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python下 list/dictionary

2015-11-26 22:57 405 查看

实例 1:

import tab

products = ['car','iphone','coffee','mac','mouse','bicyle']
prices   = [25000, 4999,    35,     9688,  332,      1500]
shop_list = []

salary = int(raw_input('please input your salary:'))

while True:
print "things have in the shop,please choose one to buy:"
for p in products:
print p,'\t',prices[products.index(p)]

choice = raw_input('please input one item to buy:')
f_choice = choice.strip()
if f_choice in products:
product_price_index = products.index(f_choice)
product_price = prices[product_price_index]
print f_choice,product_price
if salary > product_price:
print "added %s into your shop list" % f_choice
salary = salary - product_price
print "Salary left:",salary
if salary < min(prices):
print "sorry,rest of your salary cannot buy anything!"
print "you have bought these things:%s" % shop_list
print "you cannot afford this product,try other ones!"

实例 2

car      25000
iphone   4999
coffee   35
mac      9688
bicyle   432

import tab
products = []
prices = []
shop_list = []


f = file('shops.txt')
for line in f.readlines():
new_line = line.split()
#print products
#print prices

salary = int(raw_input("please input your salary:"))

while True:
print "welcome,things you can buy as below"

for p in products:
p_index = products.index(p)
p_price = prices[p_index]
print p,'\t',p_price

choice = raw_input("please input what you want to buy:")
f_choice = choice.strip()
if f_choice in products:
print "\033[31;1myes,it is in the list\033[0m"
f_index = products.index(f_choice)
f_price = prices[f_index]
if salary >= f_price:
print "\033[34;1mCongratulations,added %s to shop list\033[0m" %f_choice
salary = salary - f_price
print "Now you have %d left! keeping buying" %salary
if salary < min(prices):
print "\033[31;1mYou can't buy anything! Bye!\033[0m"
print "you have bought:",shop_list
print "\033[31;1msorry,money is not enough,try other one!\033[0m"

print "\033[31;1m%s not in the list,try other one\033[0m" %f_choice


1    zhangsan    IT     18212356434
2    lisi        HR     17482382344
3    wangwu      QA     12384722344
4    sunliu      JN     14234234235
5    tom         IT     23423343523

import tab
contact_dic = {}

f = file(contact_file)
for line in f.readlines():
name = line.split()[1]
contact_dic[name] = line
#print contact_dic

for n,v in contact_dic.items():
print n,'\t',v,

while True:
input = raw_input("please input the staff name:").strip()
if len(input) == 0:continue
if contact_dic.has_key(input):
print "\033[31;1m%s \033[0m" %contact_dic[input]
print "sorry,no staff name found"
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标签:  python list dictionary