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openwebrtc build framework (Building OpenWebRTC with Cerbero)

2015-11-13 11:29 513 查看
有时第三方库更改, 或者 添加一些新的支持时, 需要运行如下:

cd /mnt/cerbero \
&& ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc wipe --build-tools \
&& ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc wipe --build-tools


详细参加: https://github.com/EricssonResearch/openwebrtc/issues/523 https://github.com/EricssonResearch/openwebrtc/issues/509
git pull --rebase

build one package:

cd /mnt/cerbero \
&& ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc buildone openwebrtc \
&& ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc package -f openwebrtc\
&&./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc buildone openwebrtc \
&& ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc package -f openwebrtc


A build system written for GStreamer. We have made a few changes to existing recipes and added some more that we need for OpenWebRTC.

Clone cerbero code and recipes

Make sure you checkout the repo in your home directory to avoid issues down the road. (I have done it on /mnt)
cd  /mnt/
git clone https://github.com/EricssonResearch/cerbero.git[/code] 

Platform specific bits

OS X host

sudo mkdir -p /Library/Frameworks/OpenWebRTC.framework
sudo chown -R $UID /Library/Frameworks/OpenWebRTC.framework/

: (for me, in /mnt )
mkdir -p dist
mkdir -p /Library/Frameworks/OpenWebRTC.framework/Versions/0.3
ln -sf /Library/Frameworks/OpenWebRTC.framework/Versions/0.3 dist/darwin_x86_64


sudo mkdir -p /opt/openwebrtc-0.3
sudo chown -R $UID /opt/openwebrtc-0.3


Bootstrapping is required for building anything with a particular config (-c argument). For example, to build using the default config: (for me, in /mnt/cerbero)
cd cerbero

host bootstrap

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/linux.cbc bootstrap

OS X host bootstrap

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc bootstrap

cross-compile bootstrap

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc bootstrap

cross-compile bootstrap

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc bootstrap

And so on. Note that as the name suggests, bootstrap only needs to be run once to prepare the build environment.


cd cerbero

host build

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/linux.cbc package -f openwebrtc

OS X host build

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc package -f openwebrtc

cross-compile build

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc package -f openwebrtc

cross-compile build

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc package -f openwebrtc

And so on. Note that as the name suggests, bootstrap only needs to be run once to prepare the build environment.

refetch and clean cache:

Mac OS X host target

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc fetch-package --full-reset --reset-rdeps openwebrtc

Universal cross-compile (armv7, armv7s, arm64, x86) target

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc fetch-package --full-reset --reset-rdeps openwebrtc

Android cross-compile target

NOTE: You MUST build for your host first before cross-compiling for Android. This is because some of the build results are re-used for cross-compiling.
./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc fetch-package --full-reset --reset-rdeps openwebrtc


./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/linux.cbc fetch-package --full-reset --reset-rdeps openwebrtc

Update cerbero and the recipes

cd ~/cerbero
git checkout master
git pull --rebase


cd /mnt/cerbero \
&& ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc wipe --build-tools \
&& ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc wipe --build-tools

leodeMac-mini:cerbero_1109 leo$ ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc wipe --build-tools \

> && ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc wipe --build-tools

WARNING: Using default configuration because /Users/leo/.cerbero/cerbero.cbc is missing


This command will delete cerbero's build cache, the sources directory, and the builds directory to reset the build system to its initial state.

The following paths will be removed:








Do you want to continue? [yes/no] yes

Are you sure? [yes/no] yes

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/darwin_x86_64.cache

-----> Removing path: /Library/Frameworks/OpenWebRTC.framework/Versions/0.3

Running command 'rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/OpenWebRTC.framework/Versions/0.3'

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/logs/darwin_x86_64

Running command 'rm -rf /Users/leo/cerbero/logs/darwin_x86_64'

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/darwin_x86_64

Running command 'rm -rf /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/darwin_x86_64'

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/build-tools.cache

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/build-tools

Running command 'rm -rf /Users/leo/cerbero/build-tools'

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/build-tools

Running command 'rm -rf /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/build-tools'

WARNING: Using default configuration because /Users/leo/.cerbero/cerbero.cbc is missing


This command will delete cerbero's build cache, the sources directory, and the builds directory to reset the build system to its initial state.

