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Android-x86 项目简介

2015-12-27 21:16 615 查看

Android-x86 项目 - 让 Android 跑在你的个人电脑上

这个项目的目的是将Android开源项目移植到x86平台,原名为“patch hosting for android x86 support。原计划是在开源社区的支持下为android x86主机应用不同的补丁。创建了这个项目几个月后,我们发现我们可以不仅仅只提供补丁。所以我们决定创建代码库为不同的x86平台提供支持,并设搭建了git服务器。

这是一个遵循开源Apache 2.0公共许可证的项目。如果你认为我们在做一些有意义的事情,考虑捐赠



2015-12-25: The marshmallow-x86(棉花糖-Android 6.0 的代号) branch is updated to Android 6.0.1_r3 release (Marshmallow-MR1).

2015-12-12: The “Console OS” is a scam(骗局) which makes use of Android-x86 now. please help to stop it .(请同仁们来阻止它们!!!!).

2015-12-02: A test image of marshmallow-x86 is available to download.

2015-11-28: Android-x86.org 做了一个演讲 在清华 OS2ATC 2015.

2015-10-13: The official git server is moved to SourceForge.

2015-10-10: The marshmallow-x86 branch is ready for developers.

2015-10-07: The Android-x86 5.1-rc1 released (the first release candidate of lollipop-x86).

2015-10-06: Google released the source code of Android 6.0 (Marshmallow).

2015-07-17: The Android-x86 4.4-r3 released (the third stable release of kitkat-x86).

2015-04-14: The new kernel branch android-4.0 based on vanilla kernel 4.0 is ready for testing.

2015-04-07: The git server git.android-x86.org is back.

2015-03-31: The git server was down. We are sorry for it.

2015-03-18: The lollipop-x86 branch is updated to Android 5.1.0_r1 release (Lollipop-MR1).

2015-01-01: The Android-x86 4.4-r2 released (the second stable release of kitkat-x86).

2014-12-25: The new kernel branch android-3.18 is available in the git server for testing.

2014-11-06: The lollipop-x86 branch is ready for developers.

2014-11-04: Google released the source code of Android 5.0 (Lollipop).

2014-09-14: An image for ASUS Transformer Book T100TA is released for testing.

2014-08-28: The kitkat-x86 branch is updated to Android 4.4.4_r2 release (Kitkat-MR2.2).

2014-08-08: The Android-x86 4.4-r1 released (kitkat-x86).

2014-07-31: The installer now supports read-write mode installation on ntfs and vfat.

2014-05-20: The Android-x86 4.4-RC2 released (kitkat-x86).

2014-04-18: Add ntfs/exfat/ext4 support to vold.

2014-02-14: The Android-x86 4.4-RC1 released (kitkat-x86).

2013-12-17: The kitkat-x86 branch is updated to Android 4.4.2 release (kitkat-mr1).

2013-12-10: The kitkat-x86 branch is updated to Android 4.4.1 release.

2013-11-04: The kitkat-x86 branch is ready in git.android-x86.org. It’s in early stage and buggy. Call for developers.

2013-11-01: Google announced Android 4.4, the KitKat release.

2013-07-25: Test build 20130725 of jb-x86 based on Android 4.3 is ready for downloading.

2013-07-24: Google announced Android 4.3. The source code is released.

2013-06-23: Android-x86 4.0-r1 is released.

2013-06-08: Joe Spencer created a supported device list.

2013-02-28: A new test build of jb-x86 is available for downloading.

2013-01-16: The jb-x86 source tree is ready for downloading.

2013-01-02: Android-x86 at Google code is unbanned(准许). Thanks to everyone who help this.

older news….


开始是为了Android能够运行在Eee PC平台,后来演变为为整个x86平台提供运行Android的解决方案。







这些测试都是由Android-prot 项目成员执行:

华硕 Eee PC

Viewsonic(优派) Viewpad 10 平板

Dell(戴尔)Inspiron Mini Duo

三星的 Samsung Q1U

Viliv S5

Lenovo ThinkPad x61 Tablet

通过i915驱动可以设置原始分辨率。 这些都得益于linux kernel 2.6.29之后的KMS(kenrel mode setting)特性。



Kernel 4.0, KMS enable

Wifi support with GUI 支持图形界面wifi配置

Better disk installer 更完善的安装程序

Power Suspend/resume (S3 mode) 为电源管理提供挂起/恢复支持

Battery Status 电池状态

Software mouse cursor 支持鼠标操作

Mouse wheel 鼠标滚轮操作的支持

Support netbook native resolution 支持上网本原始分辨率

Audio (ALSA) 音频支持ALSA

V4l2 Camera support V4l2视频支持

External monitor support 外设监视器的支持

External storage auto mount support 外设存储设备自动挂在支持

Support external keyboard 支持外接键盘

Debug mode with busybox 支持带busybox的调试模式

Bluetooth 蓝牙支持

G-sensor 重力感应传感器的支持



note:我的CSDN博客andriod-x86 移植项目—获取源码 获得帮之。




移植 Marshmallow-MR1 (Android 6.0.1) 到 x86 平台的(marshmallow-x86 分支)

升级 kernel 版本到 4.x (当前最新版本内核为4.4-rc6 最新稳定版本的为4.3.3)

OpenGL ES hardware acceleration for intel/radeon and nvidia (pstglia, mauro) platforms. 3D图形加速方面的工作

OpenGL emulation layer (cwhuang)

Improve multimedia support (cwhuang) 提升多媒体支持

CyanogenMod integration (Android CM的集成)


integrate multiple targets support 集成多目标的支持

support external monitor 外部监视器的支持

better power management 优化电源管理

multi-touch touchpad support 多点触控的支持

test out all default applications 测试所有的默认应用程序


如果你对PC或者上网本上跑一个Android系统感兴趣,考虑想加入我们。 请联系我们 欢迎你的到来!!


当前这个项目的维护者是Chih-Wei Huang (cwhuang@android-x86.org) 黃志偉(译者和黄先生在清华有过一面之缘)

0xlab, 一群富有激情的在开源软件工程师,贡献了许多fix和改善了Android framework,包括OpenGL ES Android x86硬件加速。

Michael Chen omxcodec@gmail.com who developed the stagefright-plugins to improve the multimedia support (促进多媒体支持).

Dima Zavin dima@android.com, the original guy ported the Android to EeePC 701

Geunsik Lim leemgs@gmail.com, wrote original “HOWTO Build Android-X86 Full Source” and “How to use x86 android platform on virtualbox “

Chen Yang sunsetyang@gmail.com for the instructions on the how to make boot-able image and how to build Android for VMware, and investigations on almost all of the build breaks and run time issues

Jackie Wu jackie.wu@intel.com for the fix in alarm.c

Niels Keeman nielskeeman@gmail.com for the investigation on the path issue in the battery service jni code, v4l2 camera support (android-m912 project)

Luca Belluccini lucabelluccini@gmail.com for the first patch to fix the path issue in the battery service jni code

Kevin Jeng khjeng@princeton.edu for adding the mouse wheel support

Andrew Hughes ashughes@gmail.com for the works on iwlwifi4965 and Thinkpad x61 testing

Al Sutton alsutton@android-x86.org for testing and work on the ViewSonic ViewPad 10

Sebastian Albrecht from Vancouver special, Lorne Marr, Toronto Realtor Elli Davis, and Chantal Marr from No medical life insurance for their support.

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