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js class expression

2016-01-20 10:23 495 查看
The class expression is one way define a class in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6). Similar to function
expressions, class expressions can be named or unnamed. If named, the name of the class is local the class body only. JavaScript classes are using prototype-based inheritance.


var MyClass = class [className] [extends] {
  // class body


A class expression has a similar syntax to a class statement.
However, with class expressions, you are able to omit the class name ("binding identifier"), which you can't with class statements.

Just like with class statements, the class body of class expressions is executed in strict


A simple class expression

This is just a simple anonymous class expression which you can refer to using the variable "Foo".
[code]var Foo = class {
  constructor() {}
  bar() {
    return "Hello World!";

var instance = new Foo();
instance.bar(); // "Hello World!"
Foo.name; // ""

Named class expressions

If you want to refer to the current class inside the class body, you can create a named class expression. This name is only visible in the scope of the class expression itself.
[code]var Foo = class NamedFoo {
  constructor() {}
  whoIsThere() {
    return NamedFoo.name;
var bar = new Foo();
bar.whoIsThere(); // "NamedFoo"
NamedFoo.name; // ReferenceError: NamedFoo is not defined
Foo.name; // "NamedFoo"
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