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fsi event loop

2015-08-10 15:29 369 查看
在默认情况下fsi 中的Event loop是绑定到winform中的,如果我们在fsi中测试WPF的控件时,加载自定义的WPF控件,有些消息就无法正常响应。比如按键消息就无法正常响应。这时需要重定义fsi的Event loop。好在有现成的示例。

module WPFEventLoop =

open System

open System.Windows

open System.Windows.Threading

open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Interactive

open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings

type RunDelegate<'b> = delegate of unit -> 'b

let Create() =

let app =


// Ensure the current application exists. This may fail, if it already does.

let app = new Application() in

// Create a dummy window to act as the main window for the application.

// Because we're in FSI we never want to clean this up.

new Window() |> ignore;


with :? InvalidOperationException -> Application.Current

let disp = app.Dispatcher

let restart = ref false

{ new IEventLoop with

member x.Run() =

app.Run() |> ignore


member x.Invoke(f) =


disp.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Send,new RunDelegate<_>(fun () -> box(f ()))) |> unbox

with e -> eprintf "\n\n ERROR: %O\n" e; reraise()

member x.ScheduleRestart() = ()

//restart := true;



let Install() = fsi.EventLoop <- Create()


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