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转自 –> TypeScript入门-语法篇

自学笔记, 基于官方教程上的代码, 添加注释.



基本类型 Basic Types

接口 Interfaces
第一个接口 Our First Interface

可选属性 Optional Properties

函数类型 Function Types

数组类型 Array Types

类类型 Class Types

继承接口 Extending Interfaces

混合类型 Hybrid Types

类 Classes
类 Classes

继承 Inheritance

公私 修饰器 PrivatePublic modifiers
默认公有 Public by default

理解私有 Understanding private

参数属性 Parameter properties

访问器 Accessors

静态属性 Static Properties

Advanced Techniques

模块 Modules

函数 Functions

泛型 Generics

异常 Common Errors


Declaration Merging

Type Inference

Type Compatibility

Writing dts files

基本类型 Basic Types

// 1. Boolean,布尔
var isDone: boolean = false;


// 2. Number,数值
var height: number = 6;


// 3. String,字符串
var name: string = "bob"; // 可以双引号
var name1: string = 'tom'; // 也可以单引号


// 4. Array,数组
var list:number[] = [1, 2, 3]; // 写法1
var list1:Array<number> = [1, 2, 3]; // 写法2


// 5. Enum,枚举
enum Color {Red, Green, Blue}
var c: Color = Color.Green;

console.log(c); // 获取值
console.log(Color[c]); // 获取键, string
console.log(Color["Green"]); // 获取值

// # enum的值默认从0开始递增, 也可以自己指定
enum Color1 {Red = 1, Green = 2, Blue = 4}
var c1: Color1 = Color1.Green;

console.log(c1); // 获取值

// 6. Any,任意对象
// # 需要小心使用, 会改变数据类型
var anylist:any[] = [1, true, "free"];

anylist[2] = 100;


// 7. Void,方法不返回值

function warnUser(): void {
console.log("This is my warning message");


接口 Interfaces

第一个接口 Our First Interface

interface LabelledValue {
label: string;

function printLabel(labelledObj: LabelledValue) {

var myObj = {label: "only label"};
var myObj1 = {size: 10, label: "Size 10 Object"};

// # 接口是鸭子类型, 只要是有label的对象都可以传进去

可选属性 Optional Properties

interface SquareConfig {
color?: string; // 用?来表示可选属性
width?: number;

function createSquare(config: SquareConfig): {color: string; area: number} {
var newSquare = {color: "white", area: 100}; // 默认值
if (config.color) {
newSquare.color = config.color;
if (config.width) {
newSquare.area = config.width * config.width;
return newSquare;

var mySquare = createSquare({color: "black"});
var mySquare1 = createSquare({width: 20});


函数类型 Function Types

interface SearchFunc {
(source: string, subString: string): boolean; // 表示一个接受2个string参数, 返回bool的函数

var mySearch: SearchFunc;
mySearch = function(source: string, subString: string): boolean {
var result = source.search(subString);
if (result == -1) {
return false;
else {
return true;

var result: boolean = mySearch("test", "te");


数组类型 Array Types

interface StringArray {
[index: number]: string; // 表示string数组

var myArray: StringArray;
myArray = ["Bob", "Fred"];


类类型 Class Types

interface ClockStatic {
new (hour: number, minute: number);

// # 这里会报错. 因为只有实例部分才检查, 而构造函数是静态部分
//class Clock implements ClockStatic  {
//    currentTime: Date;
//    constructor(h: number, m: number) { }

class Clock {
currentTime: Date;
constructor(h: number, m: number) { }

// # 这里需要注意
// # 我们直接使用class,这样就会检查签名
var cs: ClockStatic = Clock;
var newClock: ClockStatic = new cs(7, 30);


继承接口 Extending Interfaces

interface Shape {
color: string;

interface PenStroke {
penWidth: number;

interface Square extends Shape, PenStroke { // 使用extends继承接口
sideLength: number;

var square = <Square>{};
square.color = "blue";
square.sideLength = 10;
square.penWidth = 5.0;

混合类型 Hybrid Types

interface Counter {
(start: number): string;
interval: number;
reset(): void;

var c: Counter;
c(10); // c可以当函数
c.reset(); // c也可以当对象
c.interval = 5.0; // c的属性

类 Classes

类 Classes

class Greeter {
greeting: string; // 属性
constructor(message: string) { // 构造函数
this.greeting = message;
greet(): string { // 方法
return "Hello, " + this.greeting;

var greeter = new Greeter("world");
var result = greeter.greet();


继承 Inheritance

class Animal {
constructor(theName: string) { this.name = theName; }
move(meters: number = 0) {
console.log(this.name + " moved " + meters + "m.");

class Snake extends Animal { // 使用extends关键字来继承
constructor(name: string) { super(name); }
move(meters = 5) {

class Horse extends Animal {
constructor(name: string) { super(name); }
move(meters = 45) {

var sam = new Snake("Sammy the Python");
var tom: Animal = new Horse("Tommy the Palomino");


公/私 修饰器 Private/Public modifiers

默认公有 Public by default

class Animal {
private name:string; // 除非指定为private, 否则默认是public
constructor(theName: string) { this.name = theName; }
move(meters: number) {
alert(this.name + " moved " + meters + "m.");

理解私有 Understanding private

class Animal {
private name:string;
constructor(theName: string) { this.name = theName; }

class Rhino extends Animal {
constructor() { super("Rhino"); }

class Employee {
private name:string;
constructor(theName: string) { this.name = theName; }

var animal = new Animal("Goat");
var rhino = new Rhino();
var employee = new Employee("Bob");

animal = rhino;
//animal = employee; // # 这里会报错. 虽然Animal和Employee属性名一致, 但是私有属性来源不一致

class A {
public name: string;
echo() {}

class B {
public name: string;
echo() {}

var a = new A();
var b = new B();

a = b; // 公有属性则没有关系

参数属性 Parameter properties

class Animal {
constructor(private name: string) { } // 可以在构造方法用private直接指定属性,省去一步
move(meters: number) {
console.log(this.name + " moved " + meters + "m.");

var dog = new Animal("dog");


访问器 Accessors

var passcode = "secret passcode";

class Employee {
private _fullName: string;

get fullName(): string { // 读属性. # 需要编译版本为ECMAScript 5
return this._fullName;

set fullName(newName: string) { // 写属性. # 需要编译版本为ECMAScript 5
if (passcode && passcode == "secret passcode") {
this._fullName = newName;
else {
console.log("Error: Unauthorized update of employee!");

var employee = new Employee();
employee.fullName = "Bob Smith";
if (employee.fullName) {

静态属性 Static Properties

class Grid {
static origin = {x: 0, y: 0}; // 用static定义静态属性
calculateDistanceFromOrigin(point: {x: number; y: number;}) {
var xDist = (point.x - Grid.origin.x);
var yDist = (point.y - Grid.origin.y);
return Math.sqrt(xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist) / this.scale;
constructor (public scale: number) { }

var grid1 = new Grid(1.0);  // 1x scale
var grid2 = new Grid(5.0);  // 5x scale

console.log(grid1.calculateDistanceFromOrigin({x: 10, y: 10}));
console.log(grid2.calculateDistanceFromOrigin({x: 10, y: 10}));

Advanced Techniques

模块 Modules

函数 Functions

泛型 Generics

异常 Common Errors


Declaration Merging

Type Inference

Type Compatibility

Writing .d.ts files

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