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Python Wing IDE5.1.8-1 KeyGen

2015-12-22 18:40 721 查看
源码来源于PYG老大的博客: http://www.dllhook.com/post/36.html


源码是Python写的,所以需要先安装Python2.7, 3.x的不能运行,飘大已经在博客说了。


# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
import sha
import string

BASE2 = '01'
BASE10 = '0123456789'
BASE16 = '0123456789ABCDEF'
BASE62 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
BASEMAX = string.printable
def BaseConvert(number, fromdigits, todigits, ignore_negative = True):
""" converts a "number" between two bases of arbitrary digits

The input number is assumed to be a string of digits from the
fromdigits string (which is in order of smallest to largest
digit). The return value is a string of elements from todigits
(ordered in the same way). The input and output bases are
determined from the lengths of the digit strings. Negative
signs are passed through.

decimal to binary
>>> baseconvert(555,BASE10,BASE2)

binary to decimal
>>> baseconvert('1000101011',BASE2,BASE10)

integer interpreted as binary and converted to decimal (!)
>>> baseconvert(1000101011,BASE2,BASE10)

base10 to base4
>>> baseconvert(99,BASE10,"0123")

base4 to base5 (with alphabetic digits)
>>> baseconvert(1203,"0123","abcde")

base5, alpha digits back to base 10
>>> baseconvert('dee',"abcde",BASE10)

decimal to a base that uses A-Z0-9a-z for its digits
>>> baseconvert(257938572394L,BASE10,BASE62)

..convert back
>>> baseconvert('E78Lxik',BASE62,BASE10)

binary to a base with words for digits (the function cannot convert this back)
>>> baseconvert('1101',BASE2,('Zero','One'))

if not ignore_negative and str(number)[0] == '-':
number = str(number)[1:]
neg = 1
neg = 0
x = long(0)
for digit in str(number):
x = x * len(fromdigits) + fromdigits.index(digit)

res = ''
while x > 0:
digit = x % len(todigits)
res = todigits[digit] + res
x /= len(todigits)

if neg:
res = '-' + res
return res

def SHAToBase30(digest):
"""Convert from a hexdigest form SHA hash into a more compact and
ergonomic BASE30 representation.  This results in a 17 'digit'
tdigest = ''.join([ c for i, c in enumerate(digest) if i / 2 * 2 == i ])
result = BaseConvert(tdigest, BASE16, BASE30)
while len(result) < 17:
result = '1' + result

return result
def AddHyphens(code):
"""Insert hyphens into given license id or activation request to
make it easier to read"""
return code[:5] + '-' + code[5:10] + '-' + code[10:15] + '-' + code[15:]

#Fixed By PiaoYun  改为EN开头,可以支持升级
print("Wing IDE 5.0.8 KeyGen\n请在软件界面输入:EN123-12345-12345-12345 并继续\n");
LicenseID ='EN223-57414-34329-41119'
#Copy the Request Code from the dialog
#RequestCode ='RW519-2FW42-1TDRK-VGMW7'
RequestCode = input("请输入Request Code字符串:\n")

hasher = sha.new()
digest = hasher.hexdigest().upper()
lichash = RequestCode[:3] + SHAToBase30(digest)
lichash = AddHyphens(lichash)

#Calculate the Activation Code
data = [7, 123, 23, 87]
tmp = 0
realcode = ''
for i in data:
for j in lichash:
tmp = (tmp * i + ord(j)) & 0xFFFFF
realcode += format(tmp, '=05X')
tmp = 0

act30 = BaseConvert(realcode, BASE16, BASE30)
while len(act30) < 17:
act30 = '1' + act30
act30 = 'AXX' + act30
act30 = AddHyphens(act30)
print "The Activation Code is: " + act30

安装完Wing IDE,运行,查看源码94行,复制那里的EN开头的Key(key里面的数字可以任意换,符合key的格式就可以),如图:



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