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2015-07-25 13:36 387 查看
package com.util;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;

import java.io.File;

import android.content.Context;

import android.content.Intent;

import android.graphics.Bitmap;

import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;

import android.net.Uri;

import android.os.Environment;

import android.util.Base64;


* 根据本地相片路径上传图片到服务器的2中方法

* @author yjbo

*2015-07-25 13:37:14


public class PictureUtil {


* 上传图片时:把bitmap转换成String

* 这2种方法有优缺点:

* 1)法一(控制长宽的):这个正常拍的1-2M的照片只会压缩到400kb左右,但是画质也的确清楚;然后拍完照也不会黑屏;

* 2)法二(控制大小(kb字节的)):这个就是控制照片大小在100kb以内,不改变照片原来的长宽,然后拍完照会黑屏(应该是循环次数多了);相对而言除了这种方案不好,服务器中不是很清楚

* @param filePath

* @return


public static String bitmapToString(String filePath) {

Bitmap bitmap ;

// filePathOri = filePath;

// ==图片路径==/storage/sdcard0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20141119_122410p1.jpg

// System.out.println("==图片路径=="+filePathOri);

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();


Bitmap bm = getSmallBitmap(filePath);

bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);


try {

BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();

bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath, options);

int options1 = 100;

try {

bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);

} catch (Exception e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block



while (baos.toByteArray().length / 1024 > 100) {//原图都是基本1-2M;





options1 -= 5;

bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, options1, baos);


} catch (Exception e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block



byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();

return Base64.encodeToString(b, Base64.DEFAULT);



* 根据路径获得突破并压缩返回bitmap用于显示


* @param imagesrc

* @return


public static Bitmap getSmallBitmap(String filePath) {

final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();

options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;

BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath, options);

// Calculate inSampleSize

options.inSampleSize = calculateInSampleSize(options, 480, 800);

// Decode bitmap with inSampleSize set

options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;

return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath, options);



* 计算图片的缩放�?


* @param options

* @param reqWidth

* @param reqHeight

* @return


public static int calculateInSampleSize(BitmapFactory.Options options, int reqWidth, int reqHeight) {

// Raw height and width of image

final int height = options.outHeight;

final int width = options.outWidth;

int inSampleSize = 1;

if (height > reqHeight || width > reqWidth) {

// width

final int heightRatio = Math.round((float) height / (float) reqHeight);

final int widthRatio = Math.round((float) width / (float) reqWidth);

// Choose the smallest ratio as inSampleSize value, this will

// guarantee

// a final image with both dimensions larger than or equal to the

// requested height and width.

inSampleSize = heightRatio < widthRatio ? heightRatio : widthRatio;


return inSampleSize;



* 根据路径删除图片


* @param path


public static void deleteTempFile(String path) {

File file = new File(path);

if (file.exists()) {





* 添加到图�?


public static void galleryAddPic(Context context, String path) {

Intent mediaScanIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE);

File f = new File(path);

Uri contentUri = Uri.fromFile(f);





* 获取保存图片的目�?


* @return


public static File getAlbumDir() {

File dir = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), getAlbumName());

if (!dir.exists()) {



return dir;



* 获取保存 隐患�?��的图片文件夹名称


* @return


public static String getAlbumName() {

return "sheguantong";

// ==图片路径==/storage/sdcard0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20141119_122410p1.jpg

// String filepathPp = null;

// String filePathOri2 = filePathOri.substring(19, 25);


// if(filePathOri.contains("p0")){

// filepathPp= filePathOri2.replace("p0.jpg", "pic1_1");

// }else if(filePathOri.contains("p1")){

// filepathPp= filePathOri2.replace("p1.jpg", "pic2_1");

// }else if(filePathOri.contains("p2")){

// filepathPp= filePathOri2.replace("p2.jpg", "pic3_1");

// }else if(filePathOri.contains("p3")){

// filepathPp= filePathOri2.replace("p3.jpg", "pic4_1");

// }

// return ;


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