SimpleAlign.t .................. ok

t/Align/TreeBuild.t .................... ok

t/Align/Utilities.t .................... ok

t/AlignIO/AlignIO.t .................... ok

t/AlignIO/arp.t ........................ ok

t/AlignIO/bl2seq.t ..................... ok

t/AlignIO/clustalw.t ................... ok

t/AlignIO/emboss.t ..................... ok

t/AlignIO/fasta.t ...................... ok

t/AlignIO/largemultifasta.t ............ ok

t/AlignIO/maf.t ........................ ok

t/AlignIO/mase.t ....................... ok

t/AlignIO/mega.t ....................... ok

t/AlignIO/meme.t ....................... ok

t/AlignIO/metafasta.t .................. ok

t/AlignIO/msf.t ........................ ok

t/AlignIO/nexml.t ...................... skipped: The optional module Bio::Phylo (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/AlignIO/nexus.t ...................... ok

t/AlignIO/pfam.t ....................... ok

t/AlignIO/phylip.t ..................... ok

t/AlignIO/po.t ......................... ok

t/AlignIO/prodom.t ..................... ok

t/AlignIO/psi.t ........................ ok

t/AlignIO/selex.t ...................... ok

t/AlignIO/stockholm.t .................. ok

t/AlignIO/xmfa.t ....................... ok

t/Alphabet.t ........................... ok

t/Annotation/Annotation.t .............. ok

t/Annotation/AnnotationAdaptor.t ....... ok

t/Assembly/ContigSpectrum.t ............ skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Assembly/IO/bowtie.t ................. skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Assembly/IO/sam.t .................... skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Assembly/core.t ...................... skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Cluster/UniGene.t .................... ok

t/ClusterIO/ClusterIO.t ................ ok

t/ClusterIO/SequenceFamily.t ........... ok

t/ClusterIO/unigene.t .................. ok

t/Coordinate/CoordinateBoundaryTest.t .. ok

t/Coordinate/CoordinateGraph.t ......... ok

t/Coordinate/CoordinateMapper.t ........ ok

t/Coordinate/GeneCoordinateMapper.t .... ok

t/Draw/Pictogram.t ..................... skipped: The optional module SVG (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/LiveSeq/Chain.t ...................... ok

t/LiveSeq/LiveSeq.t .................... ok

t/LiveSeq/Mutation.t ................... ok

t/LiveSeq/Mutator.t .................... ok

t/LocalDB/BioDBGFF.t ................... 7/275

You are loading a Bio::DB::GFF database with GFF3 formatted data.

While this will likely work fine, the Bio::DB::GFF schema does not

always faithfully capture the complexity represented in GFF3 files.

Unless you have a specific reason for using Bio::DB::GFF, we suggest

that you use a Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store database and its corresponding

loader, bp_seqfeature_load.pl.

t/LocalDB/BioDBGFF.t ................... ok

t/LocalDB/Fasta.t ...................... 1/107 Can't locate Digest/MD5.pm in @INC (@INC contains: . /root/.cpan/build/BioPerl-1.6.924-4qo47i/blib/lib /root/.cpan/build/BioPerl-1.6.924-4qo47i/blib/arch /root/.cpan/build/BioPerl-1.6.924-4qo47i /root/perl5/lib/perl5/5.16.3/x86_64-linux-thread-multi
/root/perl5/lib/perl5/5.16.3 /root/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /root/perl5/lib/perl5 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5) at Bio/DB/IndexedBase.pm
line 503.

# Looks like you planned 107 tests but ran 95.

# Looks like your test exited with 2 just after 95.

t/LocalDB/Fasta.t ...................... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)

Failed 12/107 subtests

(less 1 skipped subtest: 94 okay)

t/LocalDB/Flat.t ....................... skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/LocalDB/Index/Blast.t ................ ok

t/LocalDB/Index/BlastTable.t ........... ok

t/LocalDB/Index/Index.t ................ skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/LocalDB/Qual.t ....................... ok

t/LocalDB/Registry.t ................... ok

t/LocalDB/SeqFeature.t ................. skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/LocalDB/Taxonomy/greengenes.t ........ ok

t/LocalDB/Taxonomy/silva.t ............. ok

t/LocalDB/transfac_pro.t ............... skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Map/Cyto.t ........................... ok

