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import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import com.cpoopc.smoothemotionkeyboard.BuildConfig;

* @date 21.06.2012
* @author Mustafa Ferhan Akman
* Create a simple and more understandable Android logs.
* */

public class DebugLog {

static String tagPrefix = "cp:";
static String className;
static String methodName;
static int lineNumber;

private DebugLog() {
/* Protect from instantiations */

public static boolean isDebuggable() {
return BuildConfig.DEBUG;

private static String createLog(String log) {

StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

return buffer.toString();

private static void getMethodNames(StackTraceElement[] sElements) {
className = sElements[1].getFileName();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(tagPrefix)) {
className = tagPrefix + className;
methodName = sElements[1].getMethodName();
lineNumber = sElements[1].getLineNumber();

public static void e(String message) {
if (!isDebuggable()) return;

// Throwable instance must be created before any methods
getMethodNames(new Throwable().getStackTrace());
Log.e(className, createLog(message));

public static void i(String message) {
if (!isDebuggable()) return;

getMethodNames(new Throwable().getStackTrace());
Log.i(className, createLog(message));

public static void d(String message) {
if (!isDebuggable()) return;

getMethodNames(new Throwable().getStackTrace());
Log.d(className, createLog(message));

public static void v(String message) {
if (!isDebuggable()) return;

getMethodNames(new Throwable().getStackTrace());
Log.v(className, createLog(message));

public static void w(String message) {
if (!isDebuggable()) return;

getMethodNames(new Throwable().getStackTrace());
Log.w(className, createLog(message));

public static void wtf(String message) {
if (!isDebuggable()) return;

getMethodNames(new Throwable().getStackTrace());
Log.wtf(className, createLog(message));
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标签:  android 帮助类 Log