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2015-09-10 12:35 645 查看

在找tiled for unity相关插件的时候,偶然发现一个非常棒的插件,就是Tiled2Unity(点击进入官网),并且这款插件完全免费!!!而且支持的功能真是太良心了!在Tiled编辑好地图之后一键发送到unity,非常之方便。而且提供的unity脚本拓展性非常强。



Builds a Unity prefab out of your TMX map file
Supports all TMX layer formats (XML, CSV, Base64, gzip/zlib compressed)
Multiple layers and tilesets supported
Exports Object Layer as polygons, polylines, rectangles, circles
Tile Layer collisions supported (with slopes, odd-shaped polygons)
Polygon colliders can be concave, have holes, and be composed of separate polygons
Can assign Tag, Sorting Layer, Order in Layer, and (Physics) Layer of exported
through properties in Tiled
Support for customized creation of Unity Prefabs
Easy to use: In most cases, you simply export a TMX file into your Unity project and place the automatically generated prefab in your scene – no further edits needed



Learning Tiled2Unity

I’ve tried to make Tiled2Unity simple to use and understand. Here’s some links that may help you out:

Introduction: Use the test TMX files supplied
with Tiled2Unity to create two simple scenes in your Unity project (one with sloped collision).
Scale: By default, Unity 2D sprites use a coordinate system where 100 pixels equals 1 unit in Unity. I think that’s crazy but this link will show you how to live in that world.
Mega Dad Adventures:
A good number of “advanced” examples of using Tiled2Unity in your Unity projects. Set tags and layers on your imported prefabs and add custom, game-specific behavior.
EdgeCollider2D Support: Shows you how you can use polylines in the Tile Collision Editor to export EdgeCollider2D objects in your Unity prefab.


Here’s the list of the properties we can set in Tiled that the Tiled2Unity exporter looks for when constructing a prefab:




(Layer is
such an overloaded term. In Unity it means the “physics” layer.)

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