t/Map/Linkage.t ........................ ok

t/Map/Map.t ............................ ok

t/Map/MapIO.t .......................... ok

t/Map/MicrosatelliteMarker.t ........... ok

t/Map/Physical.t ....................... ok

t/Matrix/IO/masta.t .................... ok

t/Matrix/IO/psm.t ...................... ok

t/Matrix/InstanceSite.t ................ ok

t/Matrix/Matrix.t ...................... ok

t/Matrix/ProtMatrix.t .................. ok

t/Matrix/ProtPsm.t ..................... ok

t/Matrix/SiteMatrix.t .................. ok

t/Ontology/GOterm.t .................... skipped: The optional module Graph::Directed (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/GraphAdaptor.t .............. skipped: The optional module Graph (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/IO/go.t ..................... skipped: The optional module Graph (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/IO/interpro.t ............... skipped: The optional module XML::Parser::PerlSAX (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/IO/obo.t .................... skipped: The optional module Graph (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/Ontology.t .................. skipped: The optional module Graph (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/OntologyEngine.t ............ skipped: The optional module Graph::Directed (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/OntologyStore.t ............. skipped: The optional module Graph (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/Relationship.t .............. skipped: The optional module Graph::Directed (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/RelationshipType.t .......... skipped: The optional module Graph::Directed (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Ontology/Term.t ...................... skipped: The optional module Graph::Directed (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Perl.t ............................... ok

t/Phenotype/Correlate.t ................ ok

t/Phenotype/MeSH.t ..................... ok

t/Phenotype/Measure.t .................. ok

t/Phenotype/MiniMIMentry.t ............. ok

t/Phenotype/OMIMentry.t ................ ok

t/Phenotype/OMIMentryAllelicVariant.t .. ok

t/Phenotype/OMIMparser.t ............... ok

t/Phenotype/Phenotype.t ................ ok

t/PodSyntax.t .......................... skipped: Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD

t/PopGen/Coalescent.t .................. ok

t/PopGen/HtSNP.t ....................... ok

t/PopGen/MK.t .......................... ok

t/PopGen/PopGen.t ...................... ok

t/PopGen/PopGenSims.t .................. ok

t/PopGen/TagHaplotype.t ................ ok

t/RemoteDB/BioFetch.t .................. skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/CUTG.t ...................... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/EMBL.t ...................... skipped: The optional module HTTP::Request::Common (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/EntrezGene.t ................ skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/GenBank.t ................... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/GenPept.t ................... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/HIV/HIV.t ................... skipped: The optional module XML::Simple (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/HIV/HIVAnnotProcessor.t ..... ok

t/RemoteDB/HIV/HIVQuery.t .............. skipped: The optional module XML::Simple (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/HIV/HIVQueryHelper.t ........ skipped: The optional module XML::Simple (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/MeSH.t ...................... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/Query/GenBank.t ............. skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/RefSeq.t .................... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/SeqHound.t .................. skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/SeqRead_fail.t .............. skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/SeqVersion.t ................ skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/SwissProt.t ................. skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/RemoteDB/Taxonomy.t .................. skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Restriction/Analysis-refac.t ......... ok

t/Restriction/Analysis.t ............... ok

t/Restriction/Gel.t .................... ok

t/Restriction/IO.t ..................... ok

t/Root/Exception.t ..................... ok

t/Root/HTTPget.t ....................... skipped: Network tests have not been requested

t/Root/IO.t ............................ ok

t/Root/RootI.t ......................... ok

t/Root/Storable.t ...................... ok

t/Root/Utilities.t ..................... 1/56

--------------------- WARNING ---------------------

MSG: Not owner of file t/data/test.txt. Compressing to temp file /tmp/DN1geA3UTk.tmp.bioperl.gz.


t/Root/Utilities.t ..................... ok

t/SearchDist.t ......................... skipped: The optional module Bio::Ext::Align (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SearchIO/CigarString.t ............... ok

t/SearchIO/SearchIO.t .................. ok

t/SearchIO/SimilarityPair.t ............ ok

t/SearchIO/Tiling.t .................... ok

t/SearchIO/Writer/GbrowseGFF.t ......... ok

t/SearchIO/Writer/HSPTableWriter.t ..... ok

t/SearchIO/Writer/HTMLWriter.t ......... ok

t/SearchIO/Writer/HitTableWriter.t ..... ok

t/SearchIO/Writer/TextWriter.t ......... ok

t/SearchIO/axt.t ....................... ok

t/SearchIO/blast.t ..................... ok

t/SearchIO/blast_pull.t ................ ok

t/SearchIO/blasttable.t ................ ok

t/SearchIO/blastxml.t .................. skipped: The optional module XML::SAX (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SearchIO/cross_match.t ............... ok

