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2015-12-25 14:40 323 查看

通过前面两章的分析,我们能够知道cocos将tmx的信息结构化到 CCTMXMapInfo。CCTMXTilesetInfo,CCTMXLayerInfo之中。


- Map orientation (hexagonal, isometric or orthogonal)

- Tile size

- Map size

- Layers (an array of TMXLayerInfo objects)

- Tilesets (an array of TMXTilesetInfo objects)

- ObjectGroups (an array of TMXObjectGroupInfo objects)


- Tileset name

- Tileset spacing

- Tileset margin

- size of the tiles

- Image used for the tiles

- Image size


Layer name

- Layer size

- Layer opacity at creation time (it can be modified at runtime)

- Whether the layer is visible (if it's not visible, then the CocosNode won't be created)



void CCTMXTiledMap::buildWithMapInfo(CCTMXMapInfo* mapInfo)
m_tMapSize = mapInfo->getMapSize();
m_tTileSize = mapInfo->getTileSize();
m_nMapOrientation = mapInfo->getOrientation();

m_pObjectGroups = mapInfo->getObjectGroups();

m_pProperties = mapInfo->getProperties();

m_pTileProperties = mapInfo->getTileProperties();

int idx=0;

CCArray* layers = mapInfo->getLayers();
if (layers && layers->count()>0)
CCTMXLayerInfo* layerInfo = NULL;
CCObject* pObj = NULL;
layerInfo = (CCTMXLayerInfo*)pObj;
if (layerInfo && layerInfo->m_bVisible)
CCTMXLayer *child = parseLayer(layerInfo, mapInfo);
addChild((CCNode*)child, idx, idx);

// update content size with the max size
const CCSize& childSize = child->getContentSize();
CCSize currentSize = this->getContentSize();
currentSize.width = MAX( currentSize.width, childSize.width );
currentSize.height = MAX( currentSize.height, childSize.height );





class CC_DLL CCTMXLayer : public CCSpriteBatchNode
/** size of the layer in tiles */
CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCSize, m_tLayerSize, LayerSize);
/** size of the map's tile (could be different from the tile's size) */
CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCSize, m_tMapTileSize, MapTileSize);
/** pointer to the map of tiles */
CC_SYNTHESIZE(unsigned int*, m_pTiles, Tiles);
/** Tileset information for the layer */
CC_PROPERTY(CCTMXTilesetInfo*, m_pTileSet, TileSet);
/** Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation */
CC_SYNTHESIZE(unsigned int, m_uLayerOrientation, LayerOrientation);
/** properties from the layer. They can be added using Tiled */
CC_PROPERTY(CCDictionary*, m_pProperties, Properties);
* @js ctor
* @lua NA
* @js NA
* @lua NA
virtual ~CCTMXLayer();

/** creates a CCTMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info */
static CCTMXLayer * create(CCTMXTilesetInfo *tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo *layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo *mapInfo);

/** initializes a CCTMXLayer with a tileset info, a layer info and a map info
* @lua NA
bool initWithTilesetInfo(CCTMXTilesetInfo *tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo *layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo *mapInfo);

/** dealloc the map that contains the tile position from memory.
Unless you want to know at runtime the tiles positions, you can safely call this method.
If you are going to call layer->tileGIDAt() then, don't release the map
void releaseMap();

/** returns the tile (CCSprite) at a given a tile coordinate.
The returned CCSprite will be already added to the CCTMXLayer. Don't add it again.
The CCSprite can be treated like any other CCSprite: rotated, scaled, translated, opacity, color, etc.
You can remove either by calling:
- layer->removeChild(sprite, cleanup);
- or layer->removeTileAt(ccp(x,y));
@js getTileGIDAt
CCSprite* tileAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);

/** returns the tile gid at a given tile coordinate.
if it returns 0, it means that the tile is empty.
This method requires the the tile map has not been previously released (eg. don't call layer->releaseMap())
@js tileGIDAt
unsigned int  tileGIDAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);

/** returns the tile gid at a given tile coordinate. It also returns the tile flags.
This method requires the the tile map has not been previously released (eg. don't call [layer releaseMap])
@js tileGIDAt
@lua NA
unsigned int tileGIDAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate, ccTMXTileFlags* flags);

/** sets the tile gid (gid = tile global id) at a given tile coordinate.
The Tile GID can be obtained by using the method "tileGIDAt" or by using the TMX editor -> Tileset Mgr +1.
If a tile is already placed at that position, then it will be removed.
void setTileGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);

/** sets the tile gid (gid = tile global id) at a given tile coordinate.
The Tile GID can be obtained by using the method "tileGIDAt" or by using the TMX editor -> Tileset Mgr +1.
If a tile is already placed at that position, then it will be removed.

Use withFlags if the tile flags need to be changed as well

void setTileGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& tileCoordinate, ccTMXTileFlags flags);

/** removes a tile at given tile coordinate */
void removeTileAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);

/** returns the position in points of a given tile coordinate
* @js getPositionAt
CCPoint positionAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);

/** return the value for the specific property name
*  @js getProperty
CCString *propertyNamed(const char *propertyName);

/** Creates the tiles */
void setupTiles();

/** CCTMXLayer doesn't support adding a CCSprite manually.
*  @warning addchild(z, tag); is not supported on CCTMXLayer. Instead of setTileGID.
*  @lua NA
virtual void addChild(CCNode * child, int zOrder, int tag);
/** super method
*  @lua NA
void removeChild(CCNode* child, bool cleanup);

inline const char* getLayerName(){ return m_sLayerName.c_str(); }
inline void setLayerName(const char *layerName){ m_sLayerName = layerName; }
CCPoint positionForIsoAt(const CCPoint& pos);
CCPoint positionForOrthoAt(const CCPoint& pos);
CCPoint positionForHexAt(const CCPoint& pos);

CCPoint calculateLayerOffset(const CCPoint& offset);

/* optimization methods */
CCSprite* appendTileForGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& pos);
CCSprite* insertTileForGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& pos);
CCSprite* updateTileForGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& pos);

/* The layer recognizes some special properties, like cc_vertez */
void parseInternalProperties();
void setupTileSprite(CCSprite* sprite, CCPoint pos, unsigned int gid);
CCSprite* reusedTileWithRect(CCRect rect);
int vertexZForPos(const CCPoint& pos);

// index
unsigned int atlasIndexForExistantZ(unsigned int z);
unsigned int atlasIndexForNewZ(int z);
//! name of the layer
std::string m_sLayerName;
//! TMX Layer supports opacity
unsigned char        m_cOpacity;

unsigned int        m_uMinGID;
unsigned int        m_uMaxGID;

//! Only used when vertexZ is used
int                    m_nVertexZvalue;
bool                m_bUseAutomaticVertexZ;

//! used for optimization
CCSprite            *m_pReusedTile;
ccCArray            *m_pAtlasIndexArray;

// used for retina display
float               m_fContentScaleFactor;



CCTMXLayer * CCTMXTiledMap::parseLayer(CCTMXLayerInfo *layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo *mapInfo)
CCTMXTilesetInfo *tileset = tilesetForLayer(layerInfo, mapInfo);
CCTMXLayer *layer = CCTMXLayer::create(tileset, layerInfo, mapInfo);

// tell the layerinfo to release the ownership of the tiles map.
layerInfo->m_bOwnTiles = false;

return layer;




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