The following paths will be removed:








Do you want to continue? [yes/no] yes

Are you sure? [yes/no] yes

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/ios_universal.cache

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/dist/ios_universal

Running command 'rm -rf /Users/leo/cerbero/dist/ios_universal'

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/logs/ios_universal

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal

Running command 'rm -rf /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal'

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/build-tools.cache

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/build-tools

Running command 'rm -rf /Users/leo/cerbero/build-tools'

-----> Removing path: /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/build-tools

tools: bootstrap

leo$ ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc bootstrap
WARNING: Using default configuration because /Users/leo/.cerbero/cerbero.cbc is missing

WARNING: No bootstrapper for the distro version osx_yosemite

File /var/folders/rx/ypcyq6bx1qd_xmmdwsf4df700000gn/T/tmpBt45j8 already downloaded.

Running command 'chmod +x /var/folders/rx/ypcyq6bx1qd_xmmdwsf4df700000gn/T/tmpBt45j8'

Running command 'sudo /var/folders/rx/ypcyq6bx1qd_xmmdwsf4df700000gn/T/tmpBt45j8 XML::Parser'


WARNING: Using default configuration because /Users/leo/.cerbero/cerbero.cbc is missing

Building the following recipes: gettext xz m4 autoconf sed gettext-tools gettext-m4 automake tar libtool pkg-config orc-tool libffi zlib glib gobject-introspection gnome-common gtk-doc-lite gperf intltool yasm bison flex

[(1/23) gettext -> already built ]

[(2/23) xz -> already built ]

[(3/23) m4 -> already built ]

[(4/23) autoconf -> already built ]

[(5/23) sed -> already built ]

[(6/23) gettext-tools -> already built ]

[(7/23) gettext-m4 -> already built ]

[(8/23) automake -> already built ]

[(9/23) tar -> already built ]

[(10/23) libtool -> already built ]

[(11/23) pkg-config -> already built ]

[(12/23) orc-tool -> already built ]

[(13/23) libffi -> already built ]

[(14/23) zlib -> already built ]

[(15/23) glib -> already built ]

[(16/23) gobject-introspection -> already built ]

[(17/23) gnome-common -> already built ]

[(18/23) gtk-doc-lite -> already built ]

[(19/23) gperf -> already built ]

[(20/23) intltool -> already built ]

[(21/23) yasm -> already built ]

[(22/23) bison -> already built ]

[(23/23) flex -> already built ]

leo$ ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc bootstrap
WARNING: Using default configuration because /Users/leo/.cerbero/cerbero.cbc is missing

WARNING: No bootstrapper for the distro version ios_8_4

WARNING: No bootstrapper for the distro version osx_yosemite

File /var/folders/rx/ypcyq6bx1qd_xmmdwsf4df700000gn/T/tmp42SUR2 already downloaded.

Running command 'chmod +x /var/folders/rx/ypcyq6bx1qd_xmmdwsf4df700000gn/T/tmp42SUR2'

Running command 'sudo /var/folders/rx/ypcyq6bx1qd_xmmdwsf4df700000gn/T/tmp42SUR2 XML::Parser'

WARNING: Using default configuration because /Users/leo/.cerbero/cerbero.cbc is missing

Building the following recipes: gettext xz m4 autoconf sed gettext-tools gettext-m4 automake tar libtool pkg-config orc-tool libffi zlib glib gobject-introspection gnome-common gtk-doc-lite gperf gas-preprocessor glib-tools intltool yasm bison flex

[(1/25) gettext -> already built ]

[(2/25) xz -> already built ]

[(3/25) m4 -> already built ]

[(4/25) autoconf -> already built ]

