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火星,地球,我们 (Bring him home, bring us home)

2015-12-05 11:21 141 查看

关键语句: can you really tell which is which ?

The latest blockbuster,
The Martian, shows us a breathtaking space rescue mission to bring an astronaut left on
Mars back to Earth, our home.

However, does he still want to get back when he returns and sees his home this way?

Instead of celebrating his return, he would say:

While it seems to be a dead planet today, in the past the red planet would have felt very much like home to us -with clouds, oceans and blue sky.

The sister planets look very different today. How about in the past or in the future?

Check the two photos below. One is somewhere on our Earth and the other was taken on Mars. Can
you really tell which is which?

In September NASA announced that Mars does in fact have seasonal rivers of flowing water, increasing the odds that the planet can sustain some forms of life.

Is or was life on Mars?

Perhaps millions years ago, there was a robust ecosystem or even civilizations on Mars. Imagine that the Martians might be very interested in the blue planet and also sent Martian astronauts to explore the planet that we call Earth now.

What destroyed them? Martians could be wiped out by killing each other in nuclear massacres, a catastrophic event, or climate change caused by their environmentally reckless actions.

Sound familiar? Humans appear to be following a similar route.

The Martian has a key plot element that features the Chinese as instrumental in the red planet rescue mission for Matt Damon’s Mark Watney.

In reality, China is working together with the international community to make humanity’s dream of landing on Mars come true. In November 2011, a crew of six astronauts finished the Mars-500 Project,a highly-simulated manned space flight to Mars, after a 520-day
isolation from the outside world. Wang Yue, a Chinese astronaut, was among the crew who were from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the European Space Agency and the Astronaut Center of China.

China is also strongly determined to working with other countries to combat global climate change. Humans obviously don’t want to follow the tragic fate of Mars.

At the moment, more than 190 nations are gathering for a critical UN climate conference in Paris to discuss a possible new global agreement on climate change, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the threat of dangerous warming due to human activities.

Chinese President Xi Jinping will deliver a speech at the conference, which is expected to inject great political energy to the negotiations. It will be the first time for China's
top leader to be present at the UN climate change conference.

Let’s quote Xie Zhenhua, the leader ofthe Chinese delegation to the conference: “There is no time to waste in dealing with the risks of climate change.”

For the astronaut Mark Watney, help is 140 million miles away. For humans, help is in your hands. Start our mission to save our planet and bring us home.

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