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SSDB --- queue实现

2015-06-01 22:26 330 查看


SSDB是一款nosql数据库,使用leveldb作为存储引擎,支持众多的数据结构,如 queue、zset和hash,宣称可用来替代redis,看来性能不可小觑。其作者是位国人,曾在360游戏部门任职过。SSDB被很多知名公司使用,代码质量不错。





下面是ssdb/src/ssdb/ssdb.h 中queue部分的接口

virtual int64_t qsize(const Bytes &name) = 0;
// @return 0: empty queue, 1: item peeked, -1: error
virtual int qfront(const Bytes &name, std::string *item) = 0;
// @return 0: empty queue, 1: item peeked, -1: error
virtual int qback(const Bytes &name, std::string *item) = 0;
// @return -1: error, other: the new length of the queue
virtual int64_t qpush_front(const Bytes &name, const Bytes &item, char log_type=BinlogType::SYNC) = 0;
virtual int64_t qpush_back(const Bytes &name, const Bytes &item, char log_type=BinlogType::SYNC) = 0;
// @return 0: empty queue, 1: item popped, -1: error
virtual int qpop_front(const Bytes &name, std::string *item, char log_type=BinlogType::SYNC) = 0;
virtual int qpop_back(const Bytes &name, std::string *item, char log_type=BinlogType::SYNC) = 0;
virtual int qfix(const Bytes &name) = 0;
virtual int qlist(const Bytes &name_s, const Bytes &name_e, uint64_t limit,
std::vector<std::string> *list) = 0;
virtual int qrlist(const Bytes &name_s, const Bytes &name_e, uint64_t limit,
std::vector<std::string> *list) = 0;
virtual int qslice(const Bytes &name, int64_t offset, int64_t limit,
std::vector<std::string> *list) = 0;
virtual int qget(const Bytes &name, int64_t index, std::string *item) = 0;
virtual int qset(const Bytes &name, int64_t index, const Bytes &item, char log_type=BinlogType::SYNC) = 0;
virtual int qset_by_seq(const Bytes &name, uint64_t seq, const Bytes &item, char log_type=BinlogType::SYNC) = 0;



int64_t SSDBImpl::qpush_front(const Bytes &name, const Bytes &item, char log_type){
return _qpush(name, item, QFRONT_SEQ, log_type);
//QFRONT_SEQ 指示从前头插入


int64_t SSDBImpl::_qpush(const Bytes &name, const Bytes &item, uint64_t front_or_back_seq, char log_type){
Transaction trans(binlogs);//

int ret;
// generate seq
uint64_t seq;
ret = qget_uint64(this->db, name,  front_or_back_seq, &seq); //根据当前头或者尾生成合适的seq号
if(ret == -1){
return -1;
// update front and/or back
//下面的这个if else是整个queue实现的核心,在leveldb中维护 queue的头和尾的 seq。
if(ret == 0){ //如果队列里没元素
//const uint64_t QITEM_SEQ_INIT = QITEM_MAX_SEQ/2;
// const uint64_t QITEM_MAX_SEQ = 9223372036854775807ULL;这是个天文数字,以seq构造队列
// 效果是 min-------------中位数---------------max,然后从中位数seq向两边扩大 就构成了一个queue
ret = qset_one(this, name, QFRONT_SEQ, Bytes(&seq, sizeof(seq)));  //将中位数seq当作头seq写入数据库
if(ret == -1){
return -1;
ret = qset_one(this, name, QBACK_SEQ, Bytes(&seq, sizeof(seq))); //将中位数seq当作尾seq写入数据库,现在头,尾指向一样的seq。
seq += (front_or_back_seq == QFRONT_SEQ)? -1 : +1;//如果是在头部插入,则把seq - 1,否则 seq + 1
ret = qset_one(this, name, front_or_back_seq, Bytes(&seq, sizeof(seq))); 更新数据库中头或尾seq
if(ret == -1){
return -1;
if(seq <= QITEM_MIN_SEQ || seq >= QITEM_MAX_SEQ){ //队列满了
log_info("queue is full, seq: %" PRIu64 " out of range", seq);
return -1;

// prepend/append item
ret = qset_one(this, name, seq, item);//在当前seq处插入 节点。
if(ret == -1){
return -1;

std::string buf = encode_qitem_key(name, seq);
if(front_or_back_seq == QFRONT_SEQ){
binlogs->add_log(log_type,  BinlogCommand::QPUSH_FRONT, buf); //提交leveldb的writebatch (批量写)
binlogs->add_log(log_type, BinlogCommand::QPUSH_BACK, buf);

// update size
int64_t size = incr_qsize(this, name, +1);//queue的size +1
if(size == -1){
return -1;

leveldb::Status s = binlogs->commit();//提交给leveldb写入
log_error("Write error!");
return -1;
return size;


static int qset_one(SSDBImpl *ssdb, const Bytes &name, uint64_t seq, const Bytes &item){
std::string key = encode_qitem_key(name, seq);
leveldb::Status s;

ssdb->binlogs->Put(key, slice(item));
return 0;

这个函数其实是将seq 和item 编码成一个key,然后再提交leveldb 的writebatch(批量写)。

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