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Android release版关闭日志logcat

2015-09-24 17:28 615 查看

Android release版关闭日志logcat


assumenosideeffects,proguard 配置文件里的参数。assume no side effects;假定无效;该属性也就是标识无效代码。我们就是通过这个参数来让proguard删除日志代码。

In the optimization step, ProGuard will then remove calls to such methods, if it can determine that the return values aren't used.ProGuard will analyze your program code to find such methods automatically.It will not analyze library code, for which this option can therefore be useful.
In general, making assumptions can be dangerous; you can easily break the processed code. Only use this option if you know what you're doing!



-assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log {

public static boolean isLoggable(java.lang.String, int);

public static int v(...);

public static int i(...);

public static int w(...);

public static int d(...);

public static int e(...);



don‘t optimize 不要优化;将会关闭优化,导致日志语句不会被优化掉。所以不能有这个配置。
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