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给你推荐10款优秀的 HTML5 动画工具

2015-03-30 17:32 295 查看
HTML5 在过去三年快速增长,已经成为
Web 开发人员最喜欢的编程语言之一。强大的编程语言拥有开发更好的网页应用的能力。
HTML5 中引入的新技术都非常好,像 Chrome、Firefox、Safari 等许多现代浏览器都已经支持。今天,我们列出了10个优秀的 HTML5 动画***工具,可以帮助你的工作。


Createjs is a JavaScript library for working with HTML5 Canvas Element. The tool is best known for creating games, generative art and other graphical tools. It provides great
graphical experience.


Animatron is an intuitive design and publishing editor software. You can use Animatron to design content like banners, infographic, creative animations for desktop computer,
mobile device and anything of your choice.

Tumult Hype:

You can use Tumult Hype to create beautiful HTML5 web content. The content created using Tumult is interactive and has great animation capabilities. You can use this framework
from desktop, smartphone and ipads. It doesn’t require to have coding knowledge.


Mugeda is preferred by many authoring toolkit, advertisers and agencies to unleash their creativity and to create best quality media ad units. The tool is best known for its
abilities to create great quality ad units, banners, interstitials, expandable and mini games.

HTML5 Maker:

HTML5 Maker is popular tool used for building sliders, banners and impressive graphics with minimum efforts. The tool is available for free. It doesn’t require you to have
any special programming knowledge.

Hippo Studios:

Hippo Studios is a great platform for creating powerful animation, games, presentations, apps and multimedia websites. The projects created using Hippo are support by most
browsers and devices.


Sencha Space is a secure application environment for HTML and JavaScript based applications. The tool helps in organization to simplify application development, security, maintenance
and deployment to desktop, tablets and smartphones. The tool is best known for its security features.

8. blysk:

blysk is very useful animation tool. It provides a great platform for animation and web designers for building intuitive animation for websites and other internet projects.


Radi is a powerful tool for animation. It is most commonly used for creating of runtime video and graphics. It provides realtime graphics editing interface for modern websites.


Mixeek is a free software tool that can be used for designing and interactive web animation. The tool is based on JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5. Mixeek was developed to bring
lightweight and easy to use alternative for paid animation tools.
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