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Python Tutorial :Loops and List Comprehensions 其他

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Python Tutorial :Loops and List Comprehensions

6.01 Python Notes, Section 4: Lists (PDF)

A list is written using square brackets(就是[]), with entries separated by commas. You can get elements out by specifying the index of the element you want in square brackets, but note that the indexing starts with 0!


First, here is something like you might have learned to write in a Java class (actually, you would have used for, but Python doesn’t have a for that works like the one in C and Java).


def addList2(l):
for i in range(len(l)):
return sum

Here’s a version using Python’s for loop. The range function returns a list of integers going from 0 to up to, but not including, its argument. So range(3) returns (0, 1, 2). A loop of the form

这是使用了Python中for loop的语句.这是因为rang()这个函数返回一个从0到最大值的整数的list,而for只能用于list中.如果使用下面这种方式,则可能错误:

for i in l:

will be executed once for each element in the list l, with the variable x containing each successive element in l on each iteration.


def addList3(l):
for v in l:
return sum


def addList4(l):
return sum(l)

6.01 Python Notes, Section 5: Functional Style (PDF)


5.1 Basics

But let’s begin at the beginning. The primitive elements in the functional programming style are basic functions. They’re combined via function composition: so, for instance f(x, g(x, 2)) is a composition of functions. To abstract away from the details of an implementation, we can define a function.


We can construct functions “anonymously(不具名的)” using the lambda constructor:

>>> f=lambda x:x*x
>>> f
<function <lambda> at 0x02DBD2B8>
>>> f(4)

The word lambda followed by a sequence of variables separated by commas, then a

colon, then a single expression using those variables, defines a function. It doesn’t need to have an explicit return ; the value of the expression is always returned. A single expression can only be one line of Python, such as you could put on the right hand side of an assignment statement. Here are some other examples of functions defined using lambda. (lambda自带return功能)

>>> g=lambda x,y:x*y
>>> g(3,4)

You don’t need to name a function to use it. Here we construct a function and apply it all in one line: (你甚至不需要给函数命名,并可以在一个行上使用它)

>>> (lambda x,y:x*y)(3,4)

5.2 List Comprehensions

Python has a very nice built-in facility for doing many interative operations called list comprehensions. The general template is

[expr for var in list]

where var is a single variable, list is an expression that results in a list, and expr is an expression that uses the variable var. The result is a list, of the same length as list, which is obtained by successively letting var take values from list, and then evaluating expr, and collecting the results into a list.

Whew. It’s probably easier to understand it by example.

>>> [x/2.0 for x in [4,5,6]]
[2.0, 2.5, 3.0]

>>> nums=[1,2,3,5,6,88,99,101,10000,100,37,101]
>>> [x for x in nums if x%2==1]
[1, 3, 5, 99, 101, 37, 101]
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