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2015-12-01 00:21 357 查看


TimingLogger timings = new TimingLogger(TAG, "methodA");
// ... do some work A  操作A...
timings.addSplit("work A");
// ... do some work B 操作B...
timings.addSplit("work B");
// ... do some work C 操作C...
timings.addSplit("work C");



在需要打印时间的地方调用addSplit(String splitLabel)方法;



TimingLogger timing = new TimingLogger("timing","loop");
for (int i=0;i<1000000;) {
timing.addSplit("end loop");



adb shell setprop log.tag.timing VERBOSE


  为什么要这么设置呢?看下面的源码,在TimingLogger的构造方法中,调用了reset(tag, label)方法,然后reset(tag, label)又调用了reset()方法,有这样一条语句:
mDisabled = !Log.isLoggable(mTag, Log.VERBOSE);



* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
*      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package android.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import android.os.SystemClock;

* A utility class to help log timings splits throughout a method call.
* Typical usage is:
* <pre>
*     TimingLogger timings = new TimingLogger(TAG, "methodA");
*     // ... do some work A ...
*     timings.addSplit("work A");
*     // ... do some work B ...
*     timings.addSplit("work B");
*     // ... do some work C ...
*     timings.addSplit("work C");
*     timings.dumpToLog();
* </pre>
* <p>The dumpToLog call would add the following to the log:</p>
* <pre>
*     D/TAG     ( 3459): methodA: begin
*     D/TAG     ( 3459): methodA:      9 ms, work A
*     D/TAG     ( 3459): methodA:      1 ms, work B
*     D/TAG     ( 3459): methodA:      6 ms, work C
*     D/TAG     ( 3459): methodA: end, 16 ms
* </pre>
public class TimingLogger {

* The Log tag to use for checking Log.isLoggable and for
* logging the timings.
private String mTag;

/** A label to be included in every log. */
private String mLabel;

/** Used to track whether Log.isLoggable was enabled at reset time. */
private boolean mDisabled;

/** Stores the time of each split. */
ArrayList<Long> mSplits;

/** Stores the labels for each split. */
ArrayList<String> mSplitLabels;

* Create and initialize a TimingLogger object that will log using
* the specific tag. If the Log.isLoggable is not enabled to at
* least the Log.VERBOSE level for that tag at creation time then
* the addSplit and dumpToLog call will do nothing.
* @param tag the log tag to use while logging the timings
* @param label a string to be displayed with each log
public TimingLogger(String tag, String label) {
reset(tag, label);

* Clear and initialize a TimingLogger object that will log using
* the specific tag. If the Log.isLoggable is not enabled to at
* least the Log.VERBOSE level for that tag at creation time then
* the addSplit and dumpToLog call will do nothing.
* @param tag the log tag to use while logging the timings
* @param label a string to be displayed with each log
public void reset(String tag, String label) {
mTag = tag;
mLabel = label;

* Clear and initialize a TimingLogger object that will log using
* the tag and label that was specified previously, either via
* the constructor or a call to reset(tag, label). If the
* Log.isLoggable is not enabled to at least the Log.VERBOSE
* level for that tag at creation time then the addSplit and
* dumpToLog call will do nothing.
public void reset() {
mDisabled = !Log.isLoggable(mTag, Log.VERBOSE);
if (mDisabled) return;
if (mSplits == null) {
mSplits = new ArrayList<Long>();
mSplitLabels = new ArrayList<String>();
} else {

* Add a split for the current time, labeled with splitLabel. If
* Log.isLoggable was not enabled to at least the Log.VERBOSE for
* the specified tag at construction or reset() time then this
* call does nothing.
* @param splitLabel a label to associate with this split.
public void addSplit(String splitLabel) {
if (mDisabled) return;
long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

* Dumps the timings to the log using Log.d(). If Log.isLoggable was
* not enabled to at least the Log.VERBOSE for the specified tag at
* construction or reset() time then this call does nothing.
public void dumpToLog() {
if (mDisabled) return;
Log.d(mTag, mLabel + ": begin");
final long first = mSplits.get(0);
long now = first;
for (int i = 1; i < mSplits.size(); i++) {
now = mSplits.get(i);
final String splitLabel = mSplitLabels.get(i);
final long prev = mSplits.get(i - 1);

Log.d(mTag, mLabel + ":      " + (now - prev) + " ms, " + splitLabel);
Log.d(mTag, mLabel + ": end, " + (now - first) + " ms");
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