t/SearchIO/erpin.t ..................... ok

t/SearchIO/exonerate.t ................. ok

t/SearchIO/fasta.t ..................... ok

t/SearchIO/gmap_f9.t ................... ok

t/SearchIO/hmmer.t ..................... ok

t/SearchIO/hmmer_pull.t ................ ok

t/SearchIO/infernal.t .................. ok

t/SearchIO/megablast.t ................. ok

t/SearchIO/psl.t ....................... ok

t/SearchIO/rnamotif.t .................. ok

t/SearchIO/sim4.t ...................... ok

t/SearchIO/waba.t ...................... ok

t/SearchIO/wise.t ...................... ok

t/Seq/DBLink.t ......................... ok

t/Seq/EncodedSeq.t ..................... ok

t/Seq/LargeLocatableSeq.t .............. ok

t/Seq/LargePSeq.t ...................... ok

t/Seq/LocatableSeq.t ................... ok

t/Seq/MetaSeq.t ........................ ok

t/Seq/PrimaryQual.t .................... ok

t/Seq/PrimarySeq.t ..................... ok

t/Seq/PrimedSeq.t ...................... ok

t/Seq/Quality.t ........................ ok

t/Seq/Seq.t ............................ ok

t/Seq/SimulatedRead.t .................. ok

t/Seq/WithQuality.t .................... ok

t/SeqEvolution.t ....................... ok

t/SeqFeature/Amplicon.t ................ ok

t/SeqFeature/Clone.t ................... ok

t/SeqFeature/Collection.t .............. skipped: The optional module DB_File (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqFeature/Computation.t ............. ok

t/SeqFeature/FeaturePair.t ............. ok

t/SeqFeature/Gene.t .................... ok

t/SeqFeature/Generic.t ................. ok

t/SeqFeature/Location.t ................ ok

t/SeqFeature/LocationFactory.t ......... ok

t/SeqFeature/Primer.t .................. ok

t/SeqFeature/Range.t ................... ok

t/SeqFeature/RangeI.t .................. ok

t/SeqFeature/SeqAnalysisParser.t ....... ok

t/SeqFeature/SubSeq.t .................. ok

t/SeqFeature/Unflattener.t ............. ok

t/SeqIO/Handler.t ...................... ok

t/SeqIO/MultiFile.t .................... ok

t/SeqIO/Multiple_fasta.t ............... ok

t/SeqIO/SeqBuilder.t ................... ok

t/SeqIO/SeqIO.t ........................ ok

t/SeqIO/Splicedseq.t ................... 1/19 Can't locate LWP/UserAgent.pm in @INC (@INC contains: . /root/.cpan/build/BioPerl-1.6.924-4qo47i/blib/lib /root/.cpan/build/BioPerl-1.6.924-4qo47i/blib/arch /root/.cpan/build/BioPerl-1.6.924-4qo47i /root/perl5/lib/perl5/5.16.3/x86_64-linux-thread-multi
/root/perl5/lib/perl5/5.16.3 /root/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /root/perl5/lib/perl5 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5) at Bio/DB/Query/WebQuery.pm
line 85.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bio/DB/Query/WebQuery.pm line 85.

Compilation failed in require at (eval 59) line 2.

...propagated at /usr/share/perl5/base.pm line 84.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bio/DB/Query/GenBank.pm line 115.

Compilation failed in require at Bio/DB/NCBIHelper.pm line 90.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bio/DB/NCBIHelper.pm line 90.

Compilation failed in require at (eval 58) line 2.

...propagated at /usr/share/perl5/base.pm line 84.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bio/DB/GenBank.pm line 171.

Compilation failed in require at t/SeqIO/Splicedseq.t line 74.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/SeqIO/Splicedseq.t line 74.

