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[Usaco2008 Open]Cow Neighborhoods 奶牛的邻居

2015-09-02 13:46 169 查看

1604: [Usaco2008 Open]Cow Neighborhoods 奶牛的邻居

Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB
Submit: 656  Solved: 248



  1.两只奶牛的曼哈顿距离不超过C(1≤C≤10^9),即lXi - xil+IYi - Yil≤C.





Sample Input

4 2

1 1

3 3

2 2

10 10

* Line 1: A single line with a two space-separated integers: the

number of cow neighborhoods and the size of the largest cow


Sample Output

2 3


There are 2 neighborhoods, one formed by the first three cows and

the other being the last cow. The largest neighborhood therefore

has size 3.





  x1 - x2 + y1 - y2

  x1 - x2 + y2 - y1

  x2 - x1 + y1 - y2

  x2 - x1 + y2 - y1

  设X  = x + y,Y = x - y

  于是上述四个式子简化为max(|X1 - X2|,|Y1 - Y2|)



//对于我的代码。。没事开long long就WA,生气用int结果AC了。。真是呵呵哒













using namespace std;

const int maxn = 5e5 + 10;

const int INF = 2e9 + 10;

typedef int LL;

struct P{
LL x,y;
bool operator < (const P &b) const{
return x + y < b.x + b.y;


LL n,i,j,father[maxn],c,Size = 0,Max = 0,Siz[maxn];

queue <LL> q;

LL fa (LL k)

return k == father[k]?k:father[k] = fa(father[k]);


class data{

private :

struct Node{
Node *ch[2];
LL key,pri,N;

LL pos (Node *a,LL N)
LL N_key = poi
.x - poi
if (a -> key > N_key) return 0;
if (a -> key < N_key) return 1;
if (a -> N < N) return 1;
if (a -> N > N) return 0;
return -1;

void rotate (Node *&x,LL d)
Node *y = x -> ch[d];
x -> ch[d] = y -> ch[d^1];
y -> ch[d^1] = x;
x = y;

void Insert (Node *&x,LL N,LL pri)
LL key = poi
.x - poi
if (x == NULL)
x = tot++;
x -> key = key;
x -> N = N;
x -> pri = pri;
LL d = pos(x,N);
Insert(x -> ch[d],N,pri);
if (x -> ch[d] -> pri > x -> pri) rotate(x,d);

void Remove(Node *&x,LL N)
LL d = pos(x,N);
if (d == -1)
if (x -> ch[0] != NULL && x -> ch[1] != NULL)
LL d2 = x -> ch[0] -> pri > x -> ch[1] -> pri?0:1;
Remove(x -> ch[d2^1],N);
else {
if (x -> ch[0] == NULL && x -> ch[1] == NULL)
x = NULL;
if (x -> ch[0] == NULL) x = x -> ch[1];
else x = x -> ch[0];
else Remove(x -> ch[d],N);

LL find_pre(LL N)
Node *x = root;
LL N_key = poi
.x - poi
LL Max = -INF - 10,ret;
while (x != NULL)
if (x -> key == N_key) return x -> N;
LL d = pos(x,N);
if (x -> key < N_key && x -> key > Max) Max = x -> key,ret = x -> N;
x = x -> ch[d];
return ret;

LL find_next(LL N)
Node *x = root;
LL N_key = poi
.x - poi
LL Min = INF + 10,ret;
while (x != NULL)
LL d = pos(x,N);
if (x -> key == N_key) return x -> N;
if (x -> key > N_key && x -> key < Min) Min = x -> key,ret = x -> N;
x = x -> ch[d];
return ret;
public :

data () {
root = NULL;
tot = pool;

void Ins (LL N) {
Insert (root,N,rand());

void Rem (LL N) {
Remove (root,N);

LL F_P (LL N) {
return find_pre(N);

LL F_N (LL N) {
return find_next(N);


int main()

#ifndef YZY

static data tree;
cin >> n >> c;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
father[i] = i;
Siz[i] = 1;

father[n + 1] = n + 1;
father[0] = 0;
poi[n + 1].x = INF;
poi[n + 1].y = 0;
poi[0].x = -INF;
poi[0].y = 0;
tree.Ins(n + 1);
sort (poi + 1,poi + n + 1);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
while (!q.empty())
   LL I_key = poi[i].x + poi[i].y;
LL k = q.front();
LL k_key = poi[k].x + poi[k].y;
if (I_key - k_key > c) tree.Rem(k),--Size,q.pop();
else break;
if (Size >= 1)
LL Pre = tree.F_P(i);
LL Next = tree.F_N(i);
LL f_p = fa(Pre),p_key = poi[Pre].x - poi[Pre].y;
LL f_i = fa(i),i_key = poi[i].x - poi[i].y;
if (f_p != f_i && abs(p_key - i_key) <= c && Pre != 0)
father[f_p] = f_i;
Siz[f_i] += Siz[f_p];
LL f_n = fa(Next),n_key = poi[Next].x - poi[Next].y;
if (f_n != f_i && Next != n + 1 && abs(n_key - i_key) <= c)
father[f_n] = f_i;
Siz[f_i] += Siz[f_n];
LL ans = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
 if (father[i] == i)
  Max = max(Siz[i],Max);
printf("%d %d",ans,Max);
return 0;

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