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Parsing ranges item in pcie-designware.c

2015-07-07 22:50 260 查看

pcie-designware.c dw_pcie_host_init analysis

-v0.1 2015.7.6 Sherlock draft

This document tries to analysis codes about parsing ranges item in PCIe dts

node. kernel version: v4.0.

[code]int __init dw_pcie_host_init(struct pcie_port *pp)
     * read out value of "#address-cells" as na and #size-cells as ns.
     * as you can see in dw pcie binding document, address-cells should
     * be set as 3 and size-cells should be set as 2 which are we already
     * done in pcie dts node. so here na = 3, np = 2.
     * in fact, address-cells indicates how many bytes do we use to describe
     * a pci address: of cause thit is 3, one byte is bits flage which
     * indicates if it is a mem/io/cfg/pref, other two bytes are for a 64
     * bits address(pci address can be a 64 bits address). 
     * size-cells indicate how many bytes do we use to describe a size of
     * above pci address, of cause it should be at least 2 to describe a
     * 64 bits address.
    of_property_read_u32(np, "#address-cells", &na);
    ns = of_n_size_cells(np);

    cfg_res = platform_get_resource_byname(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, "config");
    if (cfg_res) {
        pp->cfg0_size = resource_size(cfg_res)/2;
        pp->cfg1_size = resource_size(cfg_res)/2;
        pp->cfg0_base = cfg_res->start;
        pp->cfg1_base = cfg_res->start + pp->cfg0_size;

        /* Find the untranslated configuration space address */
        index = of_property_match_string(np, "reg-names", "config");
        addrp = of_get_address(np, index, NULL, NULL);
        pp->cfg0_mod_base = of_read_number(addrp, ns);
        pp->cfg1_mod_base = pp->cfg0_mod_base + pp->cfg0_size;
    } else {
        dev_err(pp->dev, "missing *config* reg space\n");

    if (of_pci_range_parser_init(&parser, np)) {
        /* na indicates pci address address cells, ns is related size */
        --> const int na = 3, ns = 2;
         * so parser->pna is cpu address cell number which can be found
         * in parent dts node. take hip05.dtsi as an example, it should
         * be 2, as:
         *      peripherals {
         *      compatible = "simple-bus";
         *      #address-cells = <2>;
         *      #size-cells = <2>;
         *      ...
         * note: pcie dts nodes should under peripherals node.
         * above size-cells and address-cells should be both 2 for
         * 64bits cpu address. all are wrong in hulk-3.19/hulk-4.1
         * hip05.dtsi.
         * for a 32bits Soc, above address-cells and size-cells both
         * are 1, so parser->pna is 1
        --> parser->pna = of_n_addr_cells(node);
            --> if (np->parent)
                np = np->parent;
            --> ip = of_get_property(np, "#address-cells", NULL);
         * ranges =
         * <0x82000000 0 0xb5100000 0x240 0x00000000 0 0x00f00000>;
         * |----> pci address <----|--> cpu addr <--|--> size <--|
        --> parser->np = parser->pna + na + ns;
         * ranges = <0x00000800 0 0x01f00000 0x01f00000 0 0x00080000
         *       0x81000000 0 0          0x01f80000 0 0x00010000
         *       0x82000000 0 0x01000000 0x01000000 0 0x00f00000>;
         * like above ranges, parser->range will point to 0x00000800,
         * parser->end will point to 0x00f00000.
        --> parser->range = of_get_property(node, "ranges", &rlen);
        --> parser->end = parser->range + rlen / sizeof(__be32);

        dev_err(pp->dev, "missing ranges property\n");
        return -EINVAL;

    /* Get the I/O and memory ranges from DT */
    for_each_of_pci_range(&parser, &range) {
      --> of_pci_range_parser_one(parser, range)
        /* first byte in ranges in each line */
        --> range->pci_space = parser->range[0];
         * from below function, we can see only mem/io/32bits/64bits/
         * prefetch bits are valid. so even we set other bits in dts,
         * code does not parse them.
         * for each bit's meaning, you can refer to:
         * http://www.devicetree.org/Device_Tree_Usage          */
        --> range->flags = of_bus_pci_get_flags(parser->range);
        /* point to pci address */
        --> range->pci_addr = of_read_number(parser->range + 1, ns);
        /* point to cpu address, not very clear below function */
        --> range->cpu_addr = of_translate_address(parser->node,
                  parser->range + na);
        /* point to size section */
        --> range->size = of_read_number(parser->range + parser->pna + na, ns);
         * after below, parser->range points to 0x81000000 for example,
         * next time, we start to parse the second line of ranges.
        --> parser->range += parser->np;
         * in below loop, it find the ranges sub-item which has same type 
         * and are contiguous.
        --> while (parser->range + parser->np <= parser->end) {

        if (restype == IORESOURCE_MEM) {
            of_pci_range_to_resource(&range, np, &pp->mem);
            pp->mem.name = "MEM";
            pp->mem_size = resource_size(&pp->mem);
            pp->mem_bus_addr = range.pci_addr;

             * take mem as example, ranges item as below:
             * ranges =
             * <0x82000000 0 0xb5100000 0x240 0x00000000 0 0x00f00000>;
             * now parser.range points to 0x00f00000,
             * parser.rang - parser.np shifts points to 0x82000000.
             * "+ na" will add pci address offset, so now point to
             * start of cpu address: 0x240
             * the problem of v3 patch: of_n_addr_cells(np) - 5 + na
             * is ok, but there went wrong in parser_range_end.
             * if there is only one line in ranges item which is
             * my test case, it is ok. but if there are more than
             * one line in ranges item, parser_range_end points to
             * the end of ranges item which should points to each
             * line end.
             * pp->mem_mod_base = of_read_number(parser_range_end -
             *      of_n_addr_cells(np) - 5 + na, ns);
             * there is one problem: mem_mod_base is same with
             * mem_base, why do we use mem_base directly??
            pp->mem_mod_base = of_read_number(parser.range -
                              parser.np + na, ns);

        if (restype == 0) {
            of_pci_range_to_resource(&range, np, &pp->cfg);
            pp->cfg0_size = resource_size(&pp->cfg)/2;
            pp->cfg1_size = resource_size(&pp->cfg)/2;
            pp->cfg0_base = pp->cfg.start;
            pp->cfg1_base = pp->cfg.start + pp->cfg0_size;

            /* Find the untranslated configuration space address */
            pp->cfg0_mod_base = of_read_number(parser.range -
                               parser.np + na, ns);
            pp->cfg1_mod_base = pp->cfg0_mod_base +
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