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0.1)本文旨在总结出表达式树的构建步骤, 其中还涉及到中缀转后缀表达式,以及如何计算 表达式树中的值;


0.3) 其实, 实现一个简单的计算器, 也即求出中缀表达式的值,我们也可以用栈来实现, 参见 http://blog.csdn.net/pacosonswjtu/article/details/49225529 ; 此处给出 表达式树的实现 仅在于加深对表达式树的理解及它的应用;


1.1)定义:表达式树的树叶是 操作数operand,比如常量或变量,而其他节点是操作符 operator;


先序遍历: + + a * b c * + * d e f g

中序遍历: a + b * c + ( d * c + f ) * g (这里要加上括号, 这也是我们为什么要采用 后缀或逆波兰记法 来表示 用户输入的运算表达式 以计算结果, 一句话,方便可靠)

后序遍历: a b c * + d e * f + g * +

Attention)这里,我们没有给出源代码,因为这个先序,后序 or 中序 的源代码和二叉树遍历的源代码相差无几,这里只是了解下 表达式树的概念,并了解下用 树的遍历计算 表达式的值;


我们给出一种算法将后缀表达式转变为 表达式树:

step1)用户输入中缀表达式, 我们首先将其转为后缀表达式;

step2)我们将后缀表达式转为 表达式树的形式;


2.1 ) download source code: https://github.com/pacosonTang/dataStructure-algorithmAnalysis/tree/master/chapter4/p71_compute_expr_tree

2.2 ) source code at a glance:

2.2.1)expr_tree.c source code :

#include "stack.h"
#include "binary_tree.h"

extern void infir_to_postfix();
extern int computeResult(int operand1, int operand2, int operator_);
extern ElementType compute_postfix();
extern Stack operand;
extern int isOperator(char ch);
extern int computeResult(int operand1, int operand2, int operator_);

// building an expr tree for storing postfix expr
BinaryTree postfixToExprTree()
int value;
BinaryTree* treeArray;
int size;
int index;
ElementType *p;
int i ;

size = getTopOfStack(operand) + 1; //get the top of stack, and add 1 to compute size of the stack
treeArray = (BinaryTree*)malloc(size * sizeof(BinaryTree)); // alloc memory for treeArray
index = 0; // set the index of treeArray 0

p = getArray(operand);
i = 0;
while(i < getTopOfStack(operand))
value = *(p+i++);
if(value == ' ') // if the value equals ' ', continue
treeArray[index++] = createBinaryTree(value);// for every element need to build tree node
if(isOperator(value)) // if the value belongs to operator,
insertNode(treeArray[index-1], treeArray[index], 0);
insertNode(treeArray[index-2], treeArray[index], 1);
treeArray[index-2] = treeArray[index];
index --;
// (treeArray+index++) = createBinaryTree(value);// if the value belongs to operand, push the element into the treeArray
return *treeArray;

// preorder the tree
void printPreorder(int depth, BinaryTree root)
int i;

if(root) {
for(i = 0; i < depth; i++)
printf("    ");
printf("%c\n", root->value);
printPreorder(depth + 1, root->left);
printPreorder(depth + 1, root->right); // Attention: there's difference between traversing binary tree and common tree
else {
for(i = 0; i < depth; i++)
printf("    ");

// postordering expression tree with operantors and operands to compute the result of these nodes
int postorder_compute_postfix_expr_tree(BinaryTree root)
int temp1;
int temp2;

if(isOperator(root->value)) {
temp1 = postorder_compute_postfix_expr_tree(root->left);
temp2 = postorder_compute_postfix_expr_tree(root->right); // Attention: there's difference between traversing binary tree and common tree
return computeResult(temp1, temp2, root->value);
return root->value - 48;

int main()
BinaryTree bt;

// 1.convert infix into postfix expr
printf("\n ====== convert infix into postfix expr ====== \n");
infir_to_postfix(); // after this func is called over, we get the postfix of the expr

// 2.convert postfix into the expression tree
bt = postfixToExprTree();
printPreorder(1, bt);

//3.compute postfix expr stored in the expression tree
printf("the final result is : %2d \n", postorder_compute_postfix_expr_tree(bt));

return 0;

2.2.2)binary_tree.c source code :

#include "binary_tree.h"

// create a BinaryTree with root node
BinaryTree createBinaryTree(TreeElementType value)
BinaryTree t;

t = (BinaryTree)malloc(sizeof(struct BinaryTree));
if(!t) {
Error("out of space, from func createBinaryTree");
return NULL;
t->left = NULL;
t->right = NULL;
t->value = value;

return t;

// make the BinaryTree empty
BinaryTree makeTreeEmpty(BinaryTree t)
return NULL;

//insert a Tree node with value e into left child or right child of the parent
BinaryTree insert(TreeElementType e, BinaryTree parent, int isLeft)
BinaryTree node;

