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Android Studio引用GitHub上的库 viewPagerIndicater

2015-10-24 11:31 351 查看
在学习Tab时,想实现Tab好看,变想引用ViewPagerIndicater,引用中,尽管前人给出的指点很多,但是自己用的AS版本为1.4beta  ,以此能给同样需求的人做参考。

首先在stack overflow中给出的答案:

ViewPagerIndicator via gradle:

Top Level Build.gradle:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/populov/maven" }
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.12.+'

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/populov/maven" }

App's build.gradle:
compile 'com.viewpagerindicator:library:2.4.1@aar'


To use Android-ViewPagerIndicator in Android Studio, you can’t download it from gradle. Instead, you must import the library as an “Existing Project” to your current one.

Follow these steps:

#1 Download source code from GitHub.

#2 In your Android Studio Project: File -> Project Structure -> add (+ symbol) -> Import Existing Project. Import just the folder called ”library”, not the entire project (leave the import options as Android Studio suggests).

# 3 If the "compileSdkVersion" specified in your build.gradle doesn’t match with the one specified in the Android-ViewPagerIndicator project, change the second one. The same apply with any other property, such as "minSdkVersion" or even the current support

# 4 Add Android-ViewPagerIndicator project as a dependency to your build.gradle module:
dependencies {
compile project(':library')

# 5 Sync project with gradle files.


1,在进行第二部导入工程文件时File -> Project Structure -> add (+ symbol) -> Import Existing Project,由于下载的文件是eclipse工程,因此需要选择导入Import Module
,找了半天都没找到哪里有可以导入;最后发现在file->new->import Module ;真心是对菜单太不熟悉了

2,由于导入的文件的.jar文件和我自己建的工程文件不一样,jar SDK要调整为与我的工程一制,才可以,另外导入的文件由于jar包的改变会有部分函数用不了,需要按照新的标准进行更新;

compile project(':library')

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