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python xml解析例子

2015-04-16 23:58 435 查看
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Apr 16 23:18:27 2015

@author: shifeng
import codecs
import StringIO
import xml
from lxml import etree
from xml.sax import *
from xml.sax.handler import *
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom

dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse("CDR_sample.xml")

root  = dom.documentElement
#print root.nodeName
#print root.nodeValue
#print root.nodeType
#print root.ELEMENT_NODE
colloction_ele = ["source", "date", "key", "document"]
for i in colloction_ele:
print root.getElementsByTagName(i)[0].nodeName      #获取标签名字
#    print root.getElementsByTagName(i)[0].getAttribute

document_ele = ["id", "passage", "annotation"]
documents = root.getElementsByTagName("document")
#print len(documents)
for i in documents:                 #对每个文档,
for j in document_ele:          #取出每个标签
print i.getElementsByTagName(j)[0].nodeName         #获取标签名字
print i.getElementsByTagName(j)[0].firstChild.data  #获取标签之间的数据
if j == "annotation":
print i.getElementsByTagName(j)[0].getAttribute("id")   #获取标签属性
write_text = open("train_text.txt","w")

root_2 = ET.parse("CDR_sample.xml")
documents = root_2.findall("./document")
for per in documents:               #找到所有document
for child in per:               #对于每个document解析其标签id,passage,annotation
child_tag = child.tag
if child_tag =="id":
text_id = child.text
print child_tag,":",text_id
write_text.write(text_id+"\t")                      #写入文件,id和tab符号

elif child_tag =="passage":                                 #对每个passage进行处理
passages = child
for passage in passages:                                #每个document标签下,有多个passage标签,
passage_tag = passage.tag
if passage_tag == "offset":                       #r如果是偏移量,取出偏移量
offset = int(passage.text)
print "offset:",offset
elif passage_tag == "text":                      #如果是文本,取出文本,title_text或者abstract_text
text =passage.text
print passage_tag,"::",text
write_text.write(text)                       #写入文件,title_text和abstract_text两个,连续写在一起
elif passage_tag =="annotation":                 #如果是标注的,
annotations = passage
print 10*"*"
for annotation in annotations:               #每个passage标签下,annotation有四种标签,对每种标签处理
annotation_tag = annotation.tag
#                        print annotation_tag,"+++++++++++++++++++"
if annotation_tag == "location":
print annotation.attrib["offset"],annotation.attrib["length"]
elif annotation_tag == "text":
diease_name = annotation.text
print diease_name
elif annotation_tag == "infon" and annotation.attrib["key"] !="type":
infons = annotation
print infons.attrib["key"],infons.text
#                            for infon in infons:
#                                print infon.attrib["key"]

elif child_tag =="annotation":                #document_ele[2]:           #annotation
annotation = child
write_text.write("\n")  #每个文档遍历完一遍后,加一个换行符号
print 30*"*"


doc = etree.parse("CDR_sample.xml")
xml_string = etree.tostring(doc)
root = etree.fromstring(xml_string)

parser = make_parser()
# MarkDecodeHandler
# MarkDecodeHandler
handler = UserDecodeHandler()

for item in handler.marks:
for j in item.items():
print i,j

print type(doc)
print type(root)
# print doc.tag
print root.tag

# with codecs.open("CDR_sample.xml") as xml:
# 	text = xml.readlines()
# s_xml = ""
# for i in text:
# 	i=i.strip("\n")
# 	s_xml+=i
# print s_xml
# soup = BeautifulSoup(s_xml)
# print soup.title
# for i in text:
# 	print i
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