# Looks like you planned 19 tests but ran 1.

# Looks like your test exited with 2 just after 1.

t/SeqIO/Splicedseq.t ................... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)

Failed 18/19 subtests

t/SeqIO/abi.t .......................... skipped: The optional module Bio::SeqIO::staden::read (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/ace.t .......................... ok

t/SeqIO/agave.t ........................ skipped: The optional module XML::Writer (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/alf.t .......................... skipped: The optional module Bio::SeqIO::staden::read (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/asciitree.t .................... ok

t/SeqIO/bsml.t ......................... skipped: The optional module XML::DOM (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/bsml_sax.t ..................... skipped: The optional module XML::SAX (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/chadoxml.t ..................... skipped: The optional module XML::Writer (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/chaos.t ........................ ok

t/SeqIO/chaosxml.t ..................... ok

t/SeqIO/ctf.t .......................... skipped: The optional module Bio::SeqIO::staden::read (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/embl.t ......................... ok

t/SeqIO/entrezgene.t ................... skipped: The optional module Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/excel.t ........................ skipped: The optional module Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/exp.t .......................... skipped: The optional module Bio::SeqIO::staden::read (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/fasta.t ........................ ok

t/SeqIO/fastq.t ........................ ok

t/SeqIO/flybase_chadoxml.t ............. skipped: The optional module XML::Writer (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/game.t ......................... skipped: The optional module XML::Parser::PerlSAX (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/gbxml.t ........................ skipped: The optional module XML::SAX (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/gcg.t .......................... ok

t/SeqIO/genbank.t ...................... ok

t/SeqIO/interpro.t ..................... skipped: The optional module XML::DOM::XPath (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/kegg.t ......................... ok

t/SeqIO/largefasta.t ................... ok

t/SeqIO/lasergene.t .................... ok

t/SeqIO/locuslink.t .................... skipped: The optional module Graph::Directed (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/mbsout.t ....................... ok

t/SeqIO/metafasta.t .................... ok

t/SeqIO/msout.t ........................ ok

t/SeqIO/nexml.t ........................ skipped: The optional module Bio::Phylo (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/phd.t .......................... ok

t/SeqIO/pir.t .......................... ok

t/SeqIO/pln.t .......................... skipped: The optional module Bio::SeqIO::staden::read (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/qual.t ......................... ok

t/SeqIO/raw.t .......................... ok

t/SeqIO/scf.t .......................... ok

t/SeqIO/seqxml.t ....................... skipped: The optional module XML::LibXML (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/strider.t ...................... skipped: The optional module Convert::Binary::C (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/swiss.t ........................ ok

t/SeqIO/tab.t .......................... ok

t/SeqIO/table.t ........................ skipped: The optional module IO::Scalar (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/tigr.t ......................... ok

t/SeqIO/tigrxml.t ...................... skipped: The optional module XML::SAX (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/tinyseq.t ...................... skipped: The optional module XML::Parser::PerlSAX (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqIO/ztr.t .......................... skipped: The optional module Bio::SeqIO::staden::read (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqTools/Backtranslate.t ............. skipped: The optional module List::MoreUtils (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/SeqTools/CodonTable.t ................ ok

t/SeqTools/ECnumber.t .................. ok

t/SeqTools/GuessSeqFormat.t ............ ok

t/SeqTools/OddCodes.t .................. ok

t/SeqTools/SeqPattern.t ................ ok

t/SeqTools/SeqStats.t .................. ok

t/SeqTools/SeqUtils.t .................. ok

t/SeqTools/SeqWords.t .................. ok

t/Species.t ............................ ok

t/Structure/IO.t ....................... ok

t/Structure/Structure.t ................ ok

t/Symbol.t ............................. ok

t/TaxonTree.t .......................... skipped: These modules are now probably deprecated

t/Tools/Alignment/Consed.t ............. ok

t/Tools/AmpliconSearch.t ............... ok

t/Tools/Analysis/DNA/ESEfinder.t ....... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Analysis/Protein/Domcut.t ...... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Analysis/Protein/ELM.t ......... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Analysis/Protein/GOR4.t ........ skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Analysis/Protein/HNN.t ......... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Analysis/Protein/Mitoprot.t .... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Analysis/Protein/NetPhos.t ..... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Analysis/Protein/Scansite.t .... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Analysis/Protein/Sopma.t ....... skipped: The optional module LWP::UserAgent (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/EMBOSS/Palindrome.t ............ ok

