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2014-11-24 20:00 756 查看
*Author  : DavidLin
*Date    : 2014-11-22pm
*Email   : linpeng1577@163.com or linpeng1577@gmail.com
*world   : the city of SZ, in China
*Ver     : 000.000.001
*history :     editor      time            do
*          1)LinPeng       2014-11-22      created this file!
*          2)
<pre name="code" class="plain">/*
* try_to_share()检查进程P中地址”address"是否存在
* 如果存在且是没有被污染的页面,将该页面与当前进程共享
* 注意,前提条件是进程p不是当前进程,而且它们共享同样的执行文件

* try_to_share() checks the page at address "address" in the task "p",
* to see if it exists, and if it is clean. If so, share it with the current
* task.
* NOTE! This assumes we have checked that p != current, and that they
* share the same executable.
static int try_to_share(unsigned long address, struct task_struct * p)
unsigned long from;         //管理源页表
unsigned long to;           //管理目的页表
unsigned long from_page;    //管理源页表项
unsigned long to_page;      //管理目的页表项
unsigned long phys_addr;    //管理源物理地址

from_page = to_page = ((address>>20) & 0xffc);  //获取页表地址
from_page += ((p->start_code>>20) & 0xffc);     //from_page加上进程P
to_page += ((current->start_code>>20) & 0xffc); //to_page加上当前进程
/* is there a page-directory at from? */
from = *(unsigned long *) from_page;    //from是from_page的页目录项
if (!(from & 1))    //如果该目录项无效,即源页表也是无效
return 0;   //返回0,表示失败
from &= 0xfffff000; //取得源页表
from_page = from + ((address>>10) & 0xffc);  //此处from_page指向页框

phys_addr = *(unsigned long *) from_page;    //取得源物理页地址
/* is the page clean and present? */
if ((phys_addr & 0x41) != 0x01)    //如果源物理页不干净或者不存在
return 0;                  //返回0表示失败
phys_addr &= 0xfffff000;
if (phys_addr >= HIGH_MEMORY || phys_addr < LOW_MEM)
return 0;    //如果源物理地址不在主内存区,返回0表示失败
to = *(unsigned long *) to_page;    //取得目的页目录项
if (!(to & 1))                      //如果目的页目录项P位无效
if (to = get_free_page())   //申请一块物理页用来保存目的页表
*(unsigned long *) to_page = to | 7;//将页表挂到页目录项
to &= 0xfffff000;     //取得目的页表
to_page = to + ((address>>10) & 0xffc);  //to_page等于目的页表的表内偏移

if (1 & *(unsigned long *) to_page)  //如果目的页表项已经存在有效,die
panic("try_to_share: to_page already exists");
/* share them: write-protect */
*(unsigned long *) from_page &= ~2;  //源页表项设置为只读
*(unsigned long *) to_page = *(unsigned long *) from_page;  //共享
invalidate();            //刷新交换高速缓存
phys_addr -= LOW_MEM;
phys_addr >>= 12;
mem_map[phys_addr]++;    //主内存区相应物理页引用加1
return 1;                //返回1表示共享成功

/* share_page()函数试图找到一个进程,该进程可以和当前进程共享某个页面
* 参数address是当前进程中数据空间的某页面,即把数据空间的起始地址当做
* 0地址的相对地址
* 通过检查当前进程的executable->i_count,因为可执行文件被不同进程引用时会++1,
* 所以如果executable->i_count > 1,表示除了当前进程,还有其他进程使用该文件
* 如果上述条件成立,当前进程就试图与其他进程共享该页
* share_page() tries to find a process that could share a page with
* the current one. Address is the address of the wanted page relative
* to the current data space.
* We first check if it is at all feasible by checking executable->i_count.
* It should be >1 if there are other tasks sharing this inode.
static int share_page(unsigned long address)
struct task_struct ** p;    //指向进程指针的指针

if (!current->executable)   //如果没有对应执行文件,返回
return 0;
if (current->executable->i_count < 2)    //如果只有当前进程引用该文件
return 0;                        //返回
for (p = &LAST_TASK ; p > &FIRST_TASK ; --p) {    //遍历进程管理数组
if (!*p)    //如果进程不存在,继续
if (current == *p)    //如果进程等于当前进程
continue;     //继续
if ((*p)->executable != current->executable)
continue;     //如果执行文件不同
if (try_to_share(address,*p))    //试图与找到的进程共享该页
return 1;                //返回1表示成功
return 0;    //如果上述无法找到进程共享页面,返回0表示失败

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