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this.currentUser.Password = textBox1.Text.Trim(); //新密码 this.currentUser.NewPassword = textBox2.Text.Trim(); //把带有密码信息的契约类 currentUser发送到服务器端,并获取返回结果 ResMessage resMessage = newTcpConnection.SendReceiveObject<ResMessage>("ChangePassword", "ResChangePassword", 5000, this.currentUser); if (resMessage.Message == "操作成功") { MessageBox.Show("密码更新成功"); } else { MessageBox.Show("出现错误,错误原因为:" + resMessage.Message); }



NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<Users>("ChangePassword", HandleChangePassword);


private void HandleChangePassword(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, Users theUser) {
//首先从数据库中获取相应的用户 Users currentUser = DoUsers.GetUserByID(theUser.UserID); ResMessage resMessage = new ResMessage(); resMessage.Message = "出现未知错误"; //判断原密码是否正确 if (currentUser.Password == theUser.Password) {
//如果原密码正确,则设置新密码 currentUser.Password = theUser.NewPassword; DoUsers.Save(currentUser); resMessage.Message = "操作成功"; } else { resMessage.Message = "原密码不正确"; } //把获取到的数据发回去
connection.SendObject("ResChangePassword", resMessage); }


public class DoUsers { #region Private Methods

/// <summary>
/// Gets an instance of Users. /// </summary>
/// <param name="id"> id </param>
public  static Users GetUsers( int id) { using (IDataReader reader = DBUsers.GetOne( id)) { return PopulateFromReader(reader); } } private static Users PopulateFromReader(IDataReader reader) { Users Users = new Users(); if (reader.Read()) { Users.Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]); Users.UserID = reader["UserID"].ToString(); Users.Name = reader["Name"].ToString(); Users.Password = reader["Password"].ToString(); Users.Declaring = reader["Declaring"].ToString(); Users.Status = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Status"]); Users.IsMale = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsMale"]); Users.UserLevel = Convert.ToInt32(reader["UserLevel"]); Users.Enabled = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["Enabled"]); Users.RegisterTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["RegisterTime"]); Users.LastLoginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["LastLoginTime"]); Users.DepID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["DepID"]); Users.Department = reader["Department"].ToString(); } return Users; } /// <summary>
/// Persists a new instance of Users. Returns true on success. /// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static bool Create(Users Users) { int newID = 0; newID = DBUsers.Create( Users.UserID, Users.Name, Users.Password, Users.Declaring, Users.Status, Users.IsMale, Users.UserLevel, Users.Enabled, Users.RegisterTime, Users.LastLoginTime, Users.DepID, Users.Department); Users.Id = newID; return (newID > 0); } /// <summary>
/// Updates this instance of Users. Returns true on success. /// </summary>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
private static bool Update(Users Users) { return DBUsers.Update( Users.Id, Users.UserID, Users.Name, Users.Password, Users.Declaring, Users.Status, Users.IsMale, Users.UserLevel, Users.Enabled, Users.RegisterTime, Users.LastLoginTime, Users.DepID, Users.Department); } #endregion

#region Public Methods

/// <summary>
/// Saves this instance of Users. Returns true on success. /// </summary>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
public static bool Save(Users Users) { if (Users.Id > 0) { return Update(Users); } else { return Create(Users); } } #endregion

#region Static Methods

/// <summary>
/// Deletes an instance of Users. Returns true on success. /// </summary>
/// <param name="id"> id </param>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
public static bool Delete( int id) { return DBUsers.Delete( id); } /// <summary>
/// Gets a count of Users. /// </summary>
public static int GetCount() { return DBUsers.GetCount(); } private static IList<Users> LoadListFromReader(IDataReader reader) { IList<Users> UsersList = new List<Users>(); try { while (reader.Read()) { Users Users = new Users(); Users.Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]); Users.UserID = reader["UserID"].ToString(); Users.Name = reader["Name"].ToString(); Users.Password = reader["Password"].ToString(); Users.Declaring = reader["Declaring"].ToString(); Users.Status = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Status"]); Users.IsMale = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsMale"]); Users.UserLevel = Convert.ToInt32(reader["UserLevel"]); Users.Enabled = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["Enabled"]); Users.RegisterTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["RegisterTime"]); Users.LastLoginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["LastLoginTime"]); Users.DepID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["DepID"]); Users.Department = reader["Department"].ToString(); UsersList.Add(Users); } } finally { reader.Close(); } return UsersList; } //客户端获取用户信息,只返回ID,UserID, UserName,RegisterTime
private static IList<Users> LoadPartDataListFromReader(IDataReader reader) { IList<Users> UsersList = new List<Users>(); try { while (reader.Read()) { Users Users = new Users(); Users.Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]); Users.UserID = reader["UserID"].ToString(); Users.Name = reader["Name"].ToString(); Users.RegisterTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["RegisterTime"]); UsersList.Add(Users); } } finally { reader.Close(); } return UsersList; } /// <summary>
/// Gets an IList with some instances of Users. /// </summary>
public static IList<Users> GetTopList( int id) { IDataReader reader = DBUsers.GetTopList( id); return LoadListFromReader(reader); } /// <summary>
/// Gets an IList with all instances of Users. /// </summary>
public static IList<Users> GetAll() { IDataReader reader = DBUsers.GetAll(); return LoadListFromReader(reader); } //根据用户单位获取本单位所有用户的数据

public static IList<Users> GetUserByDep(string department) { IDataReader reader = DBUsers.GetListByDep(department); return LoadPartDataListFromReader(reader); } //根据用户单位获取本单位所有用户的数据 新注册的

public static IList<Users> GetNewUserByDep(string department) { IDataReader reader = DBUsers.GetNewListByDep(department); return LoadPartDataListFromReader(reader); } /// <summary>
/// Gets an IList with page of instances of Users. /// </summary>
/// <param name="pageNumber">The page number.</param>
/// <param name="pageSize">Size of the page.</param>
/// <param name="totalPages">total pages</param>
public static IList<Users> GetPage(int pageNumber, int pageSize, out int itemCount) { itemCount = 1; IDataReader reader = DBUsers.GetPage(pageNumber, pageSize, out itemCount); return LoadListFromReader(reader); } /// <summary>
/// Gets an IList with page of instances of Users. /// </summary>
/// <param name="pageNumber">The page number.</param>
/// <param name="pageSize">Size of the page.</param>
/// <param name="itemCount">total items</param>
public static IList<Users> GetListPage(int pageNumber, int pageSize, int pid, out int itemCount) { itemCount = 1; IDataReader reader = DBUsers.GetListPage(pageNumber, pageSize, pid, out itemCount); return LoadListFromReader(reader); } #endregion

#region 新加方法

public static Users GetUserByID(string userID) { using (IDataReader reader = DBUsers.GetOneByUserID(userID)) { Users theUser = PopulateFromReader(reader); return theUser; } } #endregion }






[源码下载]Demo2.模拟简单登陆-效果图 基于networkcomms2.3.1

[源码下载]Demo1 客户端从服务器获取信息(基于networkcomms2.3.1)

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