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利用Java注解将常量类生成js文件供前端调用 推荐

2015-07-29 18:26 603 查看
public @interface MyAnnotation {
public class AnnotationTest{

package com.gaochao.platform.util;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

* 常量中文转换注解
* @author chao.gao
* @date 2013-12-20 下午1:02:02
* @version <b>1.0.0</b>
public @interface ConstantsText {
* 数据字典的label,获取中文含义时使用
* @author chao.gao
* @date 2013-12-20 下午1:17:19
* @return
public String termsLable() default "";

* 当数据字典中不存在对面的中文时使用,手动设置
* @author chao.gao
* @date 2013-12-20 下午1:17:40
* @return
public String text() default "";
//RetentionPolicy.SOURCE: 停留在java源文件,编译器被丢掉
//ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR: 构造器声明
//ElementType.FIELD: 成员变量、对象、属性(包括enum实例)
//ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE: 局部变量声明
//ElementType.METHOD: 方法声明
//ElementType.PACKAGE: 包声明
//ElementType.PARAMETER: 参数声明
//ElementType.TYPE: 类、接口(包括注解类型)或enum声明
public class RelationshipConstants {
public static final String STATUS_SAVED = "saved";
public static final String STATUS_FINISHED = "finished";

public static final int HAVE_YES = 1;
public static final int HAVE_NO = 0;

* 计划状态:已审核
@ConstantsText(text = "我是手动审核")
public static final String PLANSTATUS_AUDITED = "audited";

* 计划状态:已作废,从数据字典查找
@ConstantsText(termsLable = "planStatus")
public static final String PLANSTATUS_CANCELED = "canceled";

* 计划状态:已完结
@ConstantsText(termsLable = "planStatus")
public static final String PLANSTATUS_FINISHED = "finished";

public static String getText(Field field) throws Exception {
String fieldValue = field.get(null).toString();
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ConstantsText.class)) {
ConstantsText ct = field.getAnnotation(ConstantsText.class);
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(ct.text())) {
return ct.text();
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(ct.termsLable())) {
String resultStr = "";
if (map.get(ct.termsLable()) != null) {
resultStr = map.get(ct.termsLable()).get(fieldValue);
} else {
logger.error("数据字典中未找到:termsLable:[" + ct.termsLable() + "]!");
if (resultStr != null)
return resultStr;
else {
logger.error("数据字典中未找到termslable:[" + ct.termsLable() + "],termsCode:[" + fieldValue + "]的对应值!");
return fieldValue;
public static void genJsFile(String fPath) {
String webRoot = AppContext.getAppContext().getWebAppRoot() + "/scripts/";
fPath = webRoot;
String tempPath = fPath;
PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver util = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
String fileName = "";
Map<String, StringBuffer> fileNameMap = new HashMap<String, StringBuffer>();
try {
Resource[] file = util.getResources("classpath*:com/fx/oa/**/api/define/*Constants.class");
StringBuffer jsContent = null;
for (Resource resource : file) {
logger.info("扫描到文件:>>>>>" + resource.getURI());
jsContent = null;
String clazz = resource.getURI().toString();
jsContent = new StringBuffer();
String className = clazz.substring(clazz.lastIndexOf("!") + 2, clazz.length() - 6).replace("/", ".");
fileName = className.substring(0, className.indexOf(".api"));
fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
if ((fileName.length() > 0) && fileNameMap.containsKey(fileName)) {
jsContent = fileNameMap.get(fileName);
logger.info("扫描到常量类:" + className);
String varName = "oa."
+ className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).replace("Constants", "").toLowerCase();
jsContent.append(genContent(className, fileName, varName));
if (jsContent.length() == 0) {
logger.info("常量类" + className + "未定义任何内容,跳过!");
} else {
fileNameMap.put(fileName, jsContent);
for (String s : fileNameMap.keySet()) {
fPath += s;
File outDir = new File(fPath);
if (!outDir.exists()) {
if (!outDir.mkdir()) {
throw new RuntimeException("创建目录:" + outDir + "失败!");
StringBuffer f = fileNameMap.get(s);
File jsFile = new File(fPath + "/" + s + ".js");
logger.info("生成Js文件路径(文件系统):" + jsFile.getAbsolutePath());
logger.info("生成Js文件路径(项目相对路径):" + jsFile.getPath());
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jsFile));
fPath = tempPath;

} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static StringBuffer genContent(String className, String packageName, String varName) throws Exception {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
StringBuffer jsContent = new StringBuffer();
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
Map<String, List> map = new HashMap<String, List>();
Map<String, List> mapText = new HashMap<String, List>();
List<String> list = null;
List<String> listText = null;
String fieldName = null, pre = null, end = null;
if (fields.length == 0) {
logger.info(className + "尚未定义任何常量!");
return new StringBuffer();
for (Field field : fields) {
fieldName = field.getName();
int fieldIndex = fieldName.indexOf("_");
if (fieldIndex == -1) {
logger.error(className + "字段:" + fieldName + "命名不符合规范!");
throw new Exception(className + "字段:" + fieldName + "命名不符合规范!");
pre = fieldName.substring(0, fieldIndex);
end = firstCharToUpper(fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf("_") + 1).toLowerCase(), "_");
if (map.containsKey(pre)) {
list = map.get(pre);
list.add(end + "-" + field.get(null).toString());
map.put(pre, list);

listText = mapText.get(pre);
listText.add(end + "-" + getText(field));
mapText.put(pre, listText);
} else {
list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add(end + "-" + field.get(null).toString());
map.put(pre, list);

listText = new ArrayList<String>();
listText.add(end + "-" + getText(field));
mapText.put(pre, listText);
String value = null;
jsContent.append(varName + " = {");
for (String key : map.keySet()) {
jsContent.append("\n\t" + key.toLowerCase() + " : {");
for (int i = 0; i < map.get(key).size() - 1; i++) {
value = (String) map.get(key).get(i);
jsContent.append("\n\t\t\"" + value.substring(0, value.indexOf("-")) + "\"");
jsContent.append(" : ");
jsContent.append("\"" + value.substring(value.indexOf("-") + 1) + "\",");
value = (String) map.get(key).get(map.get(key).size() - 1);
jsContent.append("\n\t\t\"" + value.substring(0, value.indexOf("-")) + "\"");
jsContent.append(" : ");
jsContent.append("\"" + value.substring(value.indexOf("-") + 1, value.length()) + "\"\n");
jsContent.replace(jsContent.lastIndexOf(","), jsContent.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, "");

jsContent.append(varName + "Text = {");
for (String key : mapText.keySet()) {
jsContent.append("\n\t" + key.toLowerCase() + " : {");
for (int i = 0; i < mapText.get(key).size() - 1; i++) {
value = (String) mapText.get(key).get(i);
jsContent.append("\n\t\t\"" + value.substring(0, value.indexOf("-")) + "\"");
jsContent.append(" : ");
jsContent.append("\"" + value.substring(value.indexOf("-") + 1) + "\",");
value = (String) mapText.get(key).get(mapText.get(key).size() - 1);
jsContent.append("\n\t\t\"" + value.substring(0, value.indexOf("-")) + "\"");
jsContent.append(" : ");
jsContent.append("\"" + value.substring(value.indexOf("-") + 1, value.length()) + "\"\n");
jsContent.replace(jsContent.lastIndexOf(","), jsContent.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, "");
return jsContent;
oa.requirements = {
status : {
'finished' : 'finished'
have : {
'yes' : 1,
'no' : 0
通过 模块名.功能标识.含义 或 模块名.功能标识[含义] 方式即可取到相应的值.oa.requirements.status.saved"saved"
在常量类中需要转换成中文含义的常量上面添加注解:@ConstantsText(termsLable=”数据字典表中的termsLable”),数据库数据字典表中一定要有相应的记录,取得记录是根据termsLable+termsCode取得后面的中文,如果取不到,那么就还是原来的英文. @ConstantsText(text=”你自己添加的中文含义”)生成的js就是如下效果,其实就是一个Map:
oa.recruitmentText = {
have : {
"yes" : "1",
"no" : "0"
status : {
"saved" : "saved"
planstatus : {
"saved" : "saved",
"submited" : "submited",
"audited" : "我是手动审核",//这个是用的text
"canceled" : "已作废",//这个是数据字典中
"finished" : "已完结"//这个也是数据字典中的
template: function(value) {
return oa.recruitmentText.planstatus[value.requirementDeptNames];
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标签:  注解 反射