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go 常见问题

2015-11-30 23:36 411 查看

1. 如何只测试指定的test文件,而不是所有的单元测试都跑一遍.

go tool vet -test -v src\github.com\astaxie\beego\controller_test.go

go tool vet 是个很不错的工具,里面有很强大的功能

go tool vet 参数

Usage of vet:
vet [flags] directory...
vet [flags] files... # Must be a single package
For more information run
godoc golang.org/x/tools/cmd/vet

check everything; disabled if any explicit check is requested (default true)
check assembly against Go declarations (default unset)
check for useless assignments (default unset)
check for common mistaken usages of the sync/atomic package (default unset)
check for mistakes involving boolean operators (default unset)
check that +build tags are valid (default unset)
check that composite literals used field-keyed elements (default unset)
use composite white list; for testing only (default true)
check that locks are not passed by value (default unset)
check that canonically named methods are canonically defined (default unset)
check for comparisons between functions and nil (default unset)
check printf-like invocations (default unset)
-printfuncs string
comma-separated list of print function names to check
check that range loop variables are used correctly (default unset)
check for shadowed variables (experimental; must be set explicitly) (default unset)
whether to be strict about shadowing; can be noisy
check for useless shifts (default unset)
check that struct field tags have canonical format and apply to exported fields as needed (default unset)
-tags string
comma-separated list of build tags to apply when parsing
for testing only: sets -all and -shadow
check for unreachable code (default unset)
check for misuse of unsafe.Pointer (default unset)
-unusedfuncs string
comma-separated list of functions whose results must be used (default "errors.New,fmt.Errorf,fmt.Sprintf,fmt.Sprint,sort.Reverse")
check for unused result of calls to functions in -unusedfuncs list and methods in -unusedstringmethods list (default unset)
-unusedstringmethods string
comma-separated list of names of methods of type func() string whose results must be used (default "Error,String")
-v    verbose

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