t/Tools/Est2Genome.t ................... ok

t/Tools/FootPrinter.t .................. ok

t/Tools/GFF.t .......................... ok

t/Tools/Geneid.t ....................... ok

t/Tools/Genewise.t ..................... ok

t/Tools/Genomewise.t ................... ok

t/Tools/Genpred.t ...................... ok

t/Tools/Hmmer.t ........................ ok

t/Tools/IUPAC.t ........................ ok

t/Tools/Lucy.t ......................... ok

t/Tools/Match.t ........................ ok

t/Tools/Phylo/Gerp.t ................... ok

t/Tools/Phylo/Molphy.t ................. ok

t/Tools/Phylo/PAML.t ................... ok

t/Tools/Phylo/Phylip/ProtDist.t ........ ok

t/Tools/Primer3.t ...................... ok

t/Tools/Promoterwise.t ................. ok

t/Tools/Pseudowise.t ................... ok

t/Tools/QRNA.t ......................... ok

t/Tools/RandDistFunctions.t ............ ok

t/Tools/RepeatMasker.t ................. ok

t/Tools/Run/RemoteBlast.t .............. skipped: The optional module LWP (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Run/RemoteBlast_rpsblast.t ..... skipped: The optional module LWP (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Run/StandAloneBlast.t .......... ok

t/Tools/Run/WBCommandExts.t ............ skipped: The optional module Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase::CommandExts (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tools/Run/WrapperBase.t .............. ok

t/Tools/Seg.t .......................... ok

t/Tools/SiRNA.t ........................ ok

t/Tools/Sigcleave.t .................... ok

t/Tools/Signalp.t ...................... ok

t/Tools/Signalp/ExtendedSignalp.t ...... ok

t/Tools/Sim4.t ......................... ok

t/Tools/Spidey/Spidey.t ................ ok

t/Tools/TandemRepeatsFinder.t .......... ok

t/Tools/TargetP.t ...................... ok

t/Tools/Tmhmm.t ........................ ok

t/Tools/ePCR.t ......................... ok

t/Tools/pICalculator.t ................. ok

t/Tools/rnamotif.t ..................... skipped: These modules are now probably deprecated

t/Tools/tRNAscanSE.t ................... ok

t/Tree/Compatible.t .................... skipped: The optional module Set::Scalar (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tree/Node.t .......................... ok

t/Tree/PhyloNetwork/Factory.t .......... skipped: The optional module Bio::PhyloNetwork (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tree/PhyloNetwork/GraphViz.t ......... skipped: The optional module Bio::PhyloNetwork (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tree/PhyloNetwork/MuVector.t ......... ok

t/Tree/PhyloNetwork/PhyloNetwork.t ..... skipped: The optional module Graph::Directed (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tree/PhyloNetwork/RandomFactory.t .... skipped: The optional module Bio::PhyloNetwork (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tree/PhyloNetwork/TreeFactory.t ...... skipped: The optional module Bio::PhyloNetwork (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tree/RandomTreeFactory.t ............. ok

t/Tree/Tree.t .......................... ok

t/Tree/TreeIO.t ........................ ok

t/Tree/TreeIO/lintree.t ................ ok

t/Tree/TreeIO/newick.t ................. ok

t/Tree/TreeIO/nexml.t .................. skipped: The optional module Bio::Phylo (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tree/TreeIO/nexus.t .................. ok

t/Tree/TreeIO/nhx.t .................... ok

t/Tree/TreeIO/phyloxml.t ............... skipped: The optional module XML::LibXML (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/Tree/TreeIO/svggraph.t ............... ok

t/Tree/TreeIO/tabtree.t ................ ok

t/Tree/TreeStatistics.t ................ ok

t/Variation/AAChange.t ................. ok

t/Variation/AAReverseMutate.t .......... ok

t/Variation/Allele.t ................... ok

t/Variation/DNAMutation.t .............. ok

t/Variation/RNAChange.t ................ ok

t/Variation/SNP.t ...................... ok

t/Variation/SeqDiff.t .................. ok

t/Variation/Variation_IO.t ............. skipped: The optional module XML::Writer (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

t/nexml.t .............................. skipped: The optional module Bio::Phylo (or dependencies thereof) was not installed

Test Summary Report


t/LocalDB/Fasta.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 95 Failed: 0)

Non-zero exit status: 2

Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 107 tests but ran 95.

t/SeqIO/Splicedseq.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 1 Failed: 0)

Non-zero exit status: 2

Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 19 tests but ran 1.

Files=334, Tests=17147, 94 wallclock secs ( 2.98 usr 0.67 sys + 86.88 cusr 6.43 csys = 96.96 CPU)

Result: FAIL #测试结果是失败的
Failed 2/334 test programs. 0/17147 subtests failed.


./Build test -- NOT OK

//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:

reports CJFIELDS/BioPerl-1.6.924.tar.gz

Failed during this command:

CJFIELDS/BioPerl-1.6.924.tar.gz : make_test NO
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