Error("for parent BinaryTree node is empty , you cannot insert one into the parent node, from func insert");
return NULL;

node = (BinaryTree)malloc(sizeof(struct BinaryTree));
if(!node) {
Error("out of space, from func insert");
return NULL;
node->value = e;
node->right = NULL;
node->left = NULL;// building the node with value e over

if(isLeft) { // the tree node inserting into left child of the parent
if(parent->left) {
Error("for parent has already had a left child , you cannot insert one into the left child, from func insert");
return NULL;
parent->left = node;
else { // the tree node inserting into right child of the parent
if(parent->right) {
Error("for parent has already had a right child , you cannot insert one into the right child, from func insert");
return NULL;
parent->right = node;
return node;

//insert a Tree node into left child or right child of the parent
BinaryTree insertNode(BinaryTree node, BinaryTree parent, int isLeft)
Error("for parent BinaryTree node is empty , you cannot insert one into the parent node, from func insert");
return NULL;

if(!node) {
Error("for the node inserted is NULL , so you cannot insert a NULL node, from func insert");
return NULL;

if(isLeft)  // the tree node inserting into left child of the parent
parent->left = node;
else  // the tree node inserting into right child of the parent
parent->right = node;

return node;

// find the BinaryTree root node with value equaling to e
BinaryTree find(TreeElementType e, BinaryTree root)
BinaryTree temp;

if(root == NULL)
return NULL;
if(root->value == e)
return root;

temp = find(e, root->left);
return temp;
return  find(e, root->right);

// analog print directories and files name in the BinaryTree, which involves postorder traversal.
void printPostorder(int depth, BinaryTree root)
int i;

if(root) {
printPostorder(depth + 1, root->left);
printPostorder(depth + 1, root->right); // Attention: there's difference between traversing binary tree and common tree
for(i = 0; i < depth; i++)
printf("    ");
printf("%c\n", root->value);
else {
for(i = 0; i < depth; i++)
printf("    ");

2.2.3)stack.h source code :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#define ElementType int
#define EmptyStack -1
#define Error(str) printf("%s",str)
#define FatalError(str) printf("%s",str)
#define minStackSize 5

struct Stack;
typedef struct Stack *Stack;

int isFull(Stack s);
int isEmpty(Stack s);
Stack createStack(int);
void disposeStack(Stack s);
void makeEmpty(Stack s);
void push(ElementType e, Stack s);
ElementType top(Stack s);
void pop(Stack s);
ElementType top(Stack s);
int getTopOfStack(Stack s);
ElementType *getArray(Stack s);

void printStack(Stack s);
void printStack_postfix(Stack s);

struct Stack {
int capacity;
int topOfStack;
ElementType *array;
} ;

2.2.4)binary_tree.h source code :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#define TreeElementType char
#define Error(str) printf("%s",str)

struct BinaryTree;
typedef struct BinaryTree *BinaryTree;

BinaryTree createBinaryTree(TreeElementType); // this func is different from that in p70_preorder_binary_tree.c
BinaryTree makeTreeEmpty(BinaryTree);
BinaryTree insert(TreeElementType, BinaryTree, int);
BinaryTree insertNode(BinaryTree, BinaryTree, int);
BinaryTree find(TreeElementType, BinaryTree);
void printPostorder(int depth, BinaryTree root);

// we adopt child-sibling notation
struct BinaryTree
TreeElementType value;
BinaryTree left;
BinaryTree right;

2.2.5)stack.c source code :

#include "stack.h"

int getTopOfStack(Stack s)
return s->topOfStack;

//return stack's array
ElementType *getArray(Stack s)
return s->array;

//judge whether the stack is empty or not
int isFull(Stack s)
return s->capacity - 1 == s->topOfStack ? 1 : 0;

//judge whether the stack is empty or not
int isEmpty(Stack s)
return s->topOfStack == -1;

//create stack with the head node
Stack createStack(int size)
Stack s;

s = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));

if(size < minStackSize) {
Error("stack size is too small, and creating stack with defualt size 5");
size = minStackSize;
if(s == NULL) {
FatalError("out of space when allocting memory for stack s");
return NULL;

s->array = (ElementType *)malloc(size * sizeof(ElementType));
if(s->array == NULL) {
FatalError("out of space when allocting memory for stack's array ");
return NULL;
s->topOfStack = -1;
s->capacity = size;
return s;

//dispose stack
void disposeStack(Stack s)

//pop all elements in the stack
void makeEmpty(Stack s)
if(s->topOfStack == -1)
Error("must create the stack first");

//push the node with value e into the stack s
//attend that first moving ptr ,then executing push operation
void push(ElementType e, Stack s)
ElementType *temp = s->array;

Error("the Stack is full, push failure! ");
s->topOfStack ++;
s->array[s->topOfStack] = e;

// pop the node or element on the top of stack
//attend that first executing pop operation,then moving ptr
void pop(Stack s)

Error("empty stack");
s->topOfStack --;

// return the value of the top node in the stack
ElementType top(Stack s)
return s->array[s->topOfStack];
Error("the stack is empty from func top\n");
return -1;

