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HDU 1177."Accepted today?"【结构体排序(水)】【1月6】

2016-01-06 01:07 537 查看
"Accepted today?"

[align=left]Problem Description[/align]
Do you remember a sentence "Accepted today?" Yes, the sentence is mentioned frequently in lcy's course "ACM Programming"!

The contest is still in progress this moment. How excited it is! You, smart programmer, must have AC some problems today. "Can I get copper medal, silver medal, or even golden medal?" Oh, ha-ha! You must be considering this question. And now, the last problem
of this contest comes.

Give you all submitting data in the contest, and tell you the number of golden medals, silver medals and copper medals; your task is to output someone's contest result.

Easy? Of course! I t is the reason that I designed the problem.

When you have completed this contest, please remember that sentence〃 Accepted today?〃兒

Input contains multiple test cases. Each test case starts with five numbers N (4 =< N <= 130 -- the total number of attendees), G, S, C (1<=G<=S<=C<N --G, S, C denoting the number of golden medals, silver medals and copper medals
respectively) and M (0<M<=N). The next N lines contain an integer P (1<=P<=8 --number of problems that have been solved by someone) and a time T(for example,"02:45:17", meaning 2 hours and 45 minutes and 17 seconds consumed according to contest rules) each.
You can assume that all submit data are different.

A test case starting with 0 0 0 0 0 terminates input and this test case should not to be processed.

For each case, print a sentence in a line, and it must be one of these sentences:

Accepted today? I've got a golden medal :)

Accepted today? I've got a silver medal :)

Accepted today? I've got a copper medal :)

Accepted today? I've got an honor mentioned :)


You will get an honor mentioned if you can't get copper medal, silver medal or golden medal.

[align=left]Sample Input[/align]

10 1 2 3 6
2 02:45:17
2 02:49:01
2 03:17:58
2 03:21:29
4 07:55:48
3 04:25:42
3 06:57:39
2 02:05:02
2 02:16:45
2 02:41:37
0 0 0 0 0

[align=left]Sample Output[/align]

Accepted today? I've got a silver medal :)


using namespace std;
const int maxn = 150;
struct ss
bool wo;
int solve;
int h;
int m;
int s;
bool cmp(ss a, ss b)
if(a.solve > b.solve) return true;
else if(a.solve == b.solve && a.h < b.h) return true;
else if(a.solve == b.solve && a.h == b.h && a.m < b.m) return true;
else if(a.solve == b.solve && a.h == b.h && a.m == b.m && a.s < b.s) return true;
else return false;
int N, G, S, C, M;
int main()
while(scanf("%d %d %d %d %d", &N, &G, &S, &C, &M) && (N+G+S+C+M))
ss f[maxn];
for(int i = 0;i < N; ++i) f[i].wo = false;
for(int i = 0;i < N; ++i)
//f[i].wo == false;
scanf("%d %d:%d:%d", &f[i].solve, &f[i].h, &f[i].m, &f[i].s);
if(i == M-1) f[i].wo = true;
sort(f, f+N, cmp);
for(int i = 0;i < N; ++i)
if(f[i].wo != true) continue;
if(i < G) cout <<"Accepted today? I've got a golden medal :)\n";
else if(i < G+S) cout <<"Accepted today? I've got a silver medal :)\n";
else if(i < G+S+C) cout<<"Accepted today? I've got a copper medal :)\n";
else cout <<"Accepted today? I've got an honor mentioned :)\n";
return 0;


using namespace std;
const int maxn = 150;
struct ss
bool wo;
int solve;
int h;
int m;
int s;
bool cmp(ss a, ss b)
if(a.solve > b.solve) return true;
else if(a.solve == b.solve && a.h < b.h) return true;
else if(a.solve == b.solve && a.h == b.h && a.m < b.m) return true;
else if(a.solve == b.solve && a.h == b.h && a.m == b.m && a.s < b.s) return true;
else return false;
int N, G, S, C, M;
int main()
while(scanf("%d %d %d %d %d", &N, &G, &S, &C, &M) && (N+G+S+C+M))
ss f[maxn];
//for(int i = 0;i < N; ++i) f[i].wo = false;
for(int i = 0;i < N; ++i)
f[i].wo == false;//与上面的代码唯一不同的就是我把这个初始化放在了这里面!!!为什么不行?!!不懂
scanf("%d %d:%d:%d", &f[i].solve, &f[i].h, &f[i].m, &f[i].s);
if(i == M-1) f[i].wo = true;
sort(f, f+N, cmp);
for(int i = 0;i < N; ++i)
if(f[i].wo != true) continue;
if(i < G) cout <<"Accepted today? I've got a golden medal :)\n";
else if(i < G+S) cout <<"Accepted today? I've got a silver medal :)\n";
else if(i < G+S+C) cout<<"Accepted today? I've got a copper medal :)\n";
else cout <<"Accepted today? I've got an honor mentioned :)\n";
return 0;
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