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public static void createEntity(){
try {
String daoTemplate = getPath("template\\entity1.txt");
String result = replaceModel(daoTemplate);
String daoRoot =  getPath("template");
File rootPath  = new File(daoRoot);
File daoJava = new File(rootPath, entity+".java");
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(daoJava, result, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
* 把定义的常量在模板文件中进行替换
public static String replaceModel(String path) throws IOException {
String result = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(path),"UTF-8");
result = result.replaceAll("\\[entity\\]", entity)
.replaceAll("\\[lowEntity\\]", lowEntity)
.replaceAll("\\[mainfield1\\]", mainfield1)
.replaceAll("\\[author\\]", author)
.replaceAll("\\[mainfield2\\]", mainfield2)
.replaceAll("\\[mainfield3\\]", mainfield3)
.replaceAll("\\[mainfield4\\]", mainfield4)
.replaceAll("\\[maintablename\\]", maintablename)
.replaceAll("\\[tablename1\\]", tablename1)
.replaceAll("\\[tablename2\\]", tablename2)
.replaceAll("\\[tablename3\\]", tablename3)
.replaceAll("\\[tablename4\\]", tablename4);

return result;

public static boolean isEmpty(String str) {
return null == str || str.length() == 0 || "".equals(str)|| str.matches("\\s*");

public static String getPath(String appendPath){
String path = System.getProperty("user.dir");
return path;
return path+"\\"+appendPath;

public static void main(String[] args)  {



package server.dataaccess.service.hibernate;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import server.dataaccess.po.PagePO;
import server.dataaccess.po.[entity]PO;
import server.dataaccess.service.[entity]DAO;
import server.dataaccess.type.[entity]Type;
import server.dataaccess.type.VipconuponlogModel;

public  class [entity]DAOImpl extends GenericHibernateDAO<PictureBookCouponPO> implements [entity]DAO{

public static final String GET_Picture_Book_Coupon_SQL= " select child.id as childId, operater.id as operaterId, pictureBookCoupon.[mainfield3] as schoolId,[lowEntity].[mainfield4] as classId, "
+ " child.display_name as childName,operater.name as systemUserName,class.class_name as className,school.full_name as schoolName, [lowEntity].type as type "
+ " from [maintablename] as [lowEntity] "
+ " left join [tablename1] as child on [lowEntity].[mainfield1]=child.id "
+ " left join [tablename2] as operater on [lowEntity].[mainfield2]= operater.id "
+ " left join [tablename3] as school on [lowEntity].[mainfield3]= school.id "
+ " left join [tablename4] as class on [lowEntity].[mainfield4]=class.id";

public static final String GET_CHILD_COUNT_SQL = " select count(1) from [maintablename] as [lowEntity] "
+ " left join [tablename1] as child on  [lowEntity].[mainfield1]=child.id "
+ " left join [tablename2] as operater on [lowEntity].[mainfield2]=operater.id  "
+ " left join [tablename3] as school  on [lowEntity].[mainfield3]=school.id "
+ " left join [tablename4] as class on [lowEntity].[mainfield4]=class.id ";

public PagePO<VipconuponlogModel> getVipconuponlog(String childName, String systemUserName,String  schoolName, String className, [entity]Type type, int page, int pageSize) {

final int offset = PagePO.countOffset(pageSize, page);// 当前页开始记录
String sqlWhere = " where [lowEntity].deleted = false  ";
if (type != [entity].ALL) {
sqlWhere += " and [lowEntity].type =" + type.getValue();
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(childName) != null) {
sqlWhere += " and (lower(child.display_name) like :childName)";
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(systemUserName) != null) {
sqlWhere += " and (lower(operater.name) like :systemUserName)";
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(schoolName) != null) {
sqlWhere += " and (lower(school.full_name) like :schoolName)";
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(className) != null) {
sqlWhere += " and (lower(class.class_name) like :className)";
String order = " order by [lowEntity].id desc";
PreparedSqlAndArgs p = new PreparedSqlAndArgs(GET_Picture_Book_Coupon_SQL  + sqlWhere + order, null);
SQLQuery query = ((SQLQuery) getSession().createSQLQuery(p.sql).setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(VipconuponlogModel.class)))
.addScalar("childId", StandardBasicTypes.LONG)
.addScalar("operaterId", StandardBasicTypes.LONG)
.addScalar("schoolId", StandardBasicTypes.LONG)
.addScalar("classId", StandardBasicTypes.LONG)
.addScalar("childName", StandardBasicTypes.STRING)
.addScalar("systemUserName", StandardBasicTypes.STRING)
.addScalar("schoolName", StandardBasicTypes.STRING)
.addScalar("className", StandardBasicTypes.STRING)
.addScalar("type", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER);
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(childName) != null) {
query.setParameter("childName", "%" + childName + "%");
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(systemUserName) != null) {
query.setParameter("systemUserName", "%" + systemUserName + "%");
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(schoolName) != null) {
query.setParameter("schoolName", "%" + schoolName + "%");
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(className) != null) {
query.setParameter("className", "%" + className + "%");
int allRow = this.getChildCount( childName,systemUserName, schoolName,className,type);// 总记录数
if (pageSize >= 0) {
List<VipconuponlogModel> list = (List<VipconuponlogModel>) query.list();
int totalPage = PagePO.countTotalPage(pageSize, allRow);// 总页数
final int currentPage = PagePO.countCurrentPage(page);
// 把分页信息保存到Bean中
PagePO<VipconuponlogModel> pagePO = new PagePO<VipconuponlogModel>();
return pagePO;
public int getChildCount(String childName,String systemUserName, String  schoolName, String className, [entity]Type type) {
String sqlWhere = " where pictureBookCoupon.deleted = false ";
if (type != [entity].ALL) {
sqlWhere += " and [lowEntity].type =" + type.getValue();
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(childName) != null) {
sqlWhere += " and (lower(child.display_name) like :childName)";
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(systemUserName) != null) {
sqlWhere += " and (lower(operater.name) like :systemUserName)";
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(schoolName) != null) {
sqlWhere += " and (lower(school.full_name) like :schoolName)";
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(className) != null) {
sqlWhere += " and (lower(class.class_name) like :className)";

PreparedSqlAndArgs pCount = new PreparedSqlAndArgs(GET_CHILD_COUNT_SQL+ sqlWhere, null);
Query queryCount = getSession().createSQLQuery(pCount.sql);
if (childName != null && !childName.isEmpty()) {
queryCount.setParameter("childName", "%" + childName + "%");
if (schoolName != null && !schoolName.isEmpty()) {
queryCount.setParameter("schoolName", "%" + schoolName + "%");
if (className != null && !className.isEmpty()) {
queryCount.setParameter("className", "%" + className + "%");
if (systemUserName != null && !systemUserName.isEmpty()) {
queryCount.setParameter("systemUserName", "%" + systemUserName + "%");
int allRow = Integer.parseInt(queryCount.uniqueResult().toString());// 总记录数
return allRow;

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