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2015-06-24 22:59 288 查看
what is feature representation?

no matter what learning and analytical architecture you adopt, the initial procedure refers to getting the basic feature expressions from the training datasets which has a large scale than the test datasets, and then try the proposed linear or non-linear
algorithms to combine the basic featrues to get the possible result near to the final to-be-represent images or other formats objects, and the feedback part could also be set to adjust the parameters of the learning algorithms to repair the gotted result.


静脉纹路其实是一种比较简单的纹路结构,所以可以引入稀疏编码的思路,设置尽可能多的训练集,通过算法设计训练得到稀疏编码中的基特征,随后对输入的静脉特征进行feature representation,将特征表示中的各基特征对应的系数作为该静脉特征表示,结合图像检索思路进行身份匹配;

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