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SMSDemo android 简单拦截短信例子可以实现发 远程控制

2016-01-30 17:11 726 查看
android 简单拦截短信例子可以实现发短信远程控制首先分析短信拦截用到的核心技术。1、要实现短信拦截就必须必须拦截短信接收器 receiver 2、读取对方发送的短信信息,自己可以定义指令做自己需要做的事情,呵呵!这里可以事先定义好指令远程控制机子做你想干的事情哈!-android simple example can intercept messages send SMS remote controlFirstly, the core technology used to intercept
messages.1, to achieve an SMS text message interceptor to intercept it must have a receiver receiver  2, read SMS message sent by the other party, they can make their own definition of instruction needs to be done, Oh! Here you can be pre-defined command remote
control machine to do the things you want to do Ha!
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  android