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POJ 2756 Autumn is a Genius 大数加减法

2016-01-28 18:02 246 查看

Jiajia and Wind have a very cute daughter called Autumn. She is so clever that she can do integer additions when she was just 2 years old! Since a lot of people suspect that Autumn may make mistakes, please write a program to prove that Autumn is a real genius.

The first line contains a single integer T, the number of test cases. The following lines contain 2 integers A, B(A, B < 32768) each. The size of input will not exceed 50K.

The output should contain T lines, each with a single integer, representing the corresponding sum.
Sample Input

1 2

Sample Output



There may be '+' before the non-negative number!

本题题目没明白说明有多大的数,主要是A, B < 32768迷惑人,好像不是大数,只是后面 The size of input will not exceed 50K 的这句话就说明是大数了能够为接近无穷大的负数。

事实上50K就应该开多大的数组呢?50 * 1024 / 8 == 6400,所以会有6400个数位。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

const int MAX_BUF = 512;
int id = 0, len = 0;
char buf[MAX_BUF];

char getFromBuf()
if (id >= len)
len = fread(buf, 1, MAX_BUF, stdin);
id = 0;
return buf[id++];

void getNum(vector<short> &num)
char c = getFromBuf();
while (('\n' == c || ' ' == c) && len) c = getFromBuf();
while ('\n' != c && ' ' != c && len)
c = getFromBuf();

void addBigNum(vector<short> &rs, vector<short> &A, vector<short> &B)
if (A.empty())
rs = B;
if (B.empty())
rs = A;
int an = A[0] == '+'-'0' || A[0] == '-'-'0'? 1:0;
int bn = B[0] == '+'-'0' || B[0] == '-'-'0'? 1:0;
short carry = 0;
int i = (int)A.size()-1;
int j = (int)B.size()-1;
for (; i >= an || j >= bn || carry; i--, j--)
short a = i >= an? A[i] : 0;
short b = j >= bn? B[j] : 0;
carry += a + b;
rs.push_back(carry % 10);
carry /= 10;
reverse(rs.begin(), rs.end());

void minusBigNum(vector<short> &rs, vector<short> &A, vector<short> &B)
if (B.empty())
if (A.empty()) return;
int i = A[0] == '-'-'0' || A[0] == '+'-'0'?

1 : 0;
for (; i < (int)A.size(); i++) rs.push_back(A[i]);
return ;
int an = A[0] == '-'-'0' || A[0] == '+'-'0' ? 1 : 0;
int bn = B[0] == '-'-'0' || B[0] == '+'-'0' ? 1 : 0;

short carry = 0;
int i = (int)A.size() - 1;
int j = (int)B.size() - 1;
for (; i >= an || j >= bn || carry != 0; i--, j--)
short a = i >= an ?

A[i] : 0;
short b = j >= bn ? B[j] : 0;
if (a > b)
short sum = a - b - carry;
carry = 0;
else if (a < b)
short sum = 10 - (b - a) - carry;
carry = 1;
short sum = 0;
if (carry) sum = 9;
reverse(rs.begin(), rs.end());

int cmp(vector<short> &A, vector<short> &B)
int an, bn;
if (A.empty()) an = 0;
else an = A[0] == '-'-'0' || A[0] == '+'-'0'?

A.size()-1 : A.size();
if (B.empty()) bn = 0;
else bn = B[0] == '-'-'0' || B[0] == '+'-'0'?

B.size()-1 : B.size();

if (an > bn) return 1;
if (an < bn) return -1;
if (!an) return 0;

int i = A[0] == '-'-'0' || A[0] == '+'-'0'? 1 : 0;
int j = B[0] == '-'-'0' || B[0] == '+'-'0'? 1 : 0;

int res = 0;
for (; i < (int)A.size(); i++, j++)
if (A[i] < B[j]) res = -1;
else if (A[i] > B[j]) res = 1;
if (res != 0) break;
return res;

int main()
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
while (T--)
vector<short> A, B, rs;

bool Asign = true, Bsign = true;
if (!A.empty() && A[0] == '-'-'0') Asign = false;
if (!B.empty() && B[0] == '-'-'0') Bsign = false;
if (Asign == Bsign)
addBigNum(rs, A, B);
if (!Asign) putchar('-');
int c = cmp(A, B);
if (0 == c) rs.push_back(0);
else if (c < 0)
minusBigNum(rs, B, A);
if (!Bsign) putchar('-');
minusBigNum(rs, A, B);
if (!Asign) putchar('-');
for (int i = 0; i < (int)rs.size(); i++)
printf("%d", rs[i]);
return 0;
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