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My mini project: display a text in my own PC

2015-08-31 22:28 239 查看
This project display a text on a pygame screen.

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# 此程序读取D:\test目录下的一个文本, 然后每次播放一条句子, 循环播放.

# ----> Importing and initializing Pygame
# Import a library of functions called 'pygame'
import time
from random import *
import pygame,codecs
import math
from pygame.locals import *
from sys import exit
import codecs
import os

# Initialize the game engine

# Define some colors
BLACK    = (   0,   0,   0)
WHITE    = ( 255, 255, 255)
GREEN    = (   0, 255,   0)
MY_GREEN = (5,232,90)
RED      = ( 255,   0,   0)

screen_size = (960,540)
padding_left = 32
padding_right = 32
TEXT_WIDTH = screen_size[0] - padding_left - padding_right
# 定义文档显示宽度
FPS_SET = 10


file_index = 0
file_list = []
for x in os.listdir('D:\\test'):
print "[%d]\t%s" % (file_index, x)
file_index += 1

print file_list
# 打开文件,并读取;
file_name = int(input("\nPLEASE INPUT THE TXT NAME IN DIRECTORY: D:/test/"))
file_path = 'D:/test/' + file_list[file_name]
print u"文件路径:",file_path
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)

font_list = ['COURIERTXT','Courier New','仿宋']

font = pygame.font.SysFont(font_list[0], 28)
font_hight = font.get_linesize()

# - 生成新的字符串组
fr = open(file_path,'r').readlines()
#fr = codecs.open(file_path,'r',encoding='gbk').readlines()
fr = fr[1:]

line_index = 0
print u'\n文本内容的条目数量为', len(fr)

# - 获取一个字符串
current_line = fr[line_index].decode('utf-8').encode('gb2312')
# - 读取当前行内容;
word_group = current_line.split()
word_index = 0
letter_index = 0

text_line_number = LINE_NUM_SET
width_temp = padding_left
string_of_word = ''
wait_seconds_left = 0
# print font_hight
# print font.size('How are you?')
# print font.size('How are you, Buddy?')
print 'width of current_line is: ', font.size(current_line)[0]

# font.size('string')得到这段字符串显示的长度和高度值;

def fontplay(s,x,y):
screen.blit(font.render(s, True,MY_GREEN), (x, font_hight * y - 16))

# - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - -
sound_type = pygame.mixer.Sound('resources\\audio\\Type.wav')

done = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

# ---------------------|程序主循环|----------------------
while not done:
# --- Main event loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_SPACE:
wait_seconds_left = 0.8
if event.key == K_ESCAPE:

print 'len(fr):%d line_index:%d word_index:%d, letter_index:%d'% \
(len(fr), line_index, word_index, letter_index)
print 'Length of current_line:', len(current_line)
print 'wait_seconds_left:%.2f\n' % (wait_seconds_left)

# 在一个单词输出完成时: 首先.输出空格,光标响应移动,单词索引加1.
if letter_index > len(word_group[word_index]) - 1:
#fontplay(' ', width_temp, text_line_number)
width_temp += 22
# --------------------单词间距
word_index += 1
letter_index = 0

# 监测句子是否过界:
if word_index > (len(word_group) - 1):
text_line_number = 1    # 光标行数索引
word_index = 0
width_temp = padding_left
line_index += 1         # 文章句子索引

# 增加时间等待:
wait_seconds_left = len(current_line) * 0.15 + 2.25

if line_index > len(fr) - 1:
line_index = 0

# 跳过空行
current_line = fr[line_index]
while len(current_line) < 5:
line_index += 1
current_line = fr[line_index]
word_group = current_line.split()

# 检查文章是否到达末尾:

# 如果当前光标加长单词长度后过界:
right_limit = width_temp + font.size(word_group[word_index])[0]
if right_limit > screen_size[0] - padding_right:
width_temp = padding_left
text_line_number += 1

wait_seconds_left -= 1.0 / FPS_SET
if wait_seconds_left < 0:
wait_seconds_left = 0

if wait_seconds_left > 0.6 and wait_seconds_left < 0.8:
pygame.mixer.music.play()            # SOUND PLAY

if wait_seconds_left == 0:
ch = word_group[word_index][letter_index]
fontplay(ch, width_temp, text_line_number)
width_temp += font.size(ch)[0] + 4
# -----------------字符间距
print 'width of \'%s\' is %d.' % (ch, font.size(ch)[0])
print 'width_temp ---> %d\n\n' %(width_temp)
letter_index += 1
# --- Go ahead and update the screen with what we've drawn.
# --- Limit to 60 frames per second


font = pygame.font.SysFont(font_list[0], 28)
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