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atitit.极光消息推送服务器端开发实现推送  jpush v3. 总结o7p

2016-01-09 22:18 501 查看
atitit.极光消息推送服务器端开发实现推送 jpush v3. 总结o7p

1. 推送所设计到底功能1

1.1. 内容压缩1

1.2. 多引擎1

2. reg ,设置appkey and pwdkey1

3. 下载server sdk v31

4. push推送样例1

5. Code3

1. 推送所设计到底功能

1.1. 内容压缩

1.2. 多引擎

2. reg ,设置appkey and pwdkey

3. 下载server sdk v3


作者:: 老哇的爪子 Attilax 艾龙, EMAIL:1466519819@qq.com

转载请注明来源: http://blog.csdn.net/attilax

4. push推送样例


JPushClient jpushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey, 3);

// For push, all you need do is to build PushPayload object.

PushPayload payload = buildPushObject_all_all_alert();

try {

PushResult result = jpushClient.sendPush(payload);

LOG.info("Got result - " + result);

} catch (APIConnectionException e) {

// Connection error, should retry later

LOG.error("Connection error, should retry later", e);

} catch (APIRequestException e) {

// Should review the error, and fix the request

LOG.error("Should review the error, and fix the request", e);

LOG.info("HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus());

LOG.info("Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());

LOG.info("Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage());


进行推送的关键在于构建一个 PushPayload 对象。以下示例一般的构建对象的用法。

5. Code


private static void single_test(final double i) throws APIConnectionException,

APIRequestException {

core.execMeth_Ays(new Runnable() {


public void run() {

String r = "";

try {

r = new pushX().push(".", 1099);

} catch (APIConnectionException e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block


} catch (Exception e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block



System.out.println(String.valueOf(i) + "::" + r);


}, " threadName");


public String push(final String txt, final Object... target)

throws APIConnectionException, APIRequestException {

// attilax 老哇的爪子 X5042 o7m // k_56_44 o80 老哇的爪子 Attilax

core.log("---- o8q14 add act n seruinfo before txt:" + txt);

core.log("----add act n seruinfo before len:"

+ String.valueOf(txt.length()));

final String s = jpushCompressor.kmprs(txt);

core.log("----add act n seruinfo aft len:" + String.valueOf(s.length()));

logger.info(txt + "\r\ntarget:" + StringUtils.join(target, ",") + " ");

// new com.attilax.tryX<String>() {

// @Override public String $$(Object t) throws Exception {

// attilax 老哇的爪子 2_q_9 o86


try {

PushExample.SendPush_msgFmt(s, core.toStrArr(target));

} finally {

// this.respMsg=r;

this.sendMsg = PushExample.sendMsg_thrdloc.get();


// catch (APIConnectionException e) {

// respMsg="APIConnectionException";

// }

// catch (APIRequestException e) {

// respMsg=

// }

// return null;

// }

// }.$("");

new com.attilax.tryX<String>() {


public String $$(Object t) throws Exception {

// attilax 老哇的爪子 2_q_9 o86

// PushExample.SendPush(s, core.toStrArr(target));

return null;



String r = PushExample.rzt.get();

return r;

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