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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of null using Openerp 7.0

2015-08-17 13:22 771 查看

I just logged into my
openERP account and this openERP Client error pops out. And I can't access to any of the modules when this happened. I don't quite know what is the cause. Is there anyone who knows of a solution to this?


OpenERP Client Error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of null http://localhost:8069/web/webclient/js?db=openerp:3268[/code] 
I have solved this problem myself.

Though want to share details with you. So that anyone come across same, then this reference might be helpful.

After debugging the code have found that module information are stored in one particular table calledir_module_module, in this table it store the
state of module.. i.e.

1. installed 2. uninstalled 3. to remove

So when we start openerp server then it fetch for modules for js to load which are installed state.

But many of modules are in to remove state. So I used update statement for postgressql (which is similar to mysql) to update all to
remove to installed

here is update statement which is used to update table.
update ir_module_module set state ='installed' where state='to remove';

**Though I have no idea how in first play module went into to remove state.
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标签:  openerp