//print value of element in the stack s
void printStack(Stack s)
int i;

Error("empty stack");
return ;

for(i=0; i<= s->topOfStack; i++)
printf("%4d", s->array[i]);


//print value of element in the stack s with postfix
void printStack_postfix(Stack s)
int i;

Error("empty stack");
return ;
printf("stack elements list: ");
for(i=0; i<= s->topOfStack; i++)
printf("%c", s->array[i]);


2.2.6)compute_postfix.c source code :

#include "stack.h"

#define Size 100

// refer to p50.c and put it into the same project
extern struct Stack;
typedef struct Stack *Stack;

extern Stack operand; // operand is an extern variable defined in infixToPostfix
extern int isOperator(char ch);
extern void infir_to_postfix();
int computeResult(int operand1, int operand2, int operator_);

int computeResult(int operand1, int operand2, int operator_)
case '+': return operand1 + operand2;
case '*': return operand1 * operand2;
default: return 0; break;

// compute final result of responding postfix
ElementType compute_postfix()
Stack output;
int i;
ElementType *p;
int value;
int operand1;
int operand2;

output = createStack(Size); // create stack with length Size
i = 0;
p = getArray(operand); // get operand->array

while(i < getTopOfStack(operand))
value = *(p+i++);
if(value == ' ')
operand1 = top(output);

operand2 = top(output);

value = computeResult(operand1, operand2, value);
push(value, output);
push(value - 48, output);
return getArray(output)[0];

2.2.7)infixToPostfix.c source code :

#include "stack.h"

#define Size 100

// refer to p50.c and put it into the same project
extern struct Stack;
typedef struct Stack *Stack;
Stack operand; // declaration of Stack operand
int isOperator(char ch);
void infir_to_postfix();

//compare operator's priority between ch1 and ch2, return -1, 0 or 1
int priorityBigger(char ch1, char ch2)
int size = 8;
char operator_[]={ '(', ')', ' ', '+', '-', ' ', '*', '/'};
int index1, index2;
int i;

if(ch1 - ch2 == 0)
return 0;

for(i = 0; i< size; i++)
if(operator_[i] == ch1)
index1 = i;
else if(operator_[i] == ch2)
index2 = i;

index1 -= index2;

if(index1 == 1 || index1 == -1)
return 0;
else if(index1 > 1)
return 1;
else if(index1 < -1)
return -1;

//judge whether the ch is operator or not ,also 1 or 0
int isOperator(char ch)
int size;
char operator_[]={'(', '+', '-', '*', '/', ')'};
int i;

size = 6;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(ch == operator_[i])

return i == size ? 0 : 1;

//convert a part of str with length len into responding element value
ElementType strToElement(int *str, int len)
int i;
int value;

i = value = 0;
while(i < len)
value += *(str+i) - 48;
if(++i == len)
value *= 10;
return value;

// convert infix expr into postfix expr
//for operand and operator cannot be in the same type ,we treat them as char and split them with space
void infixToPostfix(Stack s1, Stack s2,char *expr)
char ch;
int i;
char top_t;
int flag;

i = 0;
flag = 0;
while((ch = *(expr+i++)) != '\0')
if(ch == ')'){// if ch equals ')', pop elements in stack s2 between '(' and ')' into stack s1
while((top_t = top(s2)) != '(' )
push(top_t, s1);
push(' ', s1);
pop(s2); // pop '(' in stack s2

if(isOperator(ch)) // isOperator is true
if(ch == '(')
push(ch, s2); // push '(' into operator stack s2
flag = 1;

while((top_t = top(s2)) != -1 && priorityBigger(top_t, ch) >= 0 && flag ==0)
push(top_t, s1);
push(' ', s1);
push(ch, s2); // push operator into operator stack s2
flag = 0;
push(ch, s1);
push(' ', s1);    // we treat them as char and split them with space

// pop element in s2 and push it into s1
push(top(s2), s1);
push(' ', s1);

// read expr from console till '\n' and we just only focus on '+' and '*';
// postfix expression like 6 5 2 3 + 8 * + 3 + *
char *read()
char *temp;
int len;
char ch;

temp = (char*)malloc(Size * sizeof(char));
len = 0;
while((ch = getchar()) != '\n')
if(ch == ' ')
temp[len++] = ch;

temp[len] = '\0';

return temp;

// there are 2 stacks, that's operand and operator;
//works list
//1.read expr, 2.convert the expr from infix to postfix, 3.

int main()
Stack operand;
Stack operator_;
operand = createStack(Size);
operator_ = createStack(Size);

// convert infix into postfix expr
infixToPostfix(operand, operator_, read());

// compute postfix expr

return 0;

void infir_to_postfix()
Stack operator_;

//create stack operand and operator_
operand = createStack(Size);
operator_ = createStack(Size);

// convert infix into postfix expr
infixToPostfix(operand, operator_, read());
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