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2015-06-06 03:35 417 查看

# dvr RTMP stream to file,
# start to record to file when encoder publish,
# reap flv according by specified dvr_plan.
dvr {
# whether enabled dvr features
# default: off
enabled         on;
# the dvr output path.
# the app dir is auto created under the dvr_path.
# for example, for rtmp stream:
#   rtmp://
# # where dvr_path is /dvr, srs will create the following files:
#   /dvr/live       the app dir for all streams.
#   /dvr/live/livestream.{time}.flv   the dvr flv file.
# @remark, the time use system timestamp in ms, user can use http callback to rename it.
# in a word, the dvr_path is for vhost.
# default: ./objs/nginx/html
dvr_path        ./objs/nginx/html;
# the dvr plan. canbe:
#   session reap flv when session end(unpublish).
#   segment reap flv when flv duration exceed the specified dvr_duration.
# default: session
dvr_plan        session;
# the param for plan(segment), in seconds.
# default: 30
dvr_duration    30;
# the param for plan(segment),
# whether wait keyframe to reap segment,
# if off, reap segment when duration exceed the dvr_duration,
# if on, reap segment when duration exceed and got keyframe.
# default: on
dvr_wait_keyframe       on;
# about the stream monotonically increasing:
#   1. video timestamp is monotonically increasing,
#   2. audio timestamp is monotonically increasing,
#   3. video and audio timestamp is interleaved monotonically increasing.
# it's specified by RTMP specification, @see 3. Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format
# however, some encoder cannot provides this feature, please set this to off to ignore time jitter.
# the time jitter algorithm:
#   1. full, to ensure stream start at zero, and ensure stream monotonically increasing.
#   2. zero, only ensure sttream start at zero, ignore timestamp jitter.
#   3. off, disable the time jitter algorithm, like atc.
# default: full
time_jitter             full;


time_jitter: 时间戳抖动算法。full使用完全的时间戳矫正;zero只是保证从0开始;off不矫正时间戳。


./configure --with-dvr && make


./objs/srs -c conf/dvr.session.conf




注:启动./objs/srs -c conf/dvr.session.conf之前必须先停止所有的SRS进程

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