[(5/25) sed -> already built ]

[(6/25) gettext-tools -> already built ]

[(7/25) gettext-m4 -> already built ]

[(8/25) automake -> already built ]

[(9/25) tar -> already built ]

[(10/25) libtool -> already built ]

[(11/25) pkg-config -> already built ]

[(12/25) orc-tool -> already built ]

[(13/25) libffi -> already built ]

[(14/25) zlib -> already built ]

[(15/25) glib -> already built ]

[(16/25) gobject-introspection -> already built ]

[(17/25) gnome-common -> already built ]

[(18/25) gtk-doc-lite -> already built ]

[(19/25) gperf -> already built ]

[(20/25) gas-preprocessor -> already built ]

[(21/25) glib-tools -> already built ]

[(22/25) intltool -> already built ]

[(23/25) yasm -> already built ]

[(24/25) bison -> already built ]

[(25/25) flex -> already built ]

build framework:

leo$ ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc package -f openwebrtc
WARNING: Using default configuration because /Users/leo/.cerbero/cerbero.cbc is missing

Building the following recipes: gettext libffi zlib glib orc bzip2 openssl gobject-introspection bionic-fixup gtk-doc-lite gstreamer-1.0 gst-plugins-base-1.0 libvpx gst-plugins-good-1.0 openh264 opus libsrtp gst-plugins-bad-1.0 libnice gstreamer-1.0-static
gst-plugins-base-1.0-static gst-plugins-good-1.0-static gst-plugins-bad-1.0-static libnice-static libusrsctp openwebrtc-gst-plugins intltool gnome-js-common seed json-glib libxml2 libsoup libxslt docbook-xsl docbook-xml gtk-osx-docbook itstool gtk-doc openwebrtc
pygobject gst-python-1.0 openwebrtc-osx-framework openwebrtc-gst-plugins-static

[(1/43) gettext -> already built ]

[(2/43) libffi -> already built ]

[(3/43) zlib -> already built ]

[(4/43) glib -> already built ]

[(5/43) orc -> already built ]

[(6/43) bzip2 -> already built ]

[(7/43) openssl -> already built ]

[(8/43) gobject-introspection -> already built ]

[(9/43) bionic-fixup -> already built ]

[(10/43) gtk-doc-lite -> already built ]

[(11/43) gstreamer-1.0 -> already built ]

[(12/43) gst-plugins-base-1.0 -> already built ]

[(13/43) libvpx -> already built ]

[(14/43) gst-plugins-good-1.0 -> already built ]

[(15/43) openh264 -> already built ]

[(16/43) opus -> already built ]

[(17/43) libsrtp -> already built ]

[(18/43) gst-plugins-bad-1.0 -> already built ]

[(19/43) libnice -> already built ]

[(20/43) gstreamer-1.0-static -> already built ]

[(21/43) gst-plugins-base-1.0-static -> already built ]

[(22/43) gst-plugins-good-1.0-static -> already built ]

[(23/43) gst-plugins-bad-1.0-static -> already built ]

[(24/43) libnice-static -> already built ]

[(25/43) libusrsctp -> already built ]

[(26/43) openwebrtc-gst-plugins -> already built ]

[(27/43) intltool -> already built ]

[(28/43) gnome-js-common -> already built ]

[(29/43) seed -> already built ]

[(30/43) json-glib -> already built ]

[(31/43) libxml2 -> already built ]

[(32/43) libsoup -> already built ]

[(33/43) libxslt -> already built ]

[(34/43) docbook-xsl -> already built ]

[(35/43) docbook-xml -> already built ]

[(36/43) gtk-osx-docbook -> already built ]

[(37/43) itstool -> already built ]

[(38/43) gtk-doc -> already built ]

[(39/43) openwebrtc -> already built ]

[(40/43) pygobject -> already built ]

[(41/43) gst-python-1.0 -> already built ]

[(42/43) openwebrtc-osx-framework -> already built ]

