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Getting Remote Access To Work On Ubuntu 14.04 With Vino(需要xrdp?不需vnc)

2014-12-08 16:25 316 查看
是否需要先apt-get install xrdp以便用xp的远程桌面登录还有待进一步验证。


I hope I was not the only one who was very frustrated to install Ubuntu and have trouble with using a vnc server. I tried my good ol’ trust tightvncserver, but would get only gray screens and other errors on connecting from my local LAN. I reviewed Ubuntu’s documentation time and time again. After forum hunting a bit, I figured why not use the built in vino VNC server. But, I ran into more problems…

The whole point of this was to administrate my Retro-Gaming rig (new project) visually so I can mess with configurations that are bothersome over SSH. Yes, I know most things are fine over SSH, but I wanted to get this to work out of perseverance. The problem with vino on Ubuntu 14.04 is the default authentication. This is a current bug in 14.04 as of this post writing.

Table Of Content

1. Setting up Remote access under vino

1.1 Sharing

1.2 Security

1.3 Show Notification Icon

2. Fixing vino under Ubuntu 14.04 (as of 20140428)

2.1 First, Kill and restart vino:

2.2 Modifying the VNC server security

3. Setting up the script

1. Setting up Remote access under vino

But, first, let’s setup the remote access options. Type “Desktop Sharing” into the dash and hit the configuration screen(注:即在ubuntu软件中心中搜索“Desktop Sharing” ):

What is nice about vino, is it share’s the desktop display that is already started on DISPLAY:0. It will share the screen as you see it on another monitor, mouse and all.

The suggested options are as follows:

1.1 Sharing

Allow other users to view your desktop (enable)

Allow other users to control your desktop (enable)

1.2 Security

You must confirm each access to this machine (optional, but useful)

Require the user to enter this password (enable, set your password)

Automatically configure UPnP router to open and forward ports (optional)

1.3 Show Notification Icon

This is optional

Now click close. vino is setup for connections….or is it?

2. Fixing vino under Ubuntu 14.04 (as of 20140428)

When you try to connect, you’ll like receive the following message:

No matching security types!

What a bummer! So what do you do?

2.1 First, Kill and restart vino:


pkill vino
export DISPLAY=:0.0
/usr/lib/vino/vino-server &


2.2 Modifying the VNC server security

Now here’s the fun part that will make you leap for joy when it works. I am not sure how safe this is, but with proper security set in the vino config page, you should be fine. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Now, modify the security with gsettings:


gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false

You should be able to connect, but this will not stay after a reboot unfortunately.

Now let’s make things permanent:


sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

(注:安装完成后,在ubuntu软件中心中搜索“dconf” )

Some have suggested unchecking this setting in dconf:

org > gnome > desktop > remote-access > enabled

However, that did not work for me after reboot since remote access was of course disable after reboot. I fell back to just making a script and loading it on startup:

3. Setting up the script

From a terminal window:


nano ~/vino-fix.sh

(此处命令可为:gedit ~/vino-fix.sh,不要用root用户)

Fill it with these contents:


export DISPLAY=:0.0
gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false

Make it executable:


chmod +x vino-fix.sh

Head into “Startup Applications”(注:即在ubuntu软件中心中搜索“Startup Applications” )

Click Add, and configure as follows:

Name: vino-fix

Command: /home/YOUR_USER/vino-fix.sh

Comment: (optional)

Reboot your system.

That’s it!

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