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2015-05-04 10:07 337 查看
See com.android.volley.Request.setRetryPolicy() and the constructor for DefaultRetryPolicy, e.g.


[code]myRequest.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy(



To handle Android Volley Timeout you need to use Retry Policy

Retry Policy

Volley provides an easy way to implement your RetryPolicy for your requests.

Volley sets default Socket & ConnectionTImeout to 5 secs for all requests.

RetryPolicy is an interface where you need to implement your logic of how you want to retry a particular request when a timeout happens.

It deals with these three parameters

Timeout - Specifies Socket Timeout in millis per every retry attempt.

Number Of Retries - Number of times retry is attempted.

Back Off Multiplier - A multiplier which is used to determine exponential time set to socket for every retry attempt.

For ex. If RetryPolicy is created with these values

Timeout - 3000 secs, Num of Attempt - 2, Back Off Multiplier - 2

Attempt 1:

time = time + (time * Back Off Multiplier );

time = 3000 + 6000 = 9000

Socket Timeout = time;

Request dispatched with Socket Timeout of 9 Secs

Attempt 2:

time = time + (time * Back Off Multiplier );

time = 9000 + 18000 = 27000

Socket Timeout = time;

Request dispatched with Socket Timeout of 27 Secs

So at the end of Attempt 2 if still Socket Timeout happenes Volley would throw a TimeoutError in your UI Error response handler.

[code]//Set a retry policy in case of SocketTimeout & ConnectionTimeout Exceptions. 
//Volley does retry for you if you have specified the policy.
jsonObjRequest.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy(5000, 
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