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2015-06-10 10:30 330 查看

// Copyright 2007 Steven Gribble

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>

// only works on pentium+ x86
// access the pentium cycle counter
// this routine lifted from somewhere on the Web...
void access_counter(unsigned int *hi, unsigned int *lo) {
asm("rdtsc; movl %%edx,%0; movl %%eax,%1"   /* Read cycle counter */
: "=r" (*hi), "=r" (*lo)                /* and move results to */
: /* No input */                        /* the two outputs */
: "%edx", "%eax");

// here's the system call we'll use
#define DO_SYSCALL syscall(SYS_getpid)

// calculate difference (in microseconds) between two struct timevals
// assumes difference is less than 2^32 seconds, and unsigned int is 32 bits
unsigned int timediff(struct timeval before, struct timeval after) {
unsigned int diff;

diff = after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec;
diff *= 1000000;
diff += (after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec);

return diff;

// measure the system call using the cycle counter.  measures the
// difference in time between doing two system calls and doing
// one system call, to try to factor out any measurement overhead

void measure_cyclecounter(float mhz) {
unsigned int high_s, low_s, high_e, low_e;
size_t nbytes;
float latency_with_read, latency_no_read;

// warm up all the caches by exercising the functions
access_counter(&high_s, &low_s);
// read(5, buf, 4);
access_counter(&high_e, &low_e);

// now do it for real
access_counter(&high_s, &low_s);
access_counter(&high_e, &low_e);
latency_with_read = ((float) (low_e - low_s) / mhz);

access_counter(&high_s, &low_s);
access_counter(&high_e, &low_e);
latency_no_read = ((float) (low_e - low_s) / mhz);

// print out the results
printf("(cyclecounter)  latency:  %f microseconds\n", latency_with_read - latency_no_read);

// measure the system call using the cycle counter.  measures the
// difference in time between doing two*NLOOPS system calls and doing
// one*NLOOPS system calls, to try to factor out any measurement overhead

#define NUMLOOPS 10000
void measure_gettimeofday() {
struct timeval beforeone, afterone;
struct timeval beforetwo, aftertwo;
int loopcount;
unsigned int diffone, difftwo, result;

// warm up all caches
gettimeofday(&beforeone, NULL);
gettimeofday(&beforetwo, NULL);
for (loopcount = 0; loopcount < NUMLOOPS; loopcount++) {
gettimeofday(&afterone, NULL);
gettimeofday(&aftertwo, NULL);

// measure loop of one syscall
gettimeofday(&beforeone, NULL);
for (loopcount = 0; loopcount < NUMLOOPS; loopcount++) {
gettimeofday(&afterone, NULL);

// measure loop of two syscalls
gettimeofday(&beforetwo, NULL);
for (loopcount = 0; loopcount < NUMLOOPS; loopcount++) {
gettimeofday(&aftertwo, NULL);

diffone = timediff(beforeone, afterone);
difftwo = timediff(beforetwo, aftertwo);

result = difftwo - diffone;
printf("(loop)  latency:  %f microseconds\n", ((float) result) / ((float) NUMLOOPS));

void usage(void) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: measure_syscall cpu_mhz\n");
fprintf(stderr, "  e.g.,  measure_syscall 2791.375\n");

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

float mhz;

if (argc < 2)

if (sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &mhz) != 1)

if ((mhz < 100.0)  || (mhz > 100000.0))

// measure usiing the cycle counter

// measure using "gettimeofday"

return 0;
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