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根据要求求除数的数 与 互素和算法 (的品质因数和欧拉函数分解)

2015-12-09 16:23 375 查看


One day, Qz met an easy problem. But after a 5-hout-long contest in CSU, he became very tired and he wanted to call his girlfriend as soon as possible. As we all know, Qz is a genius in plenty of fields especially in programming. But he did not want to write a program to solve this problem, he just want to call his girlfriend. Now he gave this problem to you, and he want you to solve this problem without programming. Fortunately, YH heard about Qz’s bad behavior, and he thought that not everyone is as clever as Qz. Finally, YH managed to persuade Qz to ask you to write a program to solve this problem. The problem is:
Qz will give you only one number N (1<= N <= 10^9), and he wants to know the answer of A sub B, A and B are as follow:
A is sum of series of numbers X (He only cares about X which is no larger than N) .For each X, that exists an integer k satisfies that k * X = N.
B is sum of series of numbers Y (He only cares about Y which is no larger than N).For each Y satisfies that GCD(Y, N) = 1.
YH whispers to you that GCD(X, Y) means the Greatest Common Divisor of X and Y, and you should not let Qz know that YH has told you the secret.
Qz is so hurry so he had no time to give you the N one by one and he will give you multiple cases.
YH is so kind and he ask Qz that for each input file, the number of N is about 30000.


Qz is so hurry to call his girlfriend so he has no time to explain the Input.


Help Qz to output the answer to problems on each line.

Sample Input


题意:给出一个数n , 求n的约数和减去不大于n且与n互质的数的和,记为a-b。








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