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Python Foundation - part three

2015-08-19 02:48 513 查看

Metaclasses in Python3

>>> class FooBar:
>>> type(FooBar)
<class 'type'>
>>> f = FooBar()
>>> type(f)
<class '__main__.FooBar'>

>>> isinstance(foo, Foobar)
>>> isinstance(Foobar, type)

These examples mean instance is an instance of a class, a class is an instance of metaclass. and
is very useful metaclass in python as we have seen.

we can use
to create a class like this:

>>> MyClass = type('MyClass', (), {})
>>> MyClass
<class '__main__.MyClass'>

As type is a metaclass, so we can also create a custom metaclass that extens type

>>> class Meta(type):
...     pass

Difference between , _ and xx in Python

One underscore in the beginning

one underscore marks a private method or attribute

Two underscores in the beginning

Such methods with two underscores can not be overrided.

Two underscores in the beginning and in the end

Such methods are called magic methods which only python can call. Some useful methods are





These four methods are very important for instance and class creation.
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