[(43/43) openwebrtc-gst-plugins-static -> already built ]

WARNING: No specific packager available for the distro version osx_yosemite, using generic packager for distro osx

-----> Creating package for openwebrtc

-----> Creating framework package

leo$ ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc package -f openwebrtc
WARNING: Using default configuration because /Users/leo/.cerbero/cerbero.cbc is missing

Building the following recipes: gettext libffi zlib glib orc bzip2 openssl bionic-fixup gtk-doc-lite gstreamer-1.0 gst-plugins-base-1.0 libvpx gst-plugins-good-1.0 openh264 opus libsrtp gst-plugins-bad-1.0 libnice gstreamer-1.0-static gst-plugins-base-1.0-static
gst-plugins-good-1.0-static gst-plugins-bad-1.0-static libnice-static libusrsctp openwebrtc-gst-plugins intltool gnome-js-common openwebrtc-girepository seed openwebrtc-gst-plugins-static openwebrtc

[(1/31) gettext -> already built ]

[(2/31) libffi -> already built ]

[(3/31) zlib -> already built ]

[(4/31) glib -> already built ]

[(5/31) orc -> already built ]

[(6/31) bzip2 -> fetch ]

-----> Step done

[(6/31) bzip2 -> extract ]

-----> Step done

[(6/31) bzip2 -> compile ]

[(7/31) openssl -> already built ]

[(8/31) bionic-fixup -> already built ]

[(9/31) gtk-doc-lite -> already built ]

[(10/31) gstreamer-1.0 -> already built ]

[(11/31) gst-plugins-base-1.0 -> already built ]

[(12/31) libvpx -> already built ]

[(13/31) gst-plugins-good-1.0 -> already built ]

[(14/31) openh264 -> already built ]

[(15/31) opus -> already built ]

[(16/31) libsrtp -> already built ]

[(17/31) gst-plugins-bad-1.0 -> already built ]

[(18/31) libnice -> already built ]

[(19/31) gstreamer-1.0-static -> already built ]

[(20/31) gst-plugins-base-1.0-static -> already built ]

[(21/31) gst-plugins-good-1.0-static -> already built ]

[(22/31) gst-plugins-bad-1.0-static -> already built ]

[(23/31) libnice-static -> already built ]

[(24/31) libusrsctp -> already built ]

[(25/31) openwebrtc-gst-plugins -> already built ]

[(26/31) intltool -> already built ]

[(27/31) gnome-js-common -> already built ]

[(28/31) openwebrtc-girepository -> already built ]

[(29/31) seed -> already built ]

[(30/31) openwebrtc-gst-plugins-static -> already built ]

[(31/31) openwebrtc -> already built ]

build one package:

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc buildone openwebrtc

WARNING: Using default configuration because /Users/leo/.cerbero/cerbero.cbc is missing

Building the following recipes: openwebrtc

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> fetch ]

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> extract ]

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> configure ]

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.guess to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/darwin_x86_64/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.guess

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.sub to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/darwin_x86_64/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.sub

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> compile ]

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> install ]

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> post_install ]

repacakge framework again.

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/osx-x86-64.cbc package -f openwebrtc

build one package:

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc buildone openwebrtc

Building the following recipes: openwebrtc

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> fetch ]

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> extract ]

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> configure ]

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.guess to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/x86_64/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.guess

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.sub to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/x86_64/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.sub

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.guess to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/armv7s/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.guess

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.sub to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/armv7s/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.sub

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.guess to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/x86/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.guess

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.sub to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/x86/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.sub

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.guess to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/armv7/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.guess

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.sub to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/armv7/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.sub

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.guess to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/arm64/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.guess

-----> copying /mnt/cerbero__git_20151014/cerbero_1109/data/autotools/config.sub to /Users/leo/cerbero/sources/ios_universal/arm64/openwebrtc-0.3.0/config.sub

[(1/1) openwebrtc -> compile ]

./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-ios-universal.cbc package -f openwebrtc
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