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2015-08-27 14:17 447 查看



1. 操作系统为“RHEL6.0 及以上” 或 “CentOS6.0 及以上” 或 “SuSe Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 sp1 及以上”;

2. 建议“mount -o loop -o map=off ……”命令挂载 iso 镜像,这样镜像中的大小写文件名才会维持原样;

3. 在许可证服务器的启动过程中,必须联外网,否则启动不成功;

4. 建议:不要更改安装路径,这样破解就顺利一些;

5. 计算机名:route

6. 用户名:computer

⊙$su -

#cat /etc/hosts

正确的内容应该如此,关键是其中的 route,这关系着后面的许可证服务器及其配置: route localhost…………

::1 route localhost…………

⊙本次安装在 CentOS 6.3 64 位系统上完成;

⊙将安装文件放置在 /home/computer/setup 路径下:

#mount -o loop -o map=off SIEMENS.NX.8.5.0-LINUX64.iso /home/computer/setup,不过有可能需要解压才能安装 ;


⊙修改 splm5.lic:

将 this_hosts 修改为本机的 route;

⊙切换为 root 账号:

$su -

#cd /home/computer/crack

#cp splm5.lic /root/splm5.lic

#cd /home/computer/setup



dr-xr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 11 月 4 20:03 docs

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1181278 11 月 4 20:01 getcid

dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 11 月 4 20:01 nx085

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2501 11 月 4 20:03 README

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 13823713 11 月 4 20:03 SPLMLicenseServer_v5.3.1_linux_setup.bin





#cd nx085



1. UG Installation type. ______________________ [load+configure]

2. SOURCE directory. _______________[/home/computer/setup/nx085]

3. BASE directory. _______________________________ [/usr/ugs085]

4. O.K. to MODIFY system files. __________________________ [yes]

5. License server(s) or a filename. ______________ [28000@route]

* Enter item(s) to query or change: [continue]



1. UG Installation type. ______________________ [load+configure]

2. SOURCE directory. _____________________________________[help]

3. BASE directory. _______________________________ [/usr/ugs085]

4. O.K. to MODIFY system files. __________________________ [yes]

5. License server(s) or a filename. ______________ [28000@route]

* Enter item(s) to query or change: [continue]



95) Change dirs. 96) Select required 97) All 98) None 99) Load

* Enter kit or option number(s): [load]




#cd /home/computer/crack

#chmod 755 *



Verifying archive integrity... All good.

Uncompressing Siemens NX 8.5.0 Linux64 Crack by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ.................................

Siemens NX 8.5.0 LINUX64 Crack by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ

Do you want to find and fix Siemens License Server? [Y/n]:


Do you have a typical License Server installer? If you have not specified custom folder, select Y [Y/n]:


Do you want to fix client installation? [Y/n]:



Detecting NX installation folder...

Fixed ./nxplot...

Fixed ./ugii...

Fixed ./nxcae_extras...

Fixed ./catiav5...

Fixed ./nxnastran...

All done! Make sure you started license server and start NX!


⊙切换为 computer 账户并回到其主文件夹:

#su computer


$gedit ~/.bash_profile


export UGII_ROOT_DIR=/usr/ugs085/ugii

export UGS_LICENSE_SERVER=28000@route






$cd /usr/Siemens/PLMLicenseServer

$./lmgrd -c splm5.lic






Enjoy :-)


1. Red Hat 6.0 or SuSe Linux Enterprise Desktop 11sp1 or higher is required - no free linuxes!

2. Install the ksh and lsb packages with your package manager

3. Copy license file from _SolidSQUAD_ folder to /root/splm5.lic

4. Insert dvd or mount iso

5. Go to terminal, change working dir to dvd root, then type

sudo ./SPLM*

the license server setup starts. Select server directory and point to licfile /root/splm5.lic you created

6. After server setup is complete, type

sudo ./nx085/ug_install

and follow on screen instructions to setup NX software itself

7. Change folder to _SolidSQUAD_ in terminal and type

sudo ./SIEMENS*

to start the crack installer

Answer Y twice if you left your license server folder to Siemens default or answer Y then N and type the absolute folder path to your ugslmd and lmgrd executables

On a client prompt answer Y too

When crack finishes installation, reboot your PC

8. To run NX GUI, define two exports in .bash_profile

export UGII_ROOT_DIR=/usr/ugs085/ugii

export UGS_LICENSE_SERVER=28000@localhost

and create a shortcut to $UGII_ROOT_DIR/ugmenu
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标签:  linux centos UG red hat rhel