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python: 通过脚本实现重要文件的备份

2015-12-15 19:42 846 查看

python: 通过脚本实现重要文件的备份

标签:python 脚本 备份

by 小威威


# Filename: backup_ver3.py

# Function: Help us backup some important document more conveniently
# declare The modules os and time
import os
import time

# source is the document that we want to backup
# today_dir is the path of the new folder
# today is the folder that we want to establish
# now is the name of the zip
source = ['/Users/apple/Desktop/python']
today_dir = '/Users/apple/Desktop/python/'
today = today_dir + time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
now = time.strftime('%H%M%S')

# Judge whether the folder of time is exist, if not, establish it
if not os.path.exists(today):
print ('Successful mikdir!')

# The comment we want to add to the backup
string = input('Please enter what you want to note:')

# judge whether the users have entered the comment,if not, carry out the original way, else add the comment to the name of backup
# os.sep represents the seperation of address,because in different system, the seperation is different
if len(string) == 0:
target = today + os.sep + now + '.zip'
else :
target = today + os.sep + now + '_' + \
string.replace(' ', '_') + '.zip'

# The command is the string that excute in terminal
command = 'zip -qr %s %s' % (target, ''.join(source))

# if the backup is success, the system will return 0
if os.system(command) == 0:
print ('Sucessfully backup to', target)
print ('Backup failed')


appledeMacBook-Pro-2:~ apple$ cd Desktop
appledeMacBook-Pro-2:Desktop apple$ cd python
appledeMacBook-Pro-2:python apple$ python3 backup_ver3.py
Please enter what you want to note:important
Sucessfully backup to /Users/apple/Desktop/python/20151215/